D&D 5E OGL 1.0a Lives! And One Week to Go in Mechanical Monsters Kickstarter!


First and foremost, thanks to all of you for your support over the last month of this OGL chaos. Through thick and thin, our fans have been truly Legendary, with nearly triple our usual sales on our website compared to other years in January! You saw troubled waters in the game community and you jumped right in to support Legendary Games, and if our friends in the business are any guide you were doing the same to all of your favorite smaller publishers. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, for the pressure you applied when things looked bad, and for keeping it up until your voices were heard! We still have many interesting paths to take into the future, but for now we are proud to call each of you a Legend! Meanwhile...

Nearly 650 backers with ONE WEEK TO GO for the Mechanical Monsters 5E and Pathfinder RPG bestiary Quick-Starter!

Mechanical Monsters is a softcover bestiary featuring over 140 incredible creatures for DnD 5E (over 100 for the Pathfinder RPG version) born from mad scientists and magitech, clockworks and cybernetics, and great grinding gears and engines of destruction! Sci-fi elements have been a part of the RPG landscape from its earliest days, infusing fantasy with elements of future tech from far realms beyond the stars, ancient empires with lost technology, or curious artificers and alchemists working together to blend science and sorcery. Mechanical Monsters delivers an incredible collection of these creatures for your campaign! Plus, we've got bonus add-ons for you like:
  • Get the full bestiary module for the Roll20 VTT or get the monster token pack with icons suitable for any VTT! Plus NEW add-ons for Fantasy Grounds and Shard VTT!
  • Bonus books like the Alien Bestiary and Alien Codex for those who want to really lean into sci-fi themes in their game!
  • Additional options for Pathfinder RPG and Starfinder RPG for those who play multiple systems!
The OGL lives on, and you can Make Your Monsters Legendary for 5E and Pathfinder RPG when you sign up today on Kickstarter!

Within these pages, you'll find over 140 awesome adversaries and gear-driven goliaths, from low-level mecha-minions like walking eye robots, rust-risen undead, and ferrofluid oozes to titanic annihilator robots, magnetoclusters, heavy metal elementals, and clockwork leviathans! You'll find creatures from across the spectrum of technological advancement, from primitive ironrot lichen to sorcerous soulbound shells, gear-punk steamwerks golems and sinister cranial dissectibots, to advanced android assassins and nanite storms. Mechanical creatures also are not limited to the mortal realms of the Material Plane, as you'll find technocurious fey like the asteray and epokasite fixer, fiends like the composite alorbidaemon and endbringer devil, and living spirit-machines like the tsukumogami and more than half a dozen inevitables.

We've got an array of awesome projects percolating in the background as well that got pushed to the side during the OGL uncertainty as we pressed hard to finalize our Kickstarter projects, but we hope you're excited about the upcoming Corrupted Classes sourcebook for 5E, the beginner adventure Into the Feyweald for Pathfinder Second Edition, and the new class expansion Legendary Soulknife for Pathfinder RPG, and many more awesome books to come! Meanwhile, every Friday is 5E FREE-day at the Legendary Loot Patreon, so hie thee hence and grab the dragon's eye staff, crafted from the literal eye of a slain dragon and imbued with incredible martial and magical power! Check it out as our FREE gift to you and consider becoming a Patron today, with pledge levels as low as $3 per month!

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