Paging Echohawk...


Monster Junkie

When you get a chance, I could use a few more Polyhedron critters. ;)

Any of the following would be appreciated (with the humanoids being the lowest priority).

Air Fish, Catfish - Magical Beast (Polyhedron #69, p23)
Air Fish, Goldfish - Magical Beast (Polyhedron #69, p23)
Air Fish, Neon - Magical Beast (Polyhedron #69, p23)
Air Fish, Piranha - Magical Beast (Polyhedron #69, p23)
Air Fish, Ray, sting - Magical Beast (Polyhedron #69, p23)
Air Fish, Shark - Magical Beast (Polyhedron #69, p23)
Air Fish, Trout - Magical Beast (Polyhedron #69, p23)
Armor Boar - Animal (Polyhedron #67, p14)
Doppleganger, Uran - Monstrous Humanoid (Polyhedron #72, p10)
Dragite - Humanoid (Polyhedron #67, p19)
Geran - Monstrous Humanoid (Polyhedron #74, p2)
Hagertral - Monstrous Humanoid (Polyhedron #2, p10)
Laputans - Humanoid (Polyhedron #106, p10)
Lycanthrope, Werecamel - Template (Polyhedron #29, p24)
Men, Emezon - Humanoid (Polyhedron #23, p30)
Whirling Dervish - Monstrous Humanoid (Polyhedron #29, p24)
Yahoos - Humanoid (Polyhedron #106, p12)


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Shirokinukatsukami fan
Just letting you know that I have seen this, but it'll be a while until I can help out with these. Work is insanely hectic at the moment, and I've not been able to give monsters much attention lately :(


Shirokinukatsukami fan

FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Omnivorous
INTELLIGENCE: Average (10)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good

THAC0: 15
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-8/3-8/3-12
SIZE: Variable (see below)
MORALE: Champion (15-16)

These rare creatures are encountered only in temples and shrines of St. Cuthbert. They are the result of centuries of breeding and training by specialized clerics of St. Cuthbert.
Weisshund appear as beautiful dogs with thick white fur. They have heavy, loose skin which provides protection and agility. Even when grappled by an opponent or by another animal's jaws, their loose skin allows them to twist and turn toward an opponent in order to continue the attack. Their thick fur makes it difficult for other animals to hold them with their jaws.
Weisshund stand approximately 2' high at the shoulder. They are agile, lean, and strong, although their appearance belies this. Their thick skin and fur makes them appear chubby and harmless. They sleep most of the time, enhancing their facade of harmlessness. Weisshund appear to be completely docile lapdogs until they are provoked into a fight.

Combat: Weisshund have a limited empathic sense that allows them to recognize evil and hostility. They can sense these elements at a range of 60'. A sleeping weisshund will awaken if an evil or hostile creature comes within 60' of it. When a weisshund senses evil or hostility, it becomes extremely agitated, growls at its suspect, and will attempt to alert one of its masters. It will not allow the suspect out of its sight. If a master is not within range (if the weisshund would be forced to leave its suspect in order to locate a master) it will always opt to guard its prey rather than find a master. It will bark until a master arrives or will attack if necessary.
A weisshund is always cautious about whom it attacks. It will not attack merely because it senses evil or hostility, but will guard such persons, maintaining a distance of roughly 20', while growling at its captive. As long as its captive does not threaten or attack the weisshund, its masters, or persons whom it has been trained to protect, the weisshund will not attack. As soon as the suspect makes an agressive move, however, the weisshund will begin its transformation into temple guardian.
Upon viewing an act of agression [sic] by a suspect or upon command by a recognized master, a weisshund will grow in size until it is approximately 4' high at the shoulder and 6' long. Its skin and fur maintain their thickness and protective qualities, and an enlarged weisshund looks exactly the same as it did in its smaller form.
This transformation requires five segments, after which the weisshund may attack with full force. The weisshund may not attack during the transformation, and those attacking it must roll a 7 or greater on 1d10 to avoid being surprised by the transformation. Those who are surprised may not attack during that round.
The weisshund is not any easier or more difficult to hit during its transformation.
A weisshund attacks with its front paws and its bite. Its paws have dull claws, but damage from the paws is due to the size and force that the paws exert. This damage compares to a victim being struck by a 10-pound rock: the sheer force and impact cause the injury.
A weisshund's bite is similar to that of any other large dog, but it will attempt to knock its opponent to the ground and hold the victim's neck in its jaws, pinning him to the ground. It may also sit on its victim in order to subdue him. If the victim ceases its struggle, it will simply hold him, but if the victim attempts to continue his attack, the weisshund will attack in whatever manner is necessary to hold or subdue him. The weisshund is so finely trained that if a pinned victim offers no struggle, it can hold the victim without so much as a toothmark.
If more than one target is encountered, a weisshund will alternate between victims in an attempt to scare them into submission.
The weisshund will not attempt to pin a victim if more than one attacker is present. Weisshund work well in teams and understand their own fighting techniques so well that even two unfamiliar weisshund can work together as a well-orchestrated team.

