"Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}


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nemmerle said:
(so far I have gotten absolutely NO feedback on the one chapter I have released :( - Chapter 18: Spells & Magic of Aquerra)

I actually got it the day that it came out and was real excited. I read the first file, which I found very interesting, but for some reason the second and third file would not open for me. I'll try again soon.

EDIT: Aha! It works! Guess it must've been my old computer. I'll check this bad boy out.
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Hey Nemmerle,

I just got a chance to catch back up on the Story Hour.
Kudos to you and your players. Several excellent installments.
Any chance that your group will be at Gen Con?
If so I'll see ya there.

Kal Torak

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This is the Best soty hour (even better than P.kittys)!!

I would really like to see the Story of Ratchis, I only started reading this story hour a few month ago (downloaded the .docs from the Aqurra site) and I'd really like to read it!

Viva Nemmerle!!!!

Jon Potter

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Since We're on the topic...

I'd like an opportunity to read the story of Ratchis.

I too started reading the Aquerra storyhours after the messageboard problems began on the old server and Ratchis' tale was lost to electronic gremlins. I've heard lots of praise from those people who were fortunate enough to read it when it was available.

Perhaps a digest could be made available if nobody wants to go to the trouble of posting installments?


Moderator Emeritus
Hey all!

Just got back from GEN CON, where I had a blast - oh, and I met Halma - who is woefully behind in this story hour - but it was a blast to talk with him about it nonetheless. . .

I hope to work on the next installment this week -so look for one early next week or late this weekend at the earliest. . .


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I won't be behind for long... will you Nemm...hehhehe

nemmerle said:
Hey all!

Just got back from GEN CON, where I had a blast - oh, and I met Halma - who is woefully behind in this story hour - but it was a blast to talk with him about it nonetheless. . .

I hope to work on the next installment this week -so look for one early next week or late this weekend at the earliest. . .

Wow..!!! I am famous in multiple threads... It was great to meet the DM of this great story hour!!!! I am going to catch up with the story hour this week I promise you, but my question is will you be? hehehe

Halma "The Dead Barbarian"


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Barbarians' Heaven

Horacio said:
Halma, is Barbarians' Heaven as good as Wulf told us in the story hour?

Much better.....He didn't mentioned the wide expanse of open terrain that Halma can run on, the beautiful Rolling hills, or the free beer everywhere he decides to sit. With the added bonus that Halma gets to go and make fun of Tomaloc (The peck) every once in a while too.... "You Peel..Potatoes good!!!, Haaaaahehahah"

Halma "The Dead Barbarian"

Voidrunner's Codex

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