"Out of the Frying Pan"- Book III: Fanning the Embers


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Don't appologize, Nemmerle. That's the kind of campaign you run. As you say, it makes the victories all the sweeter, knowing how easy it is to fail. (I'm dying to play in one of Nem's campaigns, & long ago reserved the first spot in the eventual Aquerra PbP! ;) )And look at the bright side, Martin did get his spell books back. :heh:

(but it gets worse...?)
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First Post
I was blown away by it. It is definitely what I have come to expect from your campaign. I can't tell you how terrified I would be to play in your group, but I love reading about it. And monboeson, notice that three of the still living characters can turn and heal, so your are partially correct.


Tony Vargas

monboesen said:
The natural evolution in your game would be that almost everyone played clerics. That way they might have enough healing and turn undead attempts to survive.

Well, let's see who's alive: Kazrak (fighter/cleric), Ratchis (ranger/cleric), Boerth (Paladin), Martin (Wiz)...

and who's dead: Janna (Sorc), Jeremy (fighter), & Derek (ranger?).

Your posited theory of party-composition evolution would seem to be supported. ;)

Of course, it might have to do with other factors than mere survival. Aquera seems to have some pretty well-developed established religion, and such themes are treated fairly well in the story, and, I assume, at the table - so, it also looks like it'd be a good campaign in which to RP a cleric, as well as one in which that class might also be more survivable and more useful. I'd like to see how Nem treats Druids or Monks... those'd also strike me as viable choices.

Low wealth/magic games (and I'm not criticizing them, I prefer such games) do tend to disfavor some classes - fighters, for instance, are less likely to have a magic item to fall back on when they need to reach outside of thier tight set of class abilities, and will find thier AC lagging against thier opponents' BAB, without enhancement bonuses; wizards will find themselves with a much smaller spell selection (Martin exemplifies this, AFAICT) and less able to avail themselves of item creation; Paladins and clerics may also run into the armor/AC problem, though they have magic to aid them; and so forth. Other classes might shine by contrast - any caster, for instance, has a more important role, since few of his spells will be replaced by items - and, any class with sold, dependable, scaling abilities may also do well: Monks, for instance, with thier AC and damage scaling by level independent of items; Druids, already restricted to cheaper armors, and with spells and Wildshape to improve thier effectiveness; or standard Sorcerers, who simply gain thier spells automatically as they level.


First Post
Tony Vargas said:
Well, let's see who's alive: Kazrak (fighter/cleric), Ratchis (ranger/cleric), Boerth (Paladin), Martin (Wiz)...

and who's dead: Janna (Sorc), Jeremy (fighter), & Derek (ranger?).

Low wealth/magic games (and I'm not criticizing them, I prefer such games) do tend to disfavor some classes - fighters, for instance, are less likely to have a magic item to fall back on when they need to reach outside of thier tight set of class abilities, and will find thier AC lagging against thier opponents' BAB, without enhancement bonuses; wizards will find themselves with a much smaller spell selection (Martin exemplifies this, AFAICT) and less able to avail themselves of item creation; Paladins and clerics may also run into the armor/AC problem, though they have magic to aid them; and so forth. Other classes might shine by contrast - any caster, for instance, has a more important role, since few of his spells will be replaced by items - and, any class with sold, dependable, scaling abilities may also do well: Monks, for instance, with thier AC and damage scaling by level independent of items; Druids, already restricted to cheaper armors, and with spells and Wildshape to improve thier effectiveness; or standard Sorcerers, who simply gain thier spells automatically as they level.

Interesting analysis of low-magic games. I'd never thought about it that way before. As for deaths. Don't forget Malcom (Bard). Derek was a ranger/rogue.


Moderator Emeritus
Welcome Tony.

Interesting analysis.

Someone is playing a druid variant (as druids are folded into the priest class in Aquerra) in Rastfar's 'The Promised Land' campaign (the story hour has not gotten that far yet) and it is interesting so far. Her abilties have made certian outdoor encounters much easier - though she rarely heals others.

The witch (which has been overhauled since Jana played the first one) replaces the sorcerer.


Registered User

Well that's for role-playing reasons. And besides, Rastfar, and others I thought, tended to not like the clerics as walking medics role?



Moderator Emeritus
Tellerve said:

Well that's for role-playing reasons. And besides, Rastfar, and others I thought, tended to not like the clerics as walking medics role?


Hey! I wasn't trying to put you down - I was just mentioning that your healing is not a readily accessible resource for everyone - and that is as it should be I think.


Registered User
a'ight, just checking. I thought I heard the mewling of a certain bard ;)

Perhaps it'll change after the most recent bit of information that Rastfar put up from the book. Then again maybe it won't, but I'm sure it'll do something for that character.


p.s. Sorry for starting to pry this thread from its intentions of telling the Fearless' story
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Moderator Emeritus
Hey all!

I just wanted to let you know that I am diligently working on the next installment, which includes the introduction of a new PC and the grilling she gets!

Also, I have been thinking of posting something more to the Rogue's Gallery thread - Anything anyone wants to see in particular?

Someone mentioned the Cifal, anything else?


First Post
maybe the vampire that got ousted in one blow, that would be nice to see. everything else I want to know about seems like it might not be resolved in the story yet and I wouldn't want to ruin the fun. Glad to know that you are working on another installment, I can't wait.


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