Habitat/Society: Weisshund are found only in temples of St. Cuthbert. They are bred by the clerics in a secret location. Most weisshund that are encounterd [sic] in temples are males, although females are encountered 5% of the time. Females are generally kept for breeding purposes, and pregnant females are especially protected. Females that become pregnant outside the sanctuary are immediately sent to the sanctuary for their protection and care. Females are able to become pregnant only twice per year, and litters are never larger than two puppies.

Ecology: Weisshund live as any normal house dog. When a puppy becomes six months old, it enters training for its future as a temple guardian.


Shirokinukatsukami fan

DIET: Scavenger
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil

MOVEMENT: 6, Sw 12
THAC0: 19
SIZE: T (1'-2' long)
MORALE: Unreliable (2-4)

Yphoz appear in a variety of shapes and sizes. Old adult yphoz may reach a length of 2'. Newborn young are typically 2-3" in diameter. They are composed of a gelatinous substance that matches the color of the water in which they live, ranging from black to varying shades of brown to varying shades of green or yellow. They may even be colorless. This feature makes them almost impossible to detect in their home pool (PCs in yphoz-infested water rolling 4 or less on 1d6 are surprised).
A yphoz is typically shaped like a short, broad cone with a low dorsal fin, but its gelatinous composition allows it to vary this as necessary. They are not amorphous, but their bodies can change shape to allow for movement over almost any kind of surface, including traveling on land, up cave walls, and across ceilings. They also possess two long, whip-like tentacles. Their bodies excrete a sticky slime that helps them adhere to walls and ceilings. This slime will dry to a gummy substance on walls, floors, and ceilings, and a cave inhabited by a large number of yphoz will aquire [sic] a build-up of this elastic, gummy substance over time.

Combat: When a yphoz is in water and another creature swims within 20', the disturbance of the water will alert the yphoz to the presence of a potential meal. It will swim toward its victim and use its tentacles as "feelers" to locate its prey. Once it contacts something solid, it will swim in that direction and begin wrapping its tentacles around the victim. Should the victim start to swim in another direction, the yphoz can follow, towing itself on its unsuspecting meal.
The yphoz have no teeth, but are able to suck blood directly through a victim's skin, draining a victim of hit points. The gummy substance excreted by the yphoz will adhere to a victim even underwater, and contains a numbing contact poison. While the poison will not kill a victim, the numbness can cause a victim to lose muscle control, and if swimming, the victim could potentially drown. One yphoz can cause one limb or torso to become numb and useless in 3 rounds. Three yphoz can cause one limb to become numb and useless in one round. A victim may make a saving throw vs. poison to avoid these effects. The victim must save once per round for each yphoz it contacts. Once all yphoz are removed from the victim, the poison will wear off and the limb will function normally after 4-6 turns. If a victim's head is touched by a yphoz, the victim will fall unconscious after six unsuccessful saves (e.g. six yphoz contact it in one round, or one yphoz contacts it for six rounds, etc.).
When a yphoz hits a victim, the DM should roll 1d6 to determine which part of the victim's body was hit: 1-head, 2-right arm, 3-left arm, 4-torso, 5-right leg, 5-left leg [sic].

