One Million What?

What Should My Next One Million Be?

  • Dragons

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • Locations

    Votes: 21 39.6%
  • BBEGs

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Rulers

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • PC Backgrounds

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • Mutated Monsters

    Votes: 3 5.7%

  • Poll closed .


I have a few different ideas for my next "One Million" and I wanted some input. Here are the options that are currently floating around my head:

1. Dragons: I mean, come one. Color, size and age aside, there's so many possibilities when it comes to motivation, lairs, minions, etc...

2. Magical Locations: I love my 3.5 DMG 2 and this one is begging for a big fat "One Million" list.

3. BBEG: Too often the BBEG ends up being your typical cultist, necromancer and mad god. if you're going to build a whole campaign around him, he should be unique!

4: Rulers: Wise kings and despotic queens are just the tip of the iceberg. Particularly useful for campaigns where there's lots of travel and lots of small nations.

5: PC Backgrounds: I miss the old random background generation charts. I am thinking that each race needs its own.

6: Mutated Monsters: Fun with random combinations of traits to produce a near limitless array of things that go bump in the dungeon.

So, if you enjoy my "One Million" tables, let me know what might suit you.

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First Post
I voted locations, because I wouldn't mind inspiration for some planes in my new campaign set in the Magic: the Gathering multiverse . . .

. . . but the BBEG option and PC Backgrounds would also very interesting to see.



First Post
I voted locations as well.

But depending on how you play it I wouldn't mind seeing PC Backgrounds, or Mutated Monsters either.


First Post
Rulers. I would love to see different kind of rulers because my setting is filled with small nations and I'm so tired of the old King and Queen thing. More priest kings and whatever you can come up with.


First Post
I voted locations, because I wouldn't mind inspiration for some planes in my new campaign set in the Magic: the Gathering multiverse . . .

. . . but the BBEG option and PC Backgrounds would also very interesting to see.


That sounds like an interesting setting. Since I don't want to derail this thread do you know if you've discussed this somewhere else?


First Post
That sounds like an interesting setting. Since I don't want to derail this thread do you know if you've discussed this somewhere else?

Hm, not much to say, and I haven't really mentioned it anywhere else. Basically, the players are stolen from their home planes by an unknown force (well, the players don't know), and then they get tossed through the multiverse, wandering the planes on different adventures until they achieve some goal. A lot of it isn't fleshed out, as we've only played one 2-hour session so far, but I know the BBEG and who stole them and some other stuff. The stuff I haven't all the way worked out yet is how they'll keep traveling through the planes, and at which point [level] they will assert control over that process.

I don't want to derail the thread either, but if you have any more questions, start a 'D&D in multi-planed setting' thread or something like that and I'll try to address any issues you're wondering about.

On topic:

5: PC Backgrounds: I miss the old random background generation charts. I am thinking that each race needs its own.

Each race? That's a lot of 'one million's . . . but it would be useful :) I'd like to play a randomly generated campaign. Random race, random class, random backgrounds, rolled ability scores, random power selection hehe and random monster encounters . . . all engineered by the randomly generated big bad evil guy, who lives in a randomly generated place!



I've voted for "locations", but in the end I don't really care - all your "one million..." threads are totally awesome!


First Post
I went with PC background more or less due to hearing all the game talk about powers and abilities with no comment about actual character.

Voidrunner's Codex

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