D&D 5E OotA: NPCs Fate (Spoilers)


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
For those of you that have played Chapter 1 of Out of the Abyss, what prisoner NPCs did NOT make it out with the group?

Here's our list:

Prince Derendil: Killed by Drow Officer in an unnecessary fight. The DM was a little disappointed in our use of the Prince as a "meat shield." I hope we don't come to regret the loss. He was great meat shield.

Eldeth Feldrun: Thrown to the spiders by Drow guards after fighting Ront in prison. Last seen, wrapped in a spider web cocoon. My elf regrets not mercy killing this NPC when he had the chance.

Ront: Whereabouts unknown. Last seen unconscious in prison during the escape after being beaten by Drow guards (see above). The prison was later checked. He was gone.

Sarith Kzekarit: Committed suicide. He was repulsed by desecration of Lolth Temple. Later, he tried to rejoin party. The party was attempting to climb down a cliff and he insisted on going last. My elf didn't trust him and refused. Committed suicide by jumping off the cliff a short time later.

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Ront: Turned on the party during a fight with orogs. He thought the baddies would win. He thought wrong. Killed by a gnome monk.

Topsy and Turvy: Left the group one night during their watch. Left a note scratched into wall reading "We left. T&T." Whereabouts unknown.

So far, the only named NPCs my party has killed are drow...
Jorlan - killed in first insurrection - the one friendly, and they attacked first...

Shoor - killed pursuing the body of Ilvara.

Ilvara - one-shotted by a drow rogue-thief using a poisoned bolt while levitating to avoid the melee... failed the concentration, fell 80+ feet while parylized, and landed 10' from the monk, and 25' from the cleric... KILLED. Then, decapitated and head displayed to break the morale...

As for the prisoners...

THey left 4 NPC prisoners behind, but plan on fetching them shortly. ALL NPC Prisoners are either neutral or allied to date.
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Eldeth and Prince Derendil: defeated and subdued by Quaggoth servants during the prison break.

A halfling NPC called "Merric": gruesomely dissolved and eaten by a Grey Ooze during the prison break.

Most other NPCs: not privy to the escape plans, they were out working when the PCs escaped, and stays behind. Only Jimjar, Ront and Shuushar escapes with the five player characters for a ten-man gang in total.

The PCs kill two Drow guard as they escape. Prince Derendil kills three Quaggoth before he's taken down, and Eldeth kills one Drow guard before being recaptured.

Mistress Ilvara will not be pleased. There is a good chance she will take out her frustration on Eldeth and/or Prince Derendil by public execution. Not that this will necessarily become known to the PCs...

We're in the middle of our trek in the UnderDark. Hopefully we'll find our way to surface, but our guide just died!

Updated list-

Derendil: Killed during jailbreak

Sarith: Committed suicide

Ront: Whereabouts unknown

Eldeth: Saved from the spiders! The cleric in our group used soap on his feet in order to avoid the stickiness of the web. We cut her loose, dealt with the spiders, and headed out the North Tunnel.

Stool: Roasted alive by a lava vent.

Jimjar: Murdered in his sleep. Found with his lungs wrapped around his neck. We have a good ol' whodunit on our hands.

Madness rolls will be forthcoming because of this incident.

Topsy & Turvy. Climbing *under* a bridge to stay out of drow fire during the escape. He fell, she decided to join him and let go.

Derendil, killed fighting the Kuo Tuo Archpriest.
Deep Gnomes, Stool, and Ront, killed during escape from Drow.
Shoor, fell into a ravine, but later reappeared at the Kuo Tuo village.
Sarith, cured of his spore infestation by a Lesser Restoration spell, now amnesiac.
Buppido, disappeared during a battle, lurking around, will show up in Graklestugh, perhaps taking the place of Droki.
Eldeth, killed during a Merrow attack while boating on the Dark Lake.

I"m trying to get rid of these guys as fast as I can, 7 players + all these NPC is killing the game. They won't die!!!!!

In addition to the dwarf I've had T&T flee the party after a huge spider attack. They added little, but they may show up again.

I"m trying to get rid of these guys as fast as I can, 7 players + all these NPC is killing the game. They won't die!!!!!

In addition to the dwarf I've had T&T flee the party after a huge spider attack. They added little, but they may show up again.

If I were DMing, I'd probably agree with you. Fortunately, our DM has taken a different tact. Our group is dependent on the NPCs as guides through the UnderDark, without them we're lost.

The game moves slower, but it's becoming a deadly game of Nerd Poker. Our group wants the NPCs alive, but only the *right* ones. I would rather not wake up with my lungs around my neck.

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