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[ot] spotting gamers


I got dice older than you.
DerianCypher said:
I just got an idea! I will carry a d20 around and if I see someone who looks like a gamer.. I will throw it DIRECTLY AT THEIR HEAD! If it hits them and they say, "Critical hit!" I'll know they are a gamer! If it misses they'll say something like "Miss!" and I'll know they are a gamer. If the proceed t chase me down and try to beat the living daylights out of me, I'll know they are most definatly not a gamer :D :D :D
If you hit someone in the head with the d20, and they spin around and say, "You missed the vital spots!", you'll know it's me....wish i still had that t-shirt......

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Dispater said:

What's this thing with gamers and swords? I'm getting seriously nervous about meeting one of you guys...

Hey, some people use mace to protect themselves. I gave my daugter a morningstar.

Besides, if you don't carry a sword, just yell "I'm a mage!" when I do my gamer check. I've got good reflexes -- I should be able to stop. :)


First Post
Gamers need to be doing more gamer stuff to allow other gamers to know who we are. First of all, we need to quest more, & make sure we repeatedly ask everyone we see about information pertaining to this quest, even if it is finding a bathroom "Excuse me sir, do you have rank in Intuit Direction? I am on a quest to unveil the +2 Porceline Bathroom of the Public". Secondly, we need to slay more stuff, period. Third, we need more magic items.


I certainly don't look the gamer for the most part, and a fellow player esentially told me I look like a GQ man on the way to a baseball game. To that I said "Power Word: Kill", and he knew I had been playing a while.

I think I can tell usually by mentioning the subtle things that have already been mentioned. It's like a separate language of knowledge and with an occasional hint of dragons or fantasy I can ferret out a gamer within a minute or so, that is unless they are completely anti-social.


First Post
Pfft- spotting gamers is only easy unless they fall within the "Gamer look." and suprisingly, less and less people are falling into that category anymore. I myself do not look like a gamer, although people don't see too surpised when I tell them. Then again, I haven't told that many people :D


Tyler Do'Urden

Soap Maker
Of course, if we're talking about the gamer look, which "gamer look" are we talking about?

The "I haven't bathed in two weeks, live in my parents basement/dorm with the other CS majors, don't own any clothing other than my South Park and Intel t-shirts look?" All too often they haven't a clue when it comes to the dice-chucking. In fact, one fellow who I knew in high school who fit the description to a T has been quoted as repetedly saying that D&D is for losers, and he'd never play. Ironic, considering he spends more time playing Everquest than most people spend breathing...

Or is it the "I have a long hair and beard, a large gut, also haven't bathed in two weeks, and also lack for fashion sense, yet I'm of indeterminate age (somewhere between 25-50)?" He could be the young Gary Gygax impersonator who sits around the FLGS (come on, every one of those places has at least one), or he could just be an unemployed factory worker who spends all his time (and unemployment checks) drinking away his sorrows.

Or is it the fellow who insists on decking himself out like he just walked out of The Matrix or the Anime-of-the-week, who thinks he's so cool because he owns a sword collection and doesn't smell as bad as most geeks? What about the pretentious goth- Vampire LARPer or just making a fashion statement? The spikey-haired punk with the dog collar and the Pokemon patch on his backpack? The girl with the multicolored hair, Anne Rice novels and too much bad perfume who is always drawing curse sigils in her notebooks? The young goateed programmer who is never without his laptop, latte, and Disinformation book-of-the month?

Would the real gamer please stand up?


(This was intended as only partially tongue-in-cheek. Resemblence of the people described above to anyone in reality is purely intentional- I've met them all. ;) )


First Post
Hmm.. good point Tyler...


We need to come up with a gamer dress code! Something completely wierd and off the wall that no one but gamers would wear! This would solve all these problems :D


First Post
Well, do what im about to. Drill a small hole in a d20 (either on the 1, or the 20). Put an eye screw in the hole. Thread a string through it. New d20 necklace.

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