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(Over)Zealous Paladins

Voda Vosa

First Post
Zarpox seats comfortably over the pillow. "Thanks for your hospitality, I was picturing myself out of the tent. Certainly I will do it, if you do require so, cold does not disturb me that much. And a cup of tea would be more than pleasant my lady." he says, leaving his falichon a side.

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Jack of Tales

First Post
The woman stands up in a swirl of colored skirts and walks to the fireplace where an iron kettle is sitting beside it. She pours the warm water into a ceramic mug and busies herself making tea. While she does this she speaks over her shoulder.

"The Order that's been bothering us is led by a man called Daniel Olostivik. He's a good enough man and he actually doesn't mind us being in the city. It is one of the two hands, the word they use for their small groups of troops, led by a Sir Seth Garrington that is proving to be a problem. He hates us with a passion and claims we will be stealing children for our evil gypsy rituals and other such hatemongering bull. I do not know if just having you here will be enough to warrant him off long enough for us to finish business and leave, but I can hope it does."

Chioma is interrupted by shouting from outside the tent. She sighs and puts the kettle on a small knee-high table. "That sounds like my sone, Bujune. I fear that Garrington and his goons are back for more trouble. Can you go take care of it?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
Disappointedly because he could not take the tea, Zarpox takes his falichon and stands.
"Well, time to work my friend, fear not my lady, we will take care of this righteous stooges." and the warlock opens the tent to go outside.

Jack of Tales

First Post
OOC: Scott what ever happened to posting? You left a message up that you'd post in the morning three days ago...

As you step outside, you see a man with darkly tanned skin and long black hair swaying loosely down his back. He is dressed in the bright silks you have come to expect of the Cargillinie family and appears to be arguing with someone. Standing before the gypsy is a tall, towering man in silver full plate with his helmet's faceplate hanging loosely at one side. His blue eyes are flashing angrily and his left hand is on the hilt of a huge sword strapped to his back. Behind the man are six others. All are dressed in silver scales and white tabards with a silver dagger piercing what looks like a cat eye painted in silver and black on the front.

The man, who you assume is none other then Sir Seth Garrington of the Order of the Shining Blade is speaking loud enough for you to hear. "That was yesterday. You have until tomorrow to leave this city in peace or I will be forced to drive you out."

The gypsy throws his hands up and yells into the knight's face, "You can't keep pushing us around. If this was anywhere else the guards themselves would be in arms. You cannot force us out legally and we cannot get you to leave us alone legally. How about you walk away from this before you do something that lets me gut you right here in the open?" The man's voice glides across the air like silk hiding a dagger. He turns as he hears the tent's flap close and smiles at you.

" Thank god. Wyce's people are here. You can handle this, I'll let you deal with it." With those words the man goes and stands beside you, looking at Garrington with emerald eyes.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Zarpox walks a few steps ahead, whit his sheathed falichon in hand. "Greetings!" he says smiling. "I assume you are Sir Seth Garrington of the Order of the Shining Blade, my lord." the warlock assumes, standing in front of the plated man. "My name is Zarpox, and I'm representing the Redtol Wyverns. I must inform you that these people are under our personal protection, and under the protection of our guild." he makes a pause, glancing if his diplomacy give some fruits.
He smiles again shortly, and speaks "As mister Bujune said, there are no law against our client staying in this city, therefore, as part of the righteous and lawfull members of this society that you are, of course, I ask you to respect the city rules, and leave this people be. They will be out of the city when they finish their highly important business. Until the, they will remain, as its their right, here in this city." he explains.

OOC: Diplomacy check? Bluff? Intimidate? Your call.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: Scott what ever happened to posting? You left a message up that you'd post in the morning three days ago...

sorry...real life dragon me down...work that went late and was phisically taxing as well...am posting now...haven't even read my e-mail till 10 minutes ago

OOC: i do not know if you can do an assist on diplomacy or not, but if i can, gerard will do so (gives a +1 I think)

IC: Gerard will keep hjis actions as neutral as possible.fighting a tank is not his idea of a fun day. He really has no qualms with the paladins, and Zarpox is right...the famnily is there legally and not doing any harm to any one. he will back up the warlox fully, but he does check to see if the male Gypsy is still out side of the tent. he will nod his head to indicate for the young mant to get inside, then return his attention back to the paladin and his hand.

ooc again: if i remember correctly when doing an assist one must successfull use the skill and then the assit gives a +1...don't know right now. sorry. and sorry for being late. :eek:

Jack of Tales

First Post
OOC[sblock] diplomacy is likely your more effective then intimidate. Think intimidating a paladin in the City of paladins, bad idea :p. Aiding another gives a +2. [/sblock]

The man turns his angry gaze on to Zaprox and you can barely suppress a flinch at the hatred in that look. What sort of man could hate someone he's never known with so much passion?

"These...creatures. Are not people. Nor are they citizens of Keldon. It is unfortunate that they appear human enough to be placed under the protection of our visiting laws. I will prove their viciousness soon enough." With those words he turns around and issues an order to his followers. The paladins walk away through the marketplace, carefully skirting tents and merchant stands.

Bujune walks up behind you two and laughs. "Well he's sure not happy about you being here. I'm not really either, but if he attacked us in the street I could not fight back or we would surely be kicked out of town--even if they initiated it first. Garrington won't let this go though. He's got something planned or he would have stayed longer to harrass our new bodyguards."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"you know, master chen would have been distressed to see such strong hatred. Bujune, my name is Gerard and this, "gesturing to Zaprox," is my associate Zaprox."
Gerard offers his hand in greeting, and continues "As you have surmised we are with the Redtol Wyverns. It will be a pleasure and an honor to be here. I was about to accept an offer of tea when we were rudely interruped by the shining order there. I don't think they have the authority to attack you and your family if there is a chance they may harm one of use as well...we being citizens of this fine town. Shall we return to the tent?" he then nods his head to indicate to Bujune that he should lead.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Well.. as an advice, you should not let those pathetic metallic dogs to look at your feelings in that way. Hide them, or you will give them an easy way to cut your head off. I had to be outrageously diplomatic to make that fool go away after your 'conversation' with him. We should avoid direct confrontation if we can." Zarpox says, with a bit of concern, as he approach the tent.

Jack of Tales

First Post
Bujune lets out a low growl and walks into the tent. Once inside he walks to a pile of pillows and curls up in them like a cat. He looks at you with one emerald colored eye and a lazy smile. The man's actions are confusing and its fairly obvious that he is not human.

Chioma is scowling at him but after a level glare from his eyes she looks back to the two of you and brings over two hot cups of tea. "Thank you for helping us out. You must excuse my son, ever since his father passed away he's been the only alpha in our family and we need his protection. Unfortunately, it's difficult to simple beat away a troop of paladins in the middle of this city."

Chioma makes some small chat and introduces you to two other members of the family. An adopted girl of eight who you first mistook for a cat sleeping by the stove. You have no idea what she looks like in her human form but at the moment she is a small leopard with long fur passed out to the world. The second member of the family is an man slightly older then Bujune who is merely introduced as Xenter. He nods to the both of you before taking a sack full of merchandise and heading out to make sales. The rest of the day goes relatively quietly and you have time to ask Chioma, Adelphie or Bujune any questions you may have.

Chioma sets up two small pallets for you to sleep inside the tent while the rest of the family goes into the large wagon beside it. Night seems to come quickly.

OOC: If there's nothing else you want to do I can skip to the morning.

Voidrunner's Codex

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