D&D General Ordering bulk dice by type?


Moderator Emeritus
I am looking to order multiples (10 or more) of specific types of polyhedral dice that are (ideally) all the same color). I know when I've been to con there are vendors from which I could pick out individual dice I like (or once I bought a bucket of dice!) but my google skills are failing me in finding a mail order option where I could put 10 black d4, 10 red d8, etc in my shopping cart.

Anyone know of something like this?

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When I was putting together some prop healing potions and needed around 20d4 "blood red" dice, I ordered my dice off Amazon. There's tons of dice vendors there that should fulfill any dice needs you have.

"DND dice" on Amazon comes up with a few hundred pages of dice options.


Just recently bought ten d12's all the same style from The Dice Shop

They seem to allow ordering of particular dice in particular sizes without having to buy traditional RPG sets, they have a massive range as well.

Their search engine is really good though so you can search for d10s + Black and find sets of 10 straight black d10's or individual d10's in black/green, black/pink, etc. To give you an idea of range that search produces 5 pages of results at 40 items a page. Prices range from 50p a die to £10 a die for some really fancy hollow metal dice.

I think they are based in the UK so not sure what shipping would be to other places.
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I thought I saw in one of the recent week of threads about a set of dice you can buy for learning the game. You get 10 sets of dice, but each d-whatever is a different color. This way everyone has a red d20 and a blue d4 and you tell them to roll the red d20 to hit. The idea is to make it easier to learn to play.

Argyle King

When I was putting together some prop healing potions and needed around 20d4 "blood red" dice, I ordered my dice off Amazon. There's tons of dice vendors there that should fulfill any dice needs you have.

"DND dice" on Amazon comes up with a few hundred pages of dice options.

What he said.

You can also search Amazon by die type. For example:

d4 Check this out! https://a.co/d/97nuL57

d4, d6, and d10 all seem easy to find

Searching for d8s comes up with results, but bulk d8s seem more expensive (for reasons unknown to me).

I see several results for d12s and d20s. Though, be careful that the d20s you order are taking d20s and not the ones used as counters (with the numbers arranged differently).

Voidrunner's Codex

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