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D&D 5E (OOC) Adventures in Middle Earth: Over the Edge of the Wild

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I'm the friend of Jago's he mentioned earlier who was interested in playing a Dunedain Warrior. And here he is:

Thorondir, son of Thorongil
Male Dunedain of the North, Warrior 3rd level (Weapon Master)
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power

STR: 14 (+2), DEX: 14 (+2), CON: 14 (+2), INT: 12 (+1), WIS: 14 (+2), CHA: 11 (+0)

Armor Class: 15 (mail corslet) or 17 (mail corslet and shield)
Speed: 30 feet
Weapons: Longsword (attack +4, damage 1d8+2 slashing, Versatile)
Short Bow (attack +4, damage 1d6+2 piercing, Ammunition (80/320))
Belt Dagger (attack +4, damage 1d4+2 piercing, finesse, light, thrown (20/60))

Hit Points: 28 ((10+2)+(6+2)+(6+2))
Hit Dice: 3d10

Proficiency Bonus: +2
Armour: all armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Saving Throws: Strength (+4), Constitution (+4)
Skills: Athletics (+4), History (+3), Intimidate (+2), Perception (+4), Survival (+4), Traditions (+3)
Tools: None
Passive Perception 12

Warrior Features
Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. This weapon must be a two-handed weapon or have the Versatile weapon quality.
Second Wind: You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10+3. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Action Surge: You can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Alternatively, if you spend Inspiration, you may give your Action Surge to a nearby ally as a reaction. The ally must use the Action Surge immediately. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Weapon Master: You have advantage while wielding a weapon with the Two-handed or Versatile traits if you are fighting against a creature your size or smaller.

Background ‘Oathsworn’
Distinctive Quality – Bold: You have no doubt that you shall fulfill your oath and accept any challenge along the way.
Enemy-lore (TBD). Your oath is against a particular culture or someone within that culture. In the course of carrying out your oath, you have learned much about this foe.
Hope: My oath is a worthy one; it inspires others to join me.
Despair: One day I am sure that my fealty to my oath will bring great pain to another.
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Traditions
Feature: Mighty Oath: You have sworn a mighty oath, one that is now indelibly associated with your name. The oath itself should be both suitably epic and possible to accomplish; “I want to kill the merchant who cheated me” fails the first test, while “I want to rid the world of Shadow” fails the second. Vowing to destroy a Dragon plaguing the land is suitably epic, as is overthrowing an evil kingdom.

A mighty oath carries its own legend and you often find yourself receiving aid from those who want to help the legend or even become embroiled in it. When you enter Lake-town, for example, you may find a merchant or two willing to donate a priceless weapon to your cause or re-provision you, while an eager young would-be adventurer may ask to join you on your quest.

The downside is that the subject of any such oath obviously wants to do away with you and if you enter a town or countryside that is beholden to the subject you may quickly find yourself in very difficult circumstances!

Fate also frowns on oath-breakers. If you ever abandon or break your oath, then fate conspires against you. Your reputation suffers and you become a magnet of ill-fortune. Such troubles tend to be minor at first, coaxing you back towards fulfilling your oath, but eventually the weight of them becomes so much that it destroys you in spirit if not of body as well (death is often too merciful for an oathbreaker).

Backstory: Long has Thorondir, son of Thorongil, son of Damrod known what runs in his veins. Long has he known that he, last of his House, long descended from the last king of Arnor, would have the duty that belonged to the last surviving male of his line.
However, those same long years taught him that he could not do his duty by scraping a living off rocks in the ruins of his family's former Kingdom. Thorondir departed his homeland in search of the necessary resources to fulfill his mighty oath: That he would see the glory of Arnor restored and the forces of Shadow repulsed.

Dunedain Traits
Speed: 30 feet
Lore of Numenor: You have proficiency in the History skill
Raised in the Wild: You have proficiency in the Survival skill,.
Languages: speak, read and write in Sindarin and Westron, the Common Tongue
Standard of Living: Martial
Starting Virtue: Royalty Revealed: The Rangers of the North belong to a bloodline of Kings, but they have learnt to hide from their enemies in the twilight years of their kingdom. Should you choose to reveal your heritage, your noble bearing will cause your enemies to pause, and your allies to cast away their doubts.

You may take a bonus action to reveal yourself in battle, by shouting an ancestral battle-cry or unsheathing a weapon of high lineage, for example, or by showing a device or coat-of-arms during an encounter with someone.

Your allies within 10 feet immediately recover 1d6+CHA in hit points. Your enemies within in 10 feet must make a WIS saving throw against a DC 15+CHA. Failure means they are Frightened of you for 1 minute. While Frightened in this way, a creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it cannot willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also cannot take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If it has nowhere it can move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

Any enemy Frightened in this manner thereafter gains the Hatred (Dunedain) Shadow Action and will seek the opportunity to attack you and your kindred whenever given the opportunity.

In a social encounter, by revealing yourself, if the individual you are speaking with respects anything of the legacy of Numenor or the Dunedain, you are treated as if you were Favored by whomever you speak with. Additionally, you receive a +2 bonus to CHA-based proficiency ability checks until the end of the present encounter. Both versions of this ability can be used once during each Adventuring phase.

Equipment: A corslet of mail, longsword and shield, shortbow with 20 arrows, a belt dagger, a hooded travelling cloak and boots, seasonal travelling gear, backpack, a family heirloom, and a well-made blanket


First Post
Kind of having two great weapon specialist is not ideal I would think... I will try and work out my Elf today later if that's cool :)

Are we expecting our hobbit to join us?

Also, DM, my original outline was down with standard array but with point but I managed to nudge my 9 up to a 10. Woot.

[MENTION=6801242]GreenKarl[/MENTION] I'd say go with the character you want to play.

We have a Warden bowman and the Dunedan seems quite high CHA. Between them they're quite Face-y, and I've got a healer/translator (vaguely). A bit of extra muscle isn't necessarily a bad thing.

lets face it I've heard of a party of 13 warriors and 1 treasure seeker and they seemed to do pretty well.


Two Weapon Specialists is not a bad thing: there's several options for both of you to take, and as a Dwarf and a Dunedain, your Virtues would be remarkably different as well. Talk about a scary front-line for me to bravely hide behind and shoot an arrow over!

And yes, I believe our Hobbit is joining us at ... some... point. They're not like Wizards, they arrive late to everything XD


First Post
Hey! I'm with Jago and RonanS. I'll have what I've got for my character up tonight. Just got to type it all out. I went with a Hobbit Wanderer instead of Treasure Hunter.

And Jago, if there's food, we're NEVER late! Come on now... :)

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