Habitat/Society: A yphoz will never venture farther than 100 yards from its water source unless fleeing an attack or seeking a new habitat. It can survive no longer than 24 hours if isolated from water under damp conditions, and will die sooner if conditions are dry. A yphoz would probably survive no more than one hour in a desert setting.
Yphozs feed by absorbing organic matter, insects, and small worms. They also feed in the manner of a leech, attaching themselves to a victim and sucking blood directly through the victim's skin. If a potential meal is too large to be absorbed, the yphoz will feed in this manner. A yphoz will feed on cold- and warmblooded creatures alike, but cannot attach to animals with fur thicker than that of a rabbit. The yphoz also cannot feed on animals with hard scales (fish and snakes are in the yphoz's diet, but turtles are not).

Ecology: These slimy, filthy creatures make their homes in wet caves and pools of stagnant water. Their survival depends on a source of water, whether fresh or putrid.


Shirokinukatsukami fan

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate forests
DIET: Carnivore

NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-4)
MOVEMENT: 3, Fl 24
THAC0: 15
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-12/1-4/1-4
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fear, surprise on 1-4
SIZE: H (20' wingspan)
MORALE: Elite (14)

The gyre is a huge feathered bird similar in appearance to the terrestrial condor. While its wingspan is 20 feet or even more, its body length is rarely over 6 feet. The upper surfaces of its body and wings are a rich green, while its underbelly and the undersides of its wings are a pale grey-blue. This coloration makes for excellent natural camouflage. When roosting in the treetops, wings folded, its green coloration blends in with the leaves around it; when soaring overhead, its grey-blue underside makes it difficult to see against the sky.
Gyres are perfectly evolved-for the sky, and can remain aloft for tens of hours without landing.

Combat: Gyres prefer to attack by swooping down on their victims from above. Their eyesight is unmatched at picking out movement, although they are less capable of distinguishing targets that remain motionless. When they swoop on their prey, gyres can bite with their wickedly-curved beak, or rake with their taloned feet; they are unable to use both attack forms simultaneously. If a gyre hits with both talon attacks, it is able to carry away any creature weighing less than 75 pounds. A victim so snatched automatically suffers maximum claw damage on each subsequent round, and the gyre is able to bite at it with a +4 bonus to hit. In addition, the gyre is able to drop the victim at any time, for potentially lethal falling damage.
A gyre has an innate ability to induce magical fear on any creature under 4 HD or levels that is beneath the bird as it flies. The maximum vertical range of this power is 500 feet. Creatures within this fear effect must save vs. spells or flee in terror from the gyre. (Note that this makes it difficult for prey to remain immobile, and hence unnoticed by the gyre.)
The arrangement of a gyre's feathers are such that it is almost silent in flight. Combined with its coloration, this gives the gyre a much greater chance to surprise its prey. Gyres will rarely attack anything of size M or larger. If anything approaches within 500 feet of the gyre's treetop nest, however, the bird will attack to try and drive the interloper away. If there are young in the nest, the gyre will fight to the death to protect them.

Habitat/Society: Gyres live in large, untidy nests constructed in the tops of the tallest trees. They are normally solitary predators, but in the spring, they seek mates. Courtship displays, performed by the male, involve climbing to extreme altitudes then tipping over into steep, screaming glides, pulling out scant feet above the tops of the trees near where females are roosting.
After mating, the female lays one or two eggs. Fertility rates are low, however, so there is only a 50% chance that any given egg will hatch. Hatching occurs in high summer, and the parents cooperate in feeding the hatchlings. The parents teach the young to fly in late fall, at which time any encounter with gyre has a 75% chance probability of being with a family group (1 or 2 parents, with 1 or 2 young, 1080% mature). When the young reach full maturity, in late winter, the family group breaks up.
The gyre lives for approximately 15 years.

