Official D&D Sage Advice Compendium Updated

Sorry if someone already posted this, but yesterday the Sage Advice Compendium got updated: New things: [NEW] Can a dragonborn sorcerer with a draconic bloodline have two different kinds of Draconic Ancestry? A dragonborn sorcerer can choose a different ancestor for the racial trait and for the Dragon Ancestor feature...

Sorry if someone already posted this, but yesterday the Sage Advice Compendium got updated:

New things:

[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Can a dragonborn sorcerer with a draconic bloodline have two different kinds of Draconic Ancestry? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]A dragonborn sorcerer can choose a different ancestor for the racial trait and for the Dragon Ancestor feature. Your choice for the racial trait is your actual ancestor, while the choice for the class feature could be your ancestor figuratively—the type of dragon that bestowed magic upon you or your family or the kind of draconic artifact or location that filled you with magical energy.

[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Do the benefits from Bardic Inspiration and the [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]guidance [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]spell stack? Can they be applied to the same roll? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]Yes, different effects stack if they don’t have the same name. If a creature makes an ability check while it is under the effect of a [FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]guidance [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]spell and also has a Bardic Inspiration die, it can roll both a d4 and a d6 if it so chooses.

[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Is the intent that a bard gets to know the number rolled on an attack roll or ability check before using Cutting Words, or should they always guess? If used on a damage roll, does Cutting Words apply to any kind of damage roll including an auto-hit spell like [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]magic missile[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]
You can wait to use Cutting Words after the roll, but you must commit to doing so before you know for sure whether the total of the roll or check is a success or a failure. You can use Cutting Words to reduce the damage from any effect that calls for a damage roll (including [FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]magic missile[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]) even if the damage roll is not preceded by an attack roll.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Does the fighter’s Action Surge feature let you take an extra bonus action, in addition to an extra action? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]Action Surge gives you an extra action, not an extra bonus action. (Recent printings of the [FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Player’s Handbook [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]no longer include the wording that provoked this question.)


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Can a bound and gagged druid simply use Wild Shape to get out? It’s hard to capture someone who can turn into a mouse at will. [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]Transforming into a different size can be an effective way of escaping, depending on the nature of the bonds or confinement. All things considered, someone trying to keep a druid captive might be wise to stash the prisoner in a room with an opening only large enough for air to enter.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Can a monk use Stunning Strike with an unarmed strike, even though unarmed strikes aren’t weapons? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]Yes. Stunning Strike works with melee weapon attacks, and an unarmed strike is a special type of melee weapon attack. The game often makes exceptions to general rules, and this is an important exception: that unarmed strikes count as melee weapon attacks despite not being weapons.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Can the rogue’s Reliable Talent feature be used in conjunction with Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]No. Each of these features has a precondition for its use; Reliable Talent activates when you make an ability check that uses your proficiency bonus, whereas the other two features activate when you make an ability check that doesn’t use your proficiency bonus. In other words, a check that qualifies for Reliable Talent doesn’t qualify for Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades. And Remarkable Athlete and Jack of All Trades don’t work with each other, since you can add your proficiency bonus, or any portion thereof, only once to a roll.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]The Shield Master feat lets you shove someone as a bonus action if you take the Attack action. Can you take that bonus action before the Attack action? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]No. The bonus action provided by the Shield Master feat has a precondition: that you take the Attack action on your turn. Intending to take that action isn’t sufficient; you must actually take it before you can take the bonus action. During your turn, you do get to decide when to take the bonus action after you’ve taken the Attack action. This sort of if-then setup appears in many of the game’s rules. The "if" must be satisfied before the "then" comes into play.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Is there a hard limit on how many short rests characters can take in a day, or is this purely up to the DM to decide? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]The only hard limit on the number of short rests you can take is the number of hours in a day. In practice, you’re also limited by time pressures in the story and foes interrupting.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]If the damage from [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]disintegrate [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]reduces a half-orc to 0 hit points, can Relentless Endurance prevent the orc from turning to ash? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]Yes. The [FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]disintegrate [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]spell turns you into dust only if the spell’s damage leaves you with 0 hit points. If you’re a half-orc, Relentless Endurance can turn the 0 into a 1 before the spell can disintegrate you.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]What happens if a druid using Wild Shape is reduced to 0 hit points by [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]disintegrate[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]? Does the druid simply leave beast form? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]The druid leaves beast form. As usual, any leftover damage then applies to the druid’s normal hit points. If the leftover damage leaves the druid with 0 hit points, the druid is disintegrated.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Using 5-foot squares, does [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]cloud of daggers [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]affect a single square? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Cloud of daggers [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT](5 ft. cube) can affect more than one square on a grid, unless the DM says effects snap to the grid. There are many ways to position that cube.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]What actions can monsters use to make opportunity attacks? Are Multiattack and breath weapon actions allowed? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]A monster follows the normal opportunity attack rules ([FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]PH[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT], 195), which specify that an attack of opportunity is one melee attack. That means a monster must choose a single melee attack to make, either an attack in its stat block or a generic attack, like an unarmed strike. Multiattack doesn’t qualify, not only because it’s more than one attack, but also because the rule on Multiattack ([FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]MM[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT], 11) states that this action can’t be used for opportunity attacks. An action, such as a breath weapon, that doesn’t include an attack roll is also not eligible.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]The [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]stinking cloud [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]spell says that a creature wastes its action on a failed save. So can it still use a move or a bonus action or a reaction? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]Correct. The gas doesn’t immobilize a creature or prevent it from acting altogether, but the effect of the spell does limit what it can accomplish while the cloud lingers.


[FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania]Does a creature with Magic Resistance have advantage on saving throws against Channel Divinity abilities, such as Turn the Faithless? [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][FONT=Bookmania,Bookmania][/FONT][/FONT]Channel Divinity creates magical effects (as stated in both the cleric and the paladin). Magic Resistance applies.

I wish the reply on stinking cloud had been more precise - since losing action loses you your bonus action too. Movement and reactions are fine but *technically* spending your action stretching is not the same as losing your action or cannot take action so this reply means...

Inside stinking cloud with failed save, I can still use bonus action abilities and spells that are otherwise legal.

If that's the actual intent, fine, but it seems off.


Shouldn't be any question. You took the Attack action as long as you already made one attack with your action (since, you know, you're committed at that point).

So Shield Master with this ruling works as many in that recent thread thought it should: Make the first attack of your action, but after that you can shove before making your other attack(s).

That is one interpretation. Others rule that the action must be completed (all attacks) before you've "taken" it. I go the other extreme of saying that it doesn't even require an attack - simply saying "I'm attacking the ___" is good enough.

It's been debated ad nauseam over on other threads.

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No more resistant than they are against everything else that does damage.

you are right, no 20th level wizard should be able to turn into ash any 1st level half orc, fiction would suffer a lot.

I wonder why half-orc are classified as uncommon race in PHB, they should have conquered the multiverse, the tremendously 'grunts who cannot be destroyed by Elminster or Mordenkainen with a single shot'.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
you are right, no 20th level wizard should be able to turn into ash any 1st level half orc, fiction would suffer a lot.

I wonder why half-orc are classified as uncommon race in PHB, they should have conquered the multiverse, the tremendously 'grunts who cannot be destroyed by Elminster or Mordenkainen with a single shot'.
I’m just saying, this isn’t unique to disintegrate. Literally no one can one-shot half-orcs, unless they’ve already used their relentless endurance for the day.


having a character especially resistant against one of the most iconic game spells just because she is a half-orc is totally silly, IMO.

Hmm that is not how I interpreted the rulings:

Because of this Sage Advice:
"What happens if a druid using Wild Shape is reduced to 0 hit points by disintegrate? Does the druid simply leave beast form? The druid leaves beast form. As usual, any leftover damage then applies to the druid’s normal hit points. If the leftover damage leaves the druid with 0 hit points, the druid is disintegrated."

I assumed that this Sage Advice:
"If the damage from disintegrate reduces a half-orc to 0 hit points, can Relentless Endurance prevent the orc from turning to ash? Yes. The disintegrate spell turns you into dust only if the spell’s damage leaves you with 0 hit points. If you’re a half-orc, Relentless Endurance can turn the 0 into a 1 before the spell can disintegrate you."

Meant that the half-orc is reduced to 0, jumps back to 1; but if there is leftover damage the half-orc is again reduced to 0 and turned to ash. IMO, only in the very rare case where the disintegrate reduces the half-orc to exactly 0 HP does it not get turned to ash. I think that is OK by me.

Now, looking at it and the spells and Wild Shape more closely, I realize that is not explicitly correct, but it works for me!
Last edited by a moderator:

That is one interpretation. Others rule that the action must be completed (all attacks) before you've "taken" it. I go the other extreme of saying that it doesn't even require an attack - simply saying "I'm attacking the ___" is good enough.

It's been debated ad nauseam over on other threads.

This Sage Advice entry could've been worded more clearly, but from this part "During your turn, you do get to decide when to take the bonus action after you’ve taken the Attack action" the intent seems clear enough that at the very least, you're not required to complete the Attack action, just make the first attack of it and thus commit yourself to it.


This Sage Advice entry could've been worded more clearly, but from this part "During your turn, you do get to decide when to take the bonus action after you’ve taken the Attack action" the intent seems clear enough that at the very least, you're not required to complete the Attack action, just make the first attack of it and thus commit yourself to it.

It depends on your definition of "take an attack action" is. You can move between the attacks granted by an attack action because it's explicitly stated that you can. Others would rule that you can't "interrupt" an attack action with anything else.

Suffice to say I think this ruling is overly-finicky in addition to a contradiction to previous sage advice tweets. I know how I rule even if it is technically a house rule, do what makes sense for you.


André Soares

Meant that the half-orc is reduced to 0, jumps back to 1; but if there is leftover damage the half-orc is again reduced to 0 and turned to ash. IMO, only in the very rare case where the disintegrate reduces the half-orc to exactly 0 HP does it not get turned to ash. I think that is OK by me.

Now, looking at it and the spells and Wild Shape more closely, I realize that is not explicitly correct, but it works for me!

Sorry but that's not how it works. there is no leftover damage with the half-orc, youreceive all the damage and than it goes back to 1. Leftover damage is not a general rule, its an exeption that is applied to wild shape.



friends, do what you prefer, but at my table a player who played so long to be able to cast disintegrate is able to turn to ash anything she brings to 0 hp, half-orc or not. especially when she is a high-level spellcaster and the target a low-level half-orc. the other way around will have no justification at all in fiction and would ruin the suspension of disbelief.

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