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Occupation/Resistance --Terra Nova # 12 & 13/Season I 2011/Season Ending

Truth Seeker

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In part one of the two-part season finale, the 11th pilgrimage arrives. With the assistance of Lucas and Mira, the Phoenix Group tries to pillage resources from Terra Nova.


In the second part of the two-part season finale, Jim and Taylor fight against the Phoenix Group. A major decision is made regarding the future of Terra Nova after a colonist is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice.

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First Post
i wonder too. Especially with that cliff hanger at the end. Could be very interesting twist to what we thought the premise of the show was.



First Post
I watched it and this was my only thought: one slug through the left eyeball and no more problems from the chief bad guy. That's all it would take and everyone he would murder in the future would be preserved. This comic book crap... spend all your time knuckle-punching the sociopath just so he has more opportunities to slaughter the innocent and backstab the supposed good-guy fool. Doesn't matter how many innocents the bad-guy kills, or how many of the bad guy's soldiers you have to kill (after all everybody is expendable except the guy with the heart-burn), just so you can save the sociopath/psychopath and daddy and baby "look what I've suffered" boo-boo clouds can have a tear-jerking, blood shank final misguided realization that neither were ever anything like the other. Hey, but at least you can back-slap thunderpunch him to show him how much you disapprove, and how terribly you're disturbed by his murderous, psychopathic tendencies. That'll show him alright. It'll probably make it that much harder for him to forgive himself too. Good job Oprah. Let's see the boy therapy his way out of this fist-spanking breakthrough.

We get it Hollywood/Media Types. Everyone is worth saving except the Victims cause you just can't man-up a running start to slip a slug into the brain-pan of a psychopath. Yeah, it's the villain who's the valuable one. Need to save him at all cost.

Blood of everyone else, hey, that's just the price of doing business. Of course. But kill the bad-guy, shoot him in the head while he's down, that's a bridge too far.

The misguided sensibilities of modern men often give me the creeps. Sometimes I'm awfully, awfully glad I'm not one of them. And have no desire to be.

Fast Learner

First Post
We get it Hollywood/Media Types. Everyone is worth saving except the Victims cause you just can't man-up a running start to slip a slug into the brain-pan of a psychopath.
"Hollywood/Media Types"? Don't you mean "most heroic fiction for the last 100 years"? Was, say, Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond stories in the 50s and early 60s a "Hollywood/Media Type"?

Hand of Evil

Land of the Lost! ;)

As to a second season, I have heard Spielberg wants to be commented to five, which I take means if he will keep paying for the show, they will make it.

Fast Learner

First Post
Good opinion piece on io9: Why did Terra Nova take a whole season to start living up to its pilot?

Does a fine job of pointing out all the dumb stuff in the episode, while praising the good points. She nails it with her first sentence:

"You could watch the pilot of Terra Nova and last night's season finale back to back, and you'd come away thinking this was a pretty fun show. Not a masterpiece, not a deep character study, but a fun piece of television."


First Post
I watched it and this was my only thought: one slug through the left eyeball and no more problems from the chief bad guy. That's all it would take and everyone he would murder in the future would be preserved. This comic book crap... spend all your time knuckle-punching the sociopath just so he has more opportunities to slaughter the innocent and backstab the supposed good-guy fool. Doesn't matter how many innocents the bad-guy kills, or how many of the bad guy's soldiers you have to kill (after all everybody is expendable except the guy with the heart-burn), just so you can save the sociopath/psychopath and daddy and baby "look what I've suffered" boo-boo clouds can have a tear-jerking, blood shank final misguided realization that neither were ever anything like the other. Hey, but at least you can back-slap thunderpunch him to show him how much you disapprove, and how terribly you're disturbed by his murderous, psychopathic tendencies. That'll show him alright. It'll probably make it that much harder for him to forgive himself too. Good job Oprah. Let's see the boy therapy his way out of this fist-spanking breakthrough.

We get it Hollywood/Media Types. Everyone is worth saving except the Victims cause you just can't man-up a running start to slip a slug into the brain-pan of a psychopath. Yeah, it's the villain who's the valuable one. Need to save him at all cost.

Blood of everyone else, hey, that's just the price of doing business. Of course. But kill the bad-guy, shoot him in the head while he's down, that's a bridge too far.

The misguided sensibilities of modern men often give me the creeps. Sometimes I'm awfully, awfully glad I'm not one of them. And have no desire to be.

So...you're saying you could put a bullet into your own child, without compunctions? As frustrating as it was to see the guy get away, I can completely empathize with the father's inability to terminate his own offspring.


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