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OOC: Tales From The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern!

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First Post
guess I'll have to write up my [sblock]
drunken, skinny, supercillioius, sloppy, occasionally violent, boozing, glutton elf/monk
[/sblock] now.
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First Post
Lazlow said:
So much for the element of surprise... :\

What, you assumed I would tell the truth?


Actually I was thinking that every comedy needs a straight man, so I was considering going for an odd couple effect and making felix, who grew up with the slobs and now can't stand any mess or chaos at all. at least until he gets tricked into drinking, or breaks down and turns into the worst of the lot:)

Good/bad/indifferent? I can go for more like one line I actually wrote if it would work better


First Post
khavren said:
What, you assumed I would tell the truth?


Actually I was thinking that every comedy needs a straight man, so I was considering going for an odd couple effect and making felix, who grew up with the slobs and now can't stand any mess or chaos at all. at least until he gets tricked into drinking, or breaks down and turns into the worst of the lot:)

Good/bad/indifferent? I can go for more like one line I actually wrote if it would work better

[sblock]That's actually a really good idea. Let's give that a shot.[/sblock]


First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Ok, here's my character, first draft, ready for DM approval.

[sblock]Karjanga Stonecrusher
Female Half-Orc Barbarian 1/ Sorcerer 3

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Kord
Height: 5' 8''
Weight: 260lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Age: 17

Str: 18 (+4) [6 points, +2 racial]
Dex: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Int: 12 (+1) [6 points, -2 racial]
Wis: 8 (-1) [0 points]
Cha: 17 (+3) [13 points, -2 racial, +1 level]

Class and Racial Abilities: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha, darkvision 60 ft, orc blood. Fast movement, illiteracy, rage 1/day, proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Arcane spells, familiar.

Hit Dice: 1d12+3d4+8
HP: 29 (rage - 37)
AC: 15 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 40ft

Fortitude +5 [+3 base, +2 Con]
Reflex +2 [+1 base, +1 Dex]
Will +2 [+3 base, -1 Wis] (+6 against mind-affecting effects)

BAB: +2
Melee Atk: +6 (1d12+6/x3/S, greataxe) (Rage atk +8, 1d12+9)
Ranged Atk: +3 (1d8/x3/100 ft./P, longbow)

Bluff +7 [4 rank, +3 Cha]
Climb +8 [4 ranks, +4 Str]
Concentration +6 [4 ranks, +2 Con]
Intimidate +7 [4 ranks, +3 Cha]
Jump +8 [4 ranks, +4 Str]
Knowledge (arcana) +6 [5 ranks, +1 Int]
Listen +1 [0 ranks, -1 Wis, +2 Alertness]
Spot +1 [0 ranks, -1 Wis, +2 Alertness]
Swim +8 [4 ranks, +4 Str]

Combat Casting (1st level)
Force of Personality (3rd level) [From Complete Adventurer, apply Cha instead of Wis mod to Will saves vs. mind affecting spells and effects]

Languages: Common, Orc, Draconic

Spells Known
Save DC +3 – Spells per day 6/6
0th - acid splash, detect magic, flare, ray of frost, touch of fatigue.
1st – enlarge person, fist of stone (Complete Arcane), magic missile, shocking grasp


+1 leather armor – 1,160gpgp (20 lbs)
+1 Greataxe – 2,320gp (12 lbs)
Longbow – 75gp (3 lbs)
40 arrows – 2gp (6 lbs)
Dagger – 2gp (1 lb)
Cloak of Resistance +1 – 1,000gp
Spell component pouch – 15gp
Wand of ray of enfeeblement – 750gp
Backpack - 2gp (2 lbs)
~Bedroll 5sp (5 lbs)
~Waterskin 1gp (4 lbs)
~50 ft. hemp rope 1gp (10 lbs)
~Trail rations (10 days worth) 5gp (10 lbs)
~Belt pouch 1gp (1/2 lb)
~Traveler’s outfit (Free)
~Whetstone – 2cp (4 lbs)


Thrash, raven familiar: Tiny magical beast; HD 3: hp 15; Init +2; Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average); AC 16 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +3; Grp -10; Atk: claws +7 melee (1d2-5); full Atk: claws +7 melee (1d2-5); Space/Reach 2 ½ ft./0 ft.; SQ low-light vision, alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells; AL CG; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 6.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +2, Climb –1, Concentration +4, Intimidate +2, Jump –1, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim -1; Alertness, Weapon Finesse.

Speaks Common


Appearance: Karjanga is very powerfully built half-orc woman. She has a long fall of glossy, raven-black hair plaited with raven feathers. Brilliant violet eyes dominate a haughty and elegant face. Her orc heritage gives her olive skin and slightly pointed ears, as well as very small tusks. She wears crimson leather armor and bears a greataxe at her side notched with many kills. A beaded pouch is at her belt, and a raven sits on her shoulder.

