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(Over)Zealous Paladins

Jack of Tales

First Post
It has been two days since the majority of the Redtol Wyverns walked out the front door on their first job. You two watched forlornly, not wanting to be left behind, but knowing that Vincent had not chosen you for the job. You spent the last two days in the headquarters’ back room going over the large number of seemingly random items left behind by the last owners. A wardrobe full of linen gowns, several extra tables, an armoire filled with various coats for men and women, a shelf filled with wine-making and beer making books and even a coffin line the walls and floor. Vincent has had you take out a number of items and bring in some others (which frankly didn’t make much sense either, who needs a pile of half broken shields?). You didn’t ask too many questions, he was a bit strange anyway.

Now you are seated with Vincent in front of a slim girl of perhaps sixteen dressed in a fashion not typical to Keldon’s weather. She had come in dressed in numerous large coats but after unloading them all you can see that she is dressed in strange silk pants that balloon out around her legs and a shimmering silk wrap that leaves her midriff bare. Her long red hair is tied back into a high ponytail and her bright green eyes glitter over her smiling face. Vincent had called you down saying that there was a client with a job. Apparently this girl was the client. She has already given her name as Adelphie Cargillinie

“I need your help. And we’re willing to pay for it. My family and I have travelled far from our normal wandering paths to see Redtol and its cathedrals. We did not expect to be treated the way we are being treated though! No one ever told us that gypsies and reavers would find such a harsh welcome in this city. We need protection. Typically we could do this ourselves, but this group of fearsome paladins calling themselves the Order of the Silver Blade has been harassing us and you know how dealing with paladins in THIS city can be. We need someone to protect us and help us out. Obviously there’s no chance of just killing them all and being done with it but Mom and I can’t think of a single solution that can help. When she found out Mr. Wyce here was in town she sent me to him to call in a favor from about six years ago.”

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Gerard has dropped an armload of the half broken shields when his eyes wander over a stray book:

“Wine: From vine to goblet
A handbook of basic wine making principles”

When Vincent’s voice is heard from the front, "Gerard, customer up front!”

He places the book on its appropriate shelf and walks to the store front, a former tavern with a new rug placed over the stained wood floor to hide as many of the spills of the past as possible. The broke furniture in the corner still awaits ‘processing’ but the object of attention is calling him at the single table set up for business. The young girl is seated with Vincent being entertained with small talk when he arrives. She then starts to give her story. Listening intently, the thoughts at the back of his head truly wish it was some of the slavers of Dormithar, but he knows better as she has identified the harassers as the silver blades….darn.

“Miss Cargillinie I am at your disposal." Then to the Vincent he asks, "I don’t suppose any one knows of any vices this guy has that we can get him to back down do we?”

there is no humor in his voice or facial features…he is actually serious.

Jack of Tales

First Post
Vincent shakes his head and throws his hands up. "Heck if I know, never heard of the guy. I don't know much about the guild either, but any order made up of paladins is likely to get preferential treatment in this city. It doesn't matter if their fanatical or not! Unfortunately, Keldon doesn't acknowledge lycanthropy as a disease, rather it continues the old-fashioned perception of it as an evil curse that warps all it touches to evil or only affecting those who are evil. I'd say the best thing we could do, miss, is to help you and your family leave town. You are reavers and used to moving as such, I can presume?"

The girl shakes her head. "No, Ma and my brother have some business to attend to. It will take at least one tenday to finish it. I do not think these paladins will give in easily. I know that there is some tension between them over whether we are worthy of attention or not since we're not doing anything against the law. But the look in one of the Captain's eyes...well I know he'd surely kill us if he could find a way to do it without an Order of Execution from the Justicars." She sighs and tugs on her ponytail looking at the group with tired eyes.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Zarpox finished his work upstairs just when Vincent called him down. With a funny walking, he get downstairs, and approach Vincent and the young girl. He made a reverence to the client, and seated on the chair left to Vincent, leaned back, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
Without words, he listened to the girl story. He sighted when the Paladins of the Silver blade were mentioned.
"As I am" he replied after Gerard. "Will be nice to have some information about this order of course." he said to Gerard question. "This religious clowns may have an enemy or two, from which we could get some information... Or even help them banish those righteous stooges." Zarpox thinks out loud. "But you want us to protect you, and that's our primary goal. Business before pleasure."

