41st lv DM
Ah, it's finally that time. Or very nearly so..... The end of the current campaign is finally upon us!
Wich triggered the usual survey of the group - What do you want next?
Of the responses, I got two concerning the actual overall campaign.
1 player wants a pirate campaign. If we go that route, no problem. I've still got my Skull & Shackles binder/notes/prep from years ago.
A 2nd player said "something based on Greek myth". Hmm. That I don't really have anything for beyond general knowledge + standard D&D resources....
Fortunately I've got about two months to read/create while another player runs something for a bit.
So talk to me about Odyssey of the Dragonlords’.
I've heard of this, but never read it.
*Is it one campaign/AP like the WoTC/PF stuff? Or just the setting book? What kind of work am I looking at?
*How well does it do the Greek theme it's inspired by?
*Looking at it's map, there's alot of ocean/islands. Are there any real ship based sequences?
*I've heard it's got its' own Pantheon. How integral is that? vs say, plugging in the actual Greek gods?
*If anyones played this, was it FUN? Good/bad/etc parts?
Wich triggered the usual survey of the group - What do you want next?
Of the responses, I got two concerning the actual overall campaign.
1 player wants a pirate campaign. If we go that route, no problem. I've still got my Skull & Shackles binder/notes/prep from years ago.
A 2nd player said "something based on Greek myth". Hmm. That I don't really have anything for beyond general knowledge + standard D&D resources....
Fortunately I've got about two months to read/create while another player runs something for a bit.
So talk to me about Odyssey of the Dragonlords’.
I've heard of this, but never read it.
*Is it one campaign/AP like the WoTC/PF stuff? Or just the setting book? What kind of work am I looking at?
*How well does it do the Greek theme it's inspired by?
*Looking at it's map, there's alot of ocean/islands. Are there any real ship based sequences?
*I've heard it's got its' own Pantheon. How integral is that? vs say, plugging in the actual Greek gods?
*If anyones played this, was it FUN? Good/bad/etc parts?