Personality: Karjanga is a stunningly self-confident woman, secure in her martial prowess as well as her magical might. She goes forth expecting to succeed at everything that she does, and usually accomplishes her goals. She has powerful opinions on everything from other people to politics, and tends to make snap judgments based on little information. She can show loyalty to those whom she deems worthy, but is an implacable enemy to almost anyone else. All in all she’s a rather difficult friend to have.

Background: Karjanga was born of a powerful orc chieftain and an equally powerful warrior woman who fell in love with him. With two such powerful people lending her their blood, it was forgone that their offspring would be a warrior. And warrior she was, displaying her father's battle-rages from an early age. However, she also bullied the shaman of her tribe into teaching her the secrets of magic she felt were flowing in her blood. Many were surprised when their "Little Lion" would manifest darts of light or fire to combat her enemies in addition to her axe. Karjanga soon became bored with her father's tribe, finding it limiting, as magic was little understood. She has stridden outward into the larger world to fuel her magic as well as her lust for battle.[/sblock]

Looks good, Isida, just a couple comments:

[sblock]Complete Arcane and Complete Adventurer weren't in my original book list, but the feat and spell you chose are too perfect for your character to disallow them. As long as you give me the particulars for each feat/spell/whatever, I don't mind (of course, you're just feeding my bad habits by making me want to go out and get those books now...).

I'd also like to thank you personally for joining my game here. I'm a little wary of some of the guys who haven't been around for very long, more often than not they tend to lose interest quickly and the game just degenerates until it's unplayable. But I 'know' you from The Mythar Resistance and have seen some of your other games, and it makes me feel a little more confident that this game will actually get somewhere. So, again, thanks! [/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Lazlow - [sblock]And just to be extra polite, lemme get you the specifics for Fist of Stone...

Fist of Stone
Transmutation (Earth)
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1, warmage 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute

You transform one of your hands into a mighty fist of living stone, gaining a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength for purposes of attacks, grapple checks, or breaking and crushing items. In addition, you gain the ability to make one natural slam attack as a standard action, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus your new Strength bonus (or 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus if you make no other attacks that round). You can make the slam attack as a natural secondary attack with the normal -5 penalty (or -2 penalty if you have the Multiattack feat; see page 304 of the Monster Manual) as part of a full attack action. However you cannot gain more than one slam attack per round with this spell due to a high base attack bonus (+6 or higher).

Your fist undergoes no change in size or form, remaining as flexible and responsive as it would normall while under the spell's effect.

Material Component: A pebble inscribed with a stylized fist design.

I also made minor corrections to her attack with her greataxe due to its magical nature. :)

I'm glad to be aboard. Sometimes us old-timers can get the new people stimulated to join or whatnot. "What, Brother Shatterstone/Ferrix/Isida/etc. is in this game? Sweet!" Or I could be ascribing far too much coolness to us. ;)

Sorry about springing books not on the list on you, but I think I covered everything.[/sblock]

Lazlow, it's for yooooooooou!
[Sblock]Hi there, I don't think I'll be able to get you my character until Sunday night at the very earliest. I'm working tomorrow, and then I'm away all weekend.

I also just realized how twisted I am. I'm going ahead with the Neutral Human Cleric 4 of Nerull, but I want to make him a little gross. So maybe the reason he doesn't like undead, is because he's a little bit of one himself.

This is a feat from Libris Mortis, so feel free to nix it. I guess part of me wants to see how far I can push this character concept into the disturbing, yet still keep him humerous. In case you dont' have that book:

You gain the ability to cast necrotic cyst spells by growing one of your own.
Prerequisites: Caster level 1st, Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks.
Benefit: You grow an internal cyst of undead flesh called a mother cyst. The cyst may be noticable as a discolored swelling on your skin, if desired. The mother cyst is slightly painful, but otherwise isn't harmful. The mother cyst grants you access to a selection of cyst-related spells listed below.
Necrotic Cyst Spells: 1st-necrotic awareness, 2nd-necrotic cyst.[/SBLOCK]Both of these spells are pretty-much non-combat related.
The reason I'd pick it is for pure story purpose. He's a goofy guy with a dark secret. Wooooo! Scary!!!!

If you don't like that one, I'd pick Necromantic Presence, which gives all nearby undead a +4 turn resistance. I can image once other's notice all the undead looking at me lovingly, they'll ask me to wait outside. Basically my idea for him is a guy who's pretty much the nicest guy you've met, but he carries a scythe with him everywhere, and asks you if you've ever considered that death really isn't such a bad thing. The reason he doesn't like undead, is because they're kinda wishy-washy death-wise. Not really alive, not really dead either. He prefers the real thing.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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