OGC Wiki (merged)

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OGC Wiki

Mike Mearls has proposed an OGC wiki for d20 System open game content. Has a number of people signing up. I thought I'd let folks at ENWorld know about it. I hope you can go and help with the project.

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And here I was, argued down by others on this board, for promoting the idea of an OGC wiki.

Go figure. Guess you really have to make a name for yourself before people decide that your ideas are worthwhile.

Roudi said:
Guess you really have to make a name for yourself before people decide that
your ideas are worthwhile.

I wouldn't take it personally. His being the new boy-wonder with WotC gives him standing that none of us can hope to match.

Meh, I don't take things like this personally anymore. I just thought I'd muse about the bitter irony. And, personally, I'd rather be a bitter underdog than a widely-admired industry celebrity.

Awesome idea.

But how would you categorize everything? Without a publishers consent you can't declair compatability. So how are you going to diffentiate in a meaningful way the difference between Spycraft 1.0, Spycraft 2.0, Grim Tales, Conan, True20, etc?

I mean if Mearls is posting his own stuff up there, he can put it's title on there if he pleases (and owns the rights to it!). I'm pretty sure d20 Modern & D&D d20 can be listed by name as well as BESM d20 & d20 Mecha (which are both in SRD Form).

Denaes said:
Awesome idea.

But how would you categorize everything? Without a publishers consent you can't declair compatability. So how are you going to diffentiate in a meaningful way the difference between Spycraft 1.0, Spycraft 2.0, Grim Tales, Conan, True20, etc?

I mean if Mearls is posting his own stuff up there, he can put it's title on there if he pleases (and owns the rights to it!). I'm pretty sure d20 Modern & D&D d20 can be listed by name as well as BESM d20 & d20 Mecha (which are both in SRD Form).

Categorizing is easy, you put things into the appropriate category. :) Crediting is easy too. You include the appropriate copyrights in section 15 of the OGL. Besides, some companies will actually give permission, if you ask.

Infernal Teddy said:
I read Mike's LJ-post when it came around. Has anything happend since then? Has anyone set it up running?

Nothing probobly will happen until Mearles ponies up with his content he promised.

What do people have to easily start with? BESM d20?

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