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[OOC] A Game of Trust

Guilt Puppy

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dpdx said:
Impressive effort out of the gate, that new Story Hour is, even if I don't completely understand the notation conventions. I'll probably refrain from writing in it, though, as it requires some 'behind the scenes' knowledge I obviously don't have about this campaign to write well. I'll continue to read with interest, though.

Was the fact that all the links were broken part of what sparked the confusion? :) Went through and fixed them all (and cut out a few of the ones where I'd just gotten link-happy) -- turns out you pretty much have to manually copy the shortcut to every individual post reference, not just change the number. Oops...

Regarding "behind the scenes" knowledge, I'm trying not to include any of that -- although I'm sure there are some situations where you'd need to get inside the head of another character, or that sort of thing, which make it difficult... This is meant only to condense existing information, not to add anything new (although condensing it will hopefully give you all some new insights.)

BTW, for those of you who'd rather not write (and those who don't mind writing as well), how do you feel about me (or other players, in fact) attempting to write from your character's point of view? I already have consent on Niccolo, but obviously he hasn't been everywhere the rest of you have been... It's not the sort of thing I'd want to do without consent, but if you're good with it, it'll probably help out the thread.

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Registered User
Feel free to pilot Oliver, though his association with the Fellowship is brief, I'm certain he'll have a few choice words to share when the time comes.


Registered User
I need to know the ins and outs of sneak attacking.

Oliver has two-weapon fighting.

* Can a sneak attack use both Two-Weapon Fighting attacks?
* If not, does he take a penalty for having his off-hand weapon in hand?
* If not, and he has the Two-Weapon Defense feat, does he still get the AC bonus?
* If so, does each attack get the bonus damage? (That hardly seems fair).
* Can you fight defensively and sneak attack at the same time?

I need the answers to these questions before I can post his combat rolls.


First Post
I need to know the ins and outs of sneak attacking.

Oliver has two-weapon fighting.

* Can a sneak attack use both Two-Weapon Fighting attacks?


* If not, does he take a penalty for having his off-hand weapon in hand?

You can allways choose to attack with just one weapon, thereby ignoring the penalty.

* If not, and he has the Two-Weapon Defense feat, does he still get the AC bonus?

Dunno, don't know that feat.

* If so, does each attack get the bonus damage? (That hardly seems fair).

Yep, it's the most used combo I think, sneak attack and two weapon fighting, even worse since they dropped the ambidextrous feat in 3.5. And nope, it isn't fair, but that's life.

* Can you fight defensively and sneak attack at the same time?


Guilt Puppy

First Post
* Can a sneak attack use both Two-Weapon Fighting attacks?


* If not, does he take a penalty for having his off-hand weapon in hand?

Only if he attacks with it.

* If not, and he has the Two-Weapon Defense feat, does he still get the AC bonus?


* If so, does each attack get the bonus damage? (That hardly seems fair).


* Can you fight defensively and sneak attack at the same time?


Sneak attacking's a pretty powerful tool, though it has plenty of downsides (to use it a lot means going into melee, generally bad news for rogues.) Whether or not this is "fair" or "balanced" is mostly irrelevant to me, especially for this game; it isn't downright broken, and it's what the rules say.


Posting this here to make sure I did it right (putting the Celestial template on a vermin), and so that I can easily resolve what happens to him.


Snugran, a Celestial giant bombardier beetle.

Medium Magical Beast; HD 2d8+4; hp 13.
Init +0; Spd 30; AC 16; (Flatfooted:16, Touch:10).
STR 13, DEX 10, CON 14, INT 3, WIS 10, CHA 9

Attacks: +2 base melee, +1 base ranged; +3 (1d4+1, Bite);

SA: Acid Spray (Ex), Smite Evil (Su);
SQ: Racial Traits: Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft.; Acid, Cold, and Electricity Resistance 5; Spell Resistance 7.

SV Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0 .
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +2.
Feats: Weapon Focus: Bite.

Description: Snugran is about 6 feet long.

Combat: Giant bombardier beetles bite with their mandibles and spray acid.

Special Attacks:

Acid Spray (Ex): When attacked or disturbed, a giant bombardier beetle can release a 10-foot cone of acidic vapor once per round. Those within the cone must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or take 1d4+2 points of damage.

Smite Evil (Su): Once per day a celestial creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (max +20) vs. an evil foe.


Registered User
Thanks for the replies on the mechanics. What a horking screw two-weapon sneak attacking is.

Aw crumbs... forgot to add the MW bonus for Oliver's weapons. Gonna go do that now.


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Out of Town 'til Saturday/Sunday

I'll be out of town until Saturday (at the earliest). I'll try to post if I can, but I can't be guaranteed the time or opportunity. Oliver will just keep his surliness to himself for Fendric's divinations should those occur before I return.

See you guys!

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