Ecology: Gyre are straightforward predators, preying on other birds and on animals that they can snatch out of the upper branches of the trees. When hunting, gyre use an interesting tactic for picking prey from lower down in the trees. They go into a shallow dive, then tuck their wings and draw in their long neck. Like blunt, feathered projectiles, they smash through the thin branches, snatch their prey, then wait until there's enough room for a wingbeat or two to bring them back up out of the trees.
Gyre hunting in this manner can be heard at great distances. (It doesn't always work, of course. Broken bodies of gyres found on the forest floor are mute testimony to the fact that the big birds sometimes just don't find the room to take those one or two wingbeats...)
Gyre are near the top of the food chain. The only creatures that prey upon them are the Bodi elves - who sometimes hunt them with longbows - and green dragons. Their natural camouflage gives the gyre some protection against both, of course.


Shirokinukatsukami fan

DIET: Omnivore
INTEllIGENCE: Animal (1)

NO. APPEARING: 1 (3-7; 2d3+1)
THACO0: 16
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison, surprise on 1-4
SIZE: S (3' long)
MORALE: Unsteady (7)

The Falx imbul, or rock lizard, is a large, heavy lizard, about 3 feet long (4-5 feet including tail), resembling a pugnacious iguana. Its color ranges from dusty grey to dark brown, and its remarkably thick skin is very similar in texture to rock. When the creature remains immobile, it is very difficult to spot (80% chance of not being noticed).
Its eyes are small and red, and protected by protruding ridges of bone. It has a crest atop its head which normally lies flat along the back of its neck, but which it can erect as a threat display. It has stubby legs, but moves rapidly for all that. Its wide mouth doesn't have teeth, as such; instead, the creature bites and chews its prey with bony ridges.

Combat: The imbul's primary attack is its bite. The bone ridges within its mouth are jagged and sharp, and can inflict terrible wounds. In addition, the imbul's saliva is highly toxic. Anyone bitten by the creature suffers an additional 3-18 points of damage (a successful save vs. poison decreases the damage to a flat 2 points). There is no limit to the number of times an imbul can inflict this poison. The imbul itself is totally immune to this poison.
The imbul has another attack form which it uses only as a last resort to save its life. Once per day, the creature can regurgitate its highly toxic digestive fluids and expel them in a cloud of poisonous mist. This cloud takes the form of a cone, originating at the creature's mouth, that is 15 feet long and 6 feet in diameter at its widest point. Any creature that inhales this cloud of mist must save vs. poison or die instantly from heart failure. Holding one's breath is no sure protection against this mist, although it does decrease the damage potential. The toxic liquid can be absorbed through the skin, as with a green dragon's breath weapon, and inflicts 4-24 points of damage (save vs. breath weapon for half damage). Use of this "breath weapon" is highly painful for the imbul, and so it will use it only if the alternative appears to be death. Also, the poison mist causes tissue breakdown in its victim which makes the target inedible for the imbul. Thus the creature will never use this weapon when hunting for food.
In personality, the imbul is a bully, preferring to attack creatures smaller than itself. It will attack larger creatures, but only if it can do so with surprise. If faced with determined opposition, it tries to escape. (This personality trait is reflected in the creature's low morale score.) The only exception to this is in the case of adult imbuls accompanied by young. In this situation, both parents will give their own lives if necessary to protect their offspring; their effective morale score increases to 20.
Imbuls are partially resistant to heat and fire. Attacks based on fire or heat do only half damage. Electrical attacks do normal damage, and cold-based attacks do double damage. Imbuls are totally resistant to acid.

Habitat/Society: Imbuls are generally solitary predators. Every spring, however, adult imbuls seek mates. It is the females that perform most of the courtship rituals, and nonlethal fights are common between females contesting for mates. During the mate-seeking period in early spring, female imbuls will challenge anything that moves with a threat display. This involves erecting the head crest, hissing and making mock charges. (Obviously, this cuts down the number of females somewhat, since making a mock charge at a tarrasque has predictable and unpleasant. consequences.) Once a pair has mated, they remain bonded until their offspring reach maturity. After impregnation, the female lays 1-4 eggs, which hatch in 60 days. The newborn imbuls are 1/2 HD, with no attacks. They grow rapidly, though, and reach maturity by fall. At this time, the family group splits up and the individuals go their separate ways.
During summer, there is a 50% chance that any encounter with imbuls is with a family group of 2d3+1 creatures. Two will be adults, while the others are immature young, 10-80% grown.

