[OOC] A Game of Trust


Guilt Puppy said:

BTW, great move with the taunt -- I'll explain in more detail later (not sure what suspicions you were basing it on, or how many were correct), but really, it's tied with Orbril's entanglement for the "play of the game," so to speak.
Oh, that one's easy. Fendric had heard "they're after the healers!" earlier in the combat, and with Nurthk down, Fendric was interested in diverting the swordsman's attention to the more combat-proficient half of the group. Fendric figured a half-elf healer spewing insults would be just about irresistible... [/META]

[edit: not sure I like the idea of so many people firing into melee...]
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A couple questions for my own benefit as a potential DM:

- First, the crit didn't confirm - so is that 17 damage the crit or just the regular?

- Second, if W is attacking me, doesn't that give everyone else around him an AoO?

Guilt Puppy

First Post
- The damage is regular -- given the posted AC of 20, it seemed clear it didn't confirm.

- Melee attacks don't provoke attacks of opportunity, nor do five-foot steps, nor does talking, so no.


First Post
Guilt Puppy said:
Some behind-the-curtain notes, since they're relevant:

Off-hand attacks are made as part of a full attack action, which is a full-round action -- can't be made after a five foot step.
Unless they changed it in 3.5, five foot steps are part of a full attack, so you can still go two-handed. If I'm not mistaken.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
DrZombie said:
Unless they changed it in 3.5, five foot steps are part of a full attack, so you can still go two-handed. If I'm not mistaken.

You aren't... That should have read "more than a five-foot step" (Oliver had to move more than five feet in that situation).

Not my finest hour, that quote :)


Just too good not to share...

I've got so many OOC things that I have to post here:

Firstly, I got very, very lucky elsethread, where one of the extremely talented artists (in this case, eigam) drew up a picture of Fendric. I really like it.

Secondly, how are we treating leveling with regard to spells? I'm pretty sure Fendric's out of anything more than Cure Minor, unless he can pray right now and fill his third-level spell slots. It's still, technically, morning, but I'm all right with it IC if Fendric has to wait until his next regularly-scheduled prayer time.

Thirdly, roughly what time is it now, actually? That combat lasted 10 minutes at most, even with the interlude time, and it started in the early morning. Maybe that's an IC question (Fendric notes the position of the Sun in the sky...), I dunno.

Finally, that's the best combat, bar none, I've ever gotten to play in, and I'm thrilled and amazed we didn't sustain permanent casualties. Thank you, GP, and everybody else.


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Guilt Puppy

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dpdx said:
Firstly, I got very, very lucky elsethread, where one of the extremely talented artists (in this case, eigam) drew up a picture of Fendric. I really like it.

"David Bowie-esque," nice :) Oh, and why do you assume DMs even know what mantles are? :)

(actually, as I understand it, they're sort of like a poncho, except made of lighter cloth, and usually held down with a belt around the waist. But I really could be pretty wrong.)

Secondly, how are we treating leveling with regard to spells? I'm pretty sure Fendric's out of anything more than Cure Minor, unless he can pray right now and fill his third-level spell slots. It's still, technically, morning, but I'm all right with it IC if Fendric has to wait until his next regularly-scheduled prayer time.

You get 'em next time you can memorize, which will be tomorrow morning.

Thirdly, roughly what time is it now, actually? That combat lasted 10 minutes at most, even with the interlude time, and it started in the early morning. Maybe that's an IC question (Fendric notes the position of the Sun in the sky...), I dunno.

Still early morning, roughly half an hour after sunrise (hard to tell with the mountains and the overcast sky). Everyone should be close enough to done with sleep that they're effectively done with sleep.

Finally, that's the best combat, bar none, I've ever gotten to play in, and I'm thrilled and amazed we didn't sustain permanent casualties. Thank you, GP, and everybody else.

Let me add my thanks to those as well -- I can't tell you how refreshing it is to have a tough encounter and see the PCs step up to the challenge and fight heroically, instead of having the players stepping up and complaining that it was not of the appropriate challenge rating. I dig this game.

BTW, all, feel free to hit me up with any questions/comments you might have about that last encounter, as it was big and crazy enough that I'm sure it must have left some people with some questions or comments.


LEW Judge
Guilt Puppy said:
"David Bowie-esque," nice :) Oh, and why do you assume DMs even know what mantles are? :)

(actually, as I understand it, they're sort of like a poncho, except made of lighter cloth, and usually held down with a belt around the waist. But I really could be pretty wrong.)

I've always understood it as a synonym for cloak -- so wrapped around you, not pulled over like a poncho. But what do I know?

BTW, since I've just posted in your thread, I thought I'd take the opportunity to thank you all for having such an entertaining game. I've been lurking for a while, and seeing how much fun you all seemed to be having was what motivated me to take the PbP plunge myself.


Guilt Puppy said:
"David Bowie-esque," nice :) Oh, and why do you assume DMs even know what mantles are? :)
Fendric's purty. Of course you're right; silly me. Still, with now three different ideas of what the mantle should look like, I now have something to draw with my underused set of colored pencils that doesn't require me to draw limbs that look like they're dislocated.

(actually, as I understand it, they're sort of like a poncho, except made of lighter cloth, and usually held down with a belt around the waist. But I really could be pretty wrong.)
That was my guess, too, so I'm going to presume that that's what it is.

You get 'em next time you can memorize, which will be tomorrow morning.
Buh, buh, buh: memorize?? Fendric's not some spellbook-toting arcanist, for crying out loud! :D I hear you: prayer time, tomorrow morn.

Still early morning, roughly half an hour after sunrise (hard to tell with the mountains and the overcast sky). Everyone should be close enough to done with sleep that they're effectively done with sleep.
Cool. Hook up the dog, load up the loot; wagons ho! :)

Let me add my thanks to those as well -- I can't tell you how refreshing it is to have a tough encounter and see the PCs step up to the challenge and fight heroically, instead of having the players stepping up and complaining that it was not of the appropriate challenge rating. I dig this game.
Amen. And, might I add, survive it, every one. That isn't just heroic - that's teamwork. And teamwork is even more heroic. Still, nothing says 'thank you' better than half of fifth level in one encounter. So no, thank you. :D

BTW, all, feel free to hit me up with any questions/comments you might have about that last encounter, as it was big and crazy enough that I'm sure it must have left some people with some questions or comments.
Nurthk's clutch critical, on what, two HP?, for freaking 50 when it needed to happen to avoid the cascading TPK, is one for the historical annals. Curious, how many HP did platemail actually have left by then?

orsal said:
BTW, since I've just posted in your thread, I thought I'd take the opportunity to thank you all for having such an entertaining game. I've been lurking for a while, and seeing how much fun you all seemed to be having was what motivated me to take the PbP plunge myself.
Thanks for saying so - hope you've enjoyed reading as much as we have playing. I also had no idea I wasn't the only one who read the PbP threads for entertainment. You sure you don't want third/fourth spot on the waiting list? :)

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