[OOC] The Forges of the Mountain King- 1st Level Dwarf PCs [Full]


First Post

PS No-one has good Init in your team save the Thief and he's not got Improved Init, I understand that's not the point I'm just saying.

We will see how this turns out, since as you all imagine, I will be that crazy SOB who will mostly charge whatever he sees first.
I am aiming at higher initiative, but I need to take care of the BAB and dmg output first ;-)

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Walking Dad

First Post
Many DMs prefer 'group' initiative and actions in order, but I was also in a game (that got finished, something not the norm in PbP) who used the standard initiative, resolving each players action turn by turn. People tend to post faster when they know they are the only person the others are waiting for.


Just to say I'm going to try and upload the maps here also (see below), hopefully I can update them pretty often so you can see exactly what's going on.


Can someone check that you can 1) access the map, 2) see it in full size (2560x2048) and 3) download it.

Pretty please.

Cheers Goonalan


First Post
Just to say I'm going to try and upload the maps here also (see below), hopefully I can update them pretty often so you can see exactly what's going on.


Can someone check that you can 1) access the map, 2) see it in full size (2560x2048) and 3) download it.

Pretty please.

Cheers Goonalan

Unless I'm doing something wrong, I'm unable to download it. I AM able to access and see full size.

Nevermind! I was able to download. All's well.
Last edited:


Yip, map looks good to view and download.

On another note, I'll be away on business next week Tuesday and Wednesday so I'll be unable to post during that time.



Just to say got the votes in from-



Walking Dad

I know Ressurectah is having internet problems, he's out and about as part of his job, therefore I'll extend the deadline and feedback the results as soon as.

Cheers Goonalan.

Walking Dad

First Post

We should start to focus our attacks on one enemy at a time. Most have no penalties for being bloodied, but recharge nasty attack.

Also, did we start with weapons in hand or not? Regarding how 'hard' you, Goonalan, rule in such situation I may consider taking the quickdraw feat.


Sounds like a plan. Although perhaps late in this battle without drawing OA.

Not sure about the weapons, but I posted earlier that Kazzagin had readied his, so assumed he was good to go.




We should start to focus our attacks on one enemy at a time. Most have no penalties for being bloodied, but recharge nasty attack.

Also, did we start with weapons in hand or not? Regarding how 'hard' you, Goonalan, rule in such situation I may consider taking the quickdraw feat.

Of the three PCs so far that have acted, I allowed Kazzagin to go without the draw because he stated (I thought) in a previous post that he had his weapon out and shield ready before him- and he was mostly just looking about.

I don't mind if you state that at all times- except when busy with two hands that you have one or two weapons drawn, as long as I can see it in the text somewhere. In fact I am happy to presume this.

That said if character X is clearly doing something that requires two hands to accomplish then I presume they have sheathed their weapon and ask the players do likewise- as in presume the same.

What I don't want to do though is have us hang on 24 hours while someone reposts their actions because they forgot... I will probably let players get away with it once, but then remind them about the rule.

So, to recap- I presume you have weapons and shield at the ready.

If your PC is doing something with one hand then you either put down your shield, or sheath a weapon.

If using two hands then- obvious really.

Please make it clear what you have in your hands in the text is the ideal answer.

Cheers Goonalan



And just to remind ripjames (Mike) when he returns still awaiting your votes from the speeches, way back at the start- 1st 2nd 3rd... pretty please.

Cheers Goonalan

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