Ecology: Imbuls are by preference predatory carnivores, hunting other lizards across the hot, flat terrain of Falx. During the winter, imbuls are omnivorous, and will attack each other. If no live game is available, however, the imbuls will feed on the carpet mosses that cover the landscape. They rarely kill these great colony organisms, however, preferring to tear off mouthfuls as they get hungry.
In turn, imbuls are prey for tarrasques and larger lizards.


Shirokinukatsukami fan

CLMATE/TERRAIN: Third layer, Alabeth
DIET: Aerial "plankton"

NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-3)
HIT DICE: Special
THAC0: 3
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Lightning, ram
SIZE: G (see below)
MORALE: Fearless (20)
XP VALUE: 1,000

Holbags are huge, gas-filled bags that float in the atmosphere of the third layer of Alabeth (refer to the description of that planet for details on layers, etc.). They are somewhat like onions in shape: circular when viewed from above, flattened on top, and tapering to a point beneath. This lower point is tipped with a dozen short tendrils. The largest circumference of the creature - which is just below the flat top - is ringed with 144 slender spines, each of which is equal in length to about one-twentieth the diameter of the holbag.
The size of a holbag is almost unbelievable for a living creature. Mature specimens measure between 3 and 5 miles in diameter, and exceptional specimens up to 10 miles in diameter have been spotted. This means that the equatorial spines are between 750 and 1,350 feet long on an average specimen, and almost 3,000 feet long - more than half a mile - on extreme specimens. The shorter tendrils attached at the creature's lower tip are about half the length of its equatorial spines.
Holbags float slowly about the atmosphere of Alabeth. They are lighter than air because they secrete gas much lighter than air into a huge internal cavity, and then heat it to generate even more lift. In effect, holbags are massive natural dirigibles. Their bodies are thick and muscular, and very rubbery in texture.
The amount of damage that can be absorbed by a typical holbag is absolutely immense. Their muscular walls are a hundred yards or more in thickness, and it would take upwards of 300 hit points - all inflicted on exactly the same spot - to puncture one. Such a puncture will cause the creature to deflate slowly, sinking downwards into the cloud deck below, where it dies. With a single puncture, it will take an average holbag 20 turns to lose enough gas to start to descend. (Since the creatures regenerate rapidly, an enemy would have to work to keep a puncture from closing.)
Holbags have no eyes or optical organs, and operate solely on senses other than sight. They seem to respond to pressure changes caused by large objects - i.e., those over 50' in size - moving nearby, but can also detect large motionless creatures at a range of 500 yards or more. Some sages speculate that the holbags detect the slight electrical fields created by all living things.

Combat: Holbags defend themselves against natural enemies - most importantly, sky scavvers (cf.) - with magical lightning. They can fire a single lightning bolt every 5 rounds. The bolt extends straight outward from anyone of the holbag's equatorial spines, to a maximum range of 500 yards. These bolts always strike their targets, and inflict 4d20 points of damage on impact (save vs. breath weapons for half damage). A holbag can use its lightning against a spelljamming vessel, inflicting 4d2 points of hull damage; the vessel receives a saving throw vs. lightning for half damage. There is no limit to how many times a holbag can fire its lightning. (Note: This damage and range figure reflects an average individual. Exceptionally large holbags might have a maximum range of 750 yards, and inflict up to 8d20 hit points, or 8d2 hull points, of damage.)
Although they move very slowly, adult holbags can do significant damage by ramming a spelljamming vessel. (The creatures don't have precise enough senses to detect any creature smaller than about 50' in length or diameter.) Use the standard rules for ramming and crashes on page 65 of the Concordance of Arcane Space.
Because of their rubbery, muscular structure, holbags cannot be harmed by blunt or bludgeoning weapons (note that this includes blunt rams). Piercing and slashing weapons do normal damage. Holbags are totally immune to lightning; fire- and cold-based attacks do normal damage. Since holbags have no mind in the normal sense of the word, they are immune to charm, illusions and other mind-affecting magic.
Holbags regenerate, at a rate of 2 hit points per round. This means that a puncture will eventually close unless an attacker makes a conscious effort to keep it open.