Jack of Tales

First Post
Vincent grins and stands up from the hard wooden stool. He stretches his arms out and picks up the brown leather coat slumped on the table like some creature's skin. He glances at the young girl and nods to her before turning to his two remaining mercenaries and looking them in the eyes.

"I can find some information about the guild. I'd recommend that you two go over to the family's house or wherever they are staying and do what you were hired to. Protect them. But it won't be as simple as that. We can't have you sitting around for a ten-day hoping nothing bad happens. If the paladins come back see what sort of information you can get from them. I'll send Sandy over sometime tonight with what I manage to dig up. Oh, and just so you know, this help comes out of your commission."

He smiles at you with a big, toothy grin and puts his coat on. It wouldn't do to walk out in Keldon's cold without some type of covering. He pats the girl on the head as he walks away and says, "It was nice to see you again Adelphie. You were so small last time we met. Give your mother my regards and warn your older brother Acteon not to do anything stupid while you're in town. No reason to give the an execution order on a plate." With his final words Vincent walks from the room.

Adelphie turns to you and clasps her hands in front of her. "So, do either of you have any questions? If not we should head over to the wagon. Are you going to spend the night? Ma would find a place for you to stay. With the price we're paying she may force you to! In that case you may want to go pack some clothes or whatever it is you need."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"I'm fine like this, can't say we are going to sleep tonight, with the paladins, arriving soon. We better be prepared for everything." Zarpox says, smiling widely, and standing up. He walks to one corner of the room and takes a huge falichon that rests there, and his backpack. "Ready" he states.

Jack of Tales

First Post
Adelphie pulls a heavy woolen shirt over her silk clothing and three long scarves of red, blue and gold. Even with the approaching spring, Keldon is always chilly and being from Timoriel gave her little immunity to the cold. She leads you out the door of the headquarters and into the street. The sky is slightly overcast and a few beams of light strike through it like the grace of a god, perhaps Cort is looking kindly upon Redtol today.

The street is filled with armed men walking this way and that. The Redtol Wyverns is placed straight in the heart of the mercenary and adventurer district. Various exotic peoples walk through the streets, although perhaps not nearly as exotic as your other guild members. Few artathi like the cold Keldonian weather and hardly anyone has even heard of the rare Oorish goliaths. The three of you proceed down the street and make many turns skirting the religious districts until you come into the merchant’s quay.

Wagons, caravans, shops, stores and tents fill this area in organized chaos. Several armed Justicars walk around pretending to be relaxing but keeping a sharp eye out for pickpockets and thieves. Adelphie walks swiftly in front of you and walks with a grace unusual for children her age. She leads you to a small tent of yellow and black with a large wagon resembling a small house on wheels parked next to it.

“Here we are! Welcome to the Cargillinie family home. Our pard may be small but we love visitors.” Adelphie turns from you and sticks her head into the tent yelling, “Ma! I’m back with Mr. Wyce’s bodyguard peoples!” She then proceeds to walk into the tent, waving you in to follow her.

The inside of the tent is much warmer then the outside air. A small fire beneath a hole in the top of the tent is the main reason. The walls of the tent have also been covered with long yellow blankets. A woman in clothing similar to Adelphie’s is seated on the floor in front of a small table. You can see a crystal ball and a tarot deck on the edge of the table, out of the way. The woman herself is maybe thirty years old and has long, yellow hair. Her eyes gleam at you and you realize they are yellow and angled just like a cat’s. She grins when you walk in.

“Welcome to my humble home. I am so glad that Wyce has decided to help us out. He does owe us after all. I am Chioma Cargillinie. I do hope you can help us with this..dilemma. Please, seat yourself.” She motions toward the numerous pillows strewn about on the various rugs. “Would you like some tea? Or something to eat?”
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