[OT]Gen Con Gifts


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Well I got it!



I started getting teary eyed seeing how much you guys really care. It feels like I was at Gen Con already.

The books, the Big red D20 (my favorite color BTW), the dice and of course, the dice bag.

You guys are the greatest and you know what? You guys ARE family!​

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I was handed the dice bag to sign at Alsih2o's Sunday party, and I thought it was a *great* idea. I'm glad you got it. :D

See, alsih2o, the falsely-colored spray paint can was fate! :D

Glad the package arrived safe & sound. The USPS comes through again. I was going to put the big red d20 in the dice bag, but it's too big. :)

Apologies to anyone who didn't get a chance to sign the dice bag. I was acosting EN Worlders all weekend, but I did have gaming slots to play in. ;)

We are family
I got EN Worlders and me
We are family
Log on ev'rybody and post

[edit - changed final line of song]
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First Post
Angelsboi said:
False Color? What was it originally?

i considered black for cool factor, then decided against it.

i was gonna do a rainbow for gay pride, but did not know if you liked that stuff.

so i settled on a deep blue. i grabbed the can of deep blue and headed to indy. when i reached for it to finish it at the sunday party it turned out the red can had the blue lid, so you got red, glad it worked out :)


First Post
Glad you enjoyed the gifts. When I was handed the bag to sign and told what was going on I had to include a book for you. :D

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