Habitat/Society: Holbags are usually solitary creatures. Under normal circumstances, adult holbags won't approach within one mile of each other. Every 10,000 standard days or so (about 27 standard years), however, holbags enter their mating season. When this happens, adult holbags "pair up." For several days, pairs of the massive creatures enact great and cumbersome aerial "dances" around each other. Then the two holbags approach each other slowly until the come into contact.
The great equatorial spines of each creature sink into the flesh of the other, and they remain locked together like this for as many as 50 standard days. During this period, the creatures' senses are extremely sensitive, and they can detect the approach of a possible enemy at almost twice the normal range. If anything is foolish enough to approach two mating holbags, both of the great creatures will attack the interloper with their lightning bolts. Bonded holbags can each fire a lightning bolt only every 10 rounds (1 turn), but these bolts have double range and inflict double damage. After about 50 standard days, the two holbags separate, and return to their standard behavior (i.e., never approaching within one mile of each other). Five hundred days later, one of the holbags gives birth to an immature creature. (Sages have found no way of predicting which individual in a mated pair will actually give birth to the offspring.) The offspring emerges from an orifice at the lower tip of the mature creature.

Immature Holbags: At birth, a holbag is tiny compared to its parent: no more than 250 yards across. In appearance it resembles its "parent": the relationships between diameter and spine length are the same as with adults. Immature holbags are considerably faster fliers than their parents: a movement rate of 5 rather than 2.
Immature holbags are much less resilient than their parents. A newly-born holbag can sustain only 25 hit points or so inflicted in the same spot before it is punctured. The young creatures regenerate at the same rate as their parents, however.
A young holbag can fire lightning bolts, but only to a range of about 75 to 100 yards. These bolts inflict only 1d20 hit points of damage, or 1d2 hull points, on a target (save for half damage).
Immature holbags grow slowly, taking about one mating cycle - 10,000 standard days - to reach full size and maturity. While it's young and undersized, a holbag will usually stay close to its parent, often snuggling up right against it, so the "baby's" equatorial spines are sunk into the flesh of its parent.
Unlike the adults, which seem totally insensitive to pain, immature holbags react strongly to pain, particularly heat. They will move rapidly away from a strong source of heat. The elves who dwell atop the mature holbags will often use this characteristic to control immature specimens. A group of elves will climb aboard a young holbag, and then will apply heat - usually magically-created - to the margin of the creature directly opposite to the direction the elves want to go. The holbag will move to avoid the heat, allowing the elves to control its movements.

Ecology: Holbags subsist entirely on the "aerial plankton"
that drifts down from the second layer of Alabeth. They absorb these microscopic creatures through pores in their great bodies, and through the orifice in their undersides. The holbags have only one significant natural enemy: sky scavvers (described below). These monstrous creatures risk the damaging attacks of the holbags' lightning to dart in and rip huge mouthfuls of flesh from the floating gas bags. These attacks rarely puncture, let alone kill, an adult holbag. Although sky scavvers will attack mature holbags - often to their detriment - they prefer to harry the small, immature specimens. When these smaller creatures stray too far from their parents, they are relatively easy targets for the "sky sharks." Sky scavvers seem to understand instinctively about the young creatures' response of moving away from a source of pain. Thus the sky sharks will always make their first attack on a young holbag on the side closest to the creature's parent. In response to the pain of the attack, the young holbag will move further from the protection of its parent, lessening the risk of a lethal attack from the mature holbag. This technique is very effective, and the mortality rate for young holbags is high - approaching 95%. Holbags are extremely long-lived. An average specimen might live through 20 mating cycles - 200,000 standard days, or almost 550 standard years - and exceptional specimens have been said to be considerably older than this. The population of holbags on Alabeth seems to be remaining roughly constant.
Holbags seem totally unaware - or at least unconcerned that their topsides are home to Alabeth elves and other creatures. The relationship between these smaller creatures and the holbags is pure commensalism: the elves and others receive benefits, while the holbags receive neither benefit nor detriment from the relationship.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Scavver, Sky

