[OOC] The Forges of the Mountain King- 1st Level Dwarf PCs [Full]


From the look of the most recent map, the goblin's gone and put himself in a square where only one of us can get him at a time. I suggest then, that Cinara attacks, and Kazzagin follows with a mark and a handaxe. The goblin takes the radiant damage from the mark because he has to hit Cinara. Cinara then attacks and shifts, allowing Kazzagin to charge it and hit him? Make sense?


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First Post
Cinara can't attack since she's already moved and is too close to charge. So i'm all for pinning him in until someone else gets here and then backing out.

Depending on DM's call, we 'might' be able to squeeze in a 2nd, but i'm not sure.... DM?


This, you didn't say we saw him moving around the corner. Now is everything clear :)

Post #635

Big Uppity

The Goblin burbles something in his foul tongue and then... departs- back the way he came, a quick dart back sees him safely out of the range your weapons and then he's off... around the corner and out of sight.


The Defence Council rests your honour...

Walking Dad

First Post
But you mechanic ooc said we last saw him in the square he shifted to...
Shift M95. Move ?? Stealth check 19

I wanted (;))
Shift M95. Move around corner to ?? Stealth check 19

I thought he might have hidden in M95. As I said, everything is clear and this is a great game!!

I totally dig your style, if you have an opening in any other game of yours (in addition to this), please PM me!


But you mechanic ooc said we last saw him in the square he shifted to...

I wanted (;))
Shift M95. Move around corner to ?? Stealth check 19

I thought he might have hidden in M95. As I said, everything is clear and this is a great game!!

I totally dig your style, if you have an opening in any other game of yours (in addition to this), please PM me!

No Problems, thinking of starting a 3rd PBP but wondering if it will be too much...

Still not sure as of yet.

Thanks for the kudos, I'll be clearer next time.

Cheers PDR



1) I'm going to be away at a film festival 21-23 (that should be Thursday to Saturday), I may attempt to log in and reply to stuff at some point but I doubt it. I will more than likely check back in on Saturday night- because I'll be missing you all by then, if not it'll be Sunday 24th before I'm back to it.

2) I'm moving office, and doing lots of other stuff at work (in my own time) between Monday 25th and Friday 29th, I think I'll actually be 'in work and busy' for three days. Don't slow down your posting during this period, its just that you wont get your fairly instant replies, I'll be home for 4 PM or thereabouts even if I am in work- I'm going to be continuing to take it easy.

3) Your PCs are fast approaching Level 2, this is generally the point where people declare themselves un/happy with their PCs. When you reach Level 2 I will allow you to rebuild your character- as much or as little as you like, anything goes- as long as it stays the same name and the same function ie Defender, Striker etc.

I allow this because in almost all of the games I have DM'ed in RL, and via Maptools- people are keen to try something new but by the time they've been in x encounters they're hankering for... whatever it was they were going to build before the latest shiny character class came out and grabbed there attentions.

I'll say it again- you can rebuild your PC at Level 2 if you are unhappy with it, as long as you retain the name and the function then ANYTHING goes.

This includes adding in THEMES.

After level 2 then the rules apply, you stick with what you've got, I may be persuaded to allow you to change two powers/feats/skills at a later level but there better be a good reason. We go by the book from then on...


Cheers Goonalan


First Post

Apologies for my absence. I've been on duty since 5am yesterday morning and we had a horrible accident that resulted in one of my Soldiers being killed last night. This is the first free moment I've really had and I plan to be in bed in about 15 minutes. :)

I've got duty again tomorrow, and I'm hoping to be in enough of a state of mind to properly post. I did quickly glance over the IC chat... of course she would love to have the warhammer to help keep the baddies locked down. And I think she'd welcome Kathra to the fold while being a bit grossed out by Grim (but in a good way!). I'll do my best to get back to posting soon.....


I touched on this IC.

My new level 2 Mardred is staying Rogue, but going all Hammer happy. With Dwarven Weapon Training and Lethal Hammer Training, I'll be using a 1d10 weapon for all of my melee rogue stuff. I hope to be putting gross amount of damage on the beasties.

That's why I was eyeballing that snazzy new Warhammer. The Dagger is a great tool for me right NOW, and will serve in the future as well. Plus, returning. Mmmm.

I often forget that Rogues are Strikers and their job is to hit enemies hard.
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Walking Dad

First Post
All magic weapons are now returning... were the things under the stone panel already checked for being magical? Maybe the chain is a ki-focus or holy symbol...

Need some input:
shall I go Holy Symbol (protects from CA) or Ki-Focus (extra damage vs bloodied) expertise?
Grim is a bit fragile HP wise, has not many HS, which speaks for HS, but his role is Striker which would favor Ki-Focus...

His attacks are mostly melee with one accurate ranged vs will I grew to like.

Personally I favor HS in the moment, but I always tend to favor defense...

larryfinnjr: Sorry to hear that. Lack of posting is totally understandable (IMHO) in this case.

For Themes: Dips on 'Explorer'
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