Operation Backpack


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August usually means back to school shopping for most Americans. But each year, thousands of children living in homeless shelters and foster care return to school without even the most basic of necessities. Operation Backpack, a program operated by Volunteers of America, helps provided these needed supplies to our country's most vulnerable students and gives them a chance to continue their education.

Bards and Sages Publishing, in cooperation with Drivethrufantasy.com, has launched a month-long speculative fiction charity fundraiser in support of Operation Backpack. Bards and Sages Publishing has partnered with Pulpwork Press and independent authors Andrew Biss, J.R. Leckman, TK Murphy, Shaun Jeffrey, Vianka Van Bokkem, and MJA Ware to offer a special collection of seventeen horror, fantasy, and sci fi titles for a donation of $10. 100% of the profits from the bundle will be donated directly to Volunteers of America to support Operation Backpack.
In just the first two days, the fundraiser has already raised almost $1,000. More information about this initiative can be found at Bardsandsages.com/charity. Please support this worthwhile project by picking up the charity bundle today and spreading the word about the event.

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