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Third layer, Alabeth
ORGANIZATION: Solitary/pack
DIET: Predator
INTEllIGENCE: Semi- (4)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)

NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-4)
THAC0: 3
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-40/3-30
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Swallow, lightning bolt
SIZE: G (100')
MORALE: Elite (13)
XP VALUE: 12,000

Apart from their size, sky scavvers are identical in structure to the other five known species of scavvers: long, fishlike creatures, dominated by a single huge, glowing human-like eye at the leading edge of the head, with a wide, sweeping mouth full of sharp carnivore's teeth. The sheer size of the sky scavver is enough to set it apart from its space-dwelling brethren, however: the average mature specimen is about 100 feet in length.
Sky scavvers fly through the air of the third layer of Alabeth, using a modified form of the more well-known scavvers' innate spelljamming ability. They are pure predators, living off the many aerial creatures that occupy the third layer of the might [sic] air world. While they will eat virtually anything that crosses their path, their favorite food is the holbags - the gigantic floating gas bags native to Alabeth's third layer.

Combat: The sky scavver's primary attack is a bite from their huge, tooth-studded mouth. Such an attack inflicts 4d10 hit points of damage. The mouth is big enough to allow the creatures to bite even something as large as a spelljamming vessel, inflicting 1d4 hull points of damage. In addition, an adult sky scavver can swallow whole any creature of size L or smaller, and will do so on an attack roll of 13 or more. The sky scavver has a gullet poison similar to the brown scavver - victims must save vs. poison or die in three rounds - but lacks the ability to expel it into the air. Its interior is AC 5, and it is possible for a victim to cut his way out with small handheld weapons. The bellies of sky scavvers will sometimes contain undigestible residue from earlier meals: metals, stones (including gems) and the like. Sky scavvers can also deal a punishing tail-slap like that of the kindori. This attack inflicts 3d10 hit points of damage, or 1d3 hull points.
The sky scavver's most dangerous attack, however, is its ability to fire a powerful lightning bolt from its single eye. This bolt has a maximum range of 250 yards, and inflicts 2d20 hit points, or 2-4 hull points, of damage (save vs. spells - or lightning, for ships - for half damage).
Sky scavvers are totally immune to electrical-based attacks. Other attacks inflict normal damage. Although they have some intelligence, their minds are sufficiently different. from those of demihumans that they are totally immune to charm, illusions and other mind-affecting magic.

Habitat/Society: Sky scavvers usually operate as solitary predators. When they're attacking holbags, however, they hunt in packs of 1-4. They are as ferocious as the void scavver, but won't kill other members of their species who try to "muscle in" on their prey. There is a strongly-defined "pecking order" within a sky scavver pack, however, with the strongest individuals always feeding first.
The intelligence of sky scavvers is sufficient to let them plan the best manner of attack against larger opponents. (The technique these creatures favor against immature holbags is discussed in the section describing these great gas bags.) Many people who have seen sky scavvers operate claim that their intelligence is actively malign.

Ecology: Sky scavvers are simple-minded predators. They have no natural enemies as such - that is, creatures that feed on them. Attacks against mature holbags are highly dangerous, however, and lead to the deaths of many sky scavvers. Since the holbags eat nothing but aerial plankton, the bodies of dead scavvers simply fall into the lower layers of Alabeth's atmosphere - presumably to be devoured by other creatures.


Shirokinukatsukami fan

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Fire ring (Garrash only)
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Special

ARMOR CLASS: Armor Rating 0
HIT DICE: 20 hull points
THAC0: 3
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 6 hull points
SIZE: G (100')
MORALE: Fearless (20)
XP VALUE: 2,000

Zats are huge, metallic creatures built like delta-winged planes. Their bodies are cylindrical and about 100' long, while their knife-edge metal wings span about 150'. The "stem" of their bodies are blunt, while their "bows" are sharp enough to act as piercing rams. Zats are made entirely out of high-melting-point metal alloys, which has an almost perfect mirror finish. In another universe, they might be considered to be artifacts; in the SPELLJAMMER game universe, however, they are definitely alive. They soar through the fire-ring of the planet Garrash, apparently using their huge wings to "tack" against the light pressure from the fire world like huge solar sailors.
Zats are highly intelligent, although their mentality follows a totally different model from that of most life-forms. They communicate among themselves using subtly-changing magnetic fields. This type of communication is virtually instantaneous, and its range is measured in the millions of miles. It requires a clear line-of-sight, so although a zat has the range to communicate with another such creature on the other side of Garrash, the mass of the planet would block the communication.
Communication can be established with zats by using telepathy, but not much comes through the link. The spell caster would receive a colossal sense of surprise, followed by a welter of incomprehensible thoughts. A spell caster trying to penetrate this confusing flood of thoughts must save vs. spells. A failed save leaves the spellcaster confused for 1d10 turns. A successful save means he has established communication with the zat.
Zats are peaceable creatures, and very curious about things that happen in "their" area of space, although they are indifferent about virtually everything else. They seem to be immortal, and have observed the planet Garrash for several million years. Unfortunately, what a zat considers to be important isn't the kind of thing a demihuman would want to know. Zats notice changes in thermal and luminous flux from the fire world, changes in the density of the firering, and such things. They have no conception that there are living creatures on the planet, and honestly couldn't care less. They speculate endlessly on complex philosophical issues that would leave even thri-kreen totally confused.
Any spelljamming vessel approaching or entering the ring will attract the attention of 1 or 2 zats, who will approach to observe the "strange creature" that has come to visit them. (Considering their size, it's only logical that the zats would think that the ship itself is a living creature. It won't be easy to convince them that the ship is inanimate, and the controlling intelligence lies with the insignificant specks scurrying about on deck.)

Combat: While zats are basically peaceable creatures, they share with virtually every other living thing a strong sense of self-preservation. If they're attacked, they'll definitely fight to protect themselves.
Combat with a zat uses the same techniques as ship-to-ship combat, as detailed in the SPELLJAMMER boxed set (thus the fact that their movement is described in terms of "Ship Rating"). Their only attack is a ram, which can't be used against anything smaller than 1 ton (e.g., an elven Flitter). There is some characteristic - as yet unexplained - about the zat's sharp "bow" that inflicts more hull damage than a "vessel" of its size should be able to.
Zats save as "hard metal," and are totally immune to heat- and fire-based attacks. Electrical attacks inflict only half damage. Note that a zat's "HD" figure is expressed in terms of "hull points." It takes 10 hit points of damage inflicted on exactly the same spot - to cause 1 hull point of damage. They are totally immune to charm-based magic, and other magical and quasi-magical powers that affect the mind (illusions, psionics, etc.).
Although zats are basically fearless, they aren't stupid, and won't fight to the death except under the most exceptional of circumstances. They can use their long-range communication to summon more of their kind if things are getting dicey. Militant PCs should soon realize that, no matter how tough their ship is, it's not up to "dogfighting" with a whole squadron of zats. All in all, it's much safer to talk than fight.

Habitat/Society: Zats are basically solitary creatures. They enjoy philosophical discussions with others of their kind, but their long-range magnetic communication means they don't have to congregate to do this.
Nothing is known about zat reproduction. In fact, the zats themselves can't even comprehend the concept when they've been asked telepathically. The most widely held belief is that all existing zats were created - by what or by whom is a key question - at some time in the distant past, and they have no need or capacity to reproduce.
If a zat is killed, every other zat within communication range - about 75 million miles - knows it immediately, and receives a "mental picture" of who or what caused the zat's death. All surviving zats will feel an implacable - and eternal - hatred for whoever or whatever killed one of their fellows. (Thus, any spelljamming vessel that dispatches a zat will find Garrash's ring a very inhospitable region until the end of time...)

Ecology: Zats have no orifice through which they can absorb matter. The only conclusion to draw from this fact is that they don't have to. The fire-ring of Garrash is definitely a high-energy environment, and it seems likely that the massive creatures absorb all the energy they need to survive from that source.

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