[Paid] [Online] [DnD 5e] [Foundry VTT] [Tuesday, 12PM GMT+9] [15$] Odyssey of the Dragonlords

Game: D&D 5e
Group type: Online / Discord / Foundry VTT (via Forge; don't worry, it's free on your end. You just need to make an account)
Experience: Over 10 years playing TTRPGs; 5-ish years with 5e; 10-ish years as GM
Location/Timezone: Seoul, GMT+9
Schedule: I've currently got my game scheduled for Tuesdays at noon, GMT+9 (that'd be 10PM EST).
Roles sought: 5 seats (2 taken currently), though if there's enough interest I'd be willing to run a second group as well
Game style: This is a heroic fantasy game, so there'll be plenty of combat against horrible monsters and evil people, but as heroes you'll also be looking to gain fame and interact with lots of people, so there'll be plenty of social interaction as well.

Odyssey of the Dragonlords is an adventure for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition set in a setting inspired by ancient Greek legends, where you will form a group of mythic heroes, whose great deeds are foretold by a powerful oracle. You will undertake great labors to prove your worth as heroes, rub shoulders with gods who walk the land, and perhaps—if you're lucky and skilled enough—you'll become legendary figures in your own right.
This will be a long-running game, by the end of which you'll be facing terrible, monstrous challenges, but with the power you gather from the unique Epic Paths you follow and the allies both divine and mortal that you make along the way, you'll be more than capable of overcoming anything in your path, if you play your cards right.

Hello there! I'm Nick, a longtime RPG fan and an experienced GM looking for a group to play through Odyssey of the Dragonlords with me! I backed the Kickstarter years ago, but never had a chance to actually run a long-term campaign until recently. The game is heavily inspired by Greek mythology, but with its own unique twists on both the mythological inspiration and on certain D&D conventions. I would describe myself as a GM who does lots of prep in advance, which works well with the style of the adventure—there's a clear throughline for the adventurers to follow, but plenty of opportunity to explore the world as a sandbox and approach various tasks in whatever order you'd like.

As a GM, and especially as a paid GM, I try my hardest to make sure everyone has their own time in the spotlight, but also to make sure that the group as a whole can operate together well. I try to adhere to the rules as closely and consistently as possible, so that everyone is able to make informed decisions regarding their actions and character builds. If there's an ambiguity in the rules, though, I'll tend to rule in the favor of the players. I love to see what interesting narratives come from the intersection of player choice and what the rules allow—sometimes the luck of the dice forces a story that's different than we expected, and I love working in that space. I will respect your choices and arbitrate the rules as fairly as I can, because that makes the best stories.

A few points of information for those curious:
  • New/inexperienced players are welcome, but I do expect my players to at least learn what their characters can do and how they work. I'll help you learn, but I expect an effort to learn.
  • Sessions will be using Forge, which is a website where I host my Foundry VTT worlds. It's like Roll20, so a lot of your experience as a player on Roll20 will carry over.
  • Sessions will be weekly, and I'll do my best to give everyone plenty of advance warning if I have to skip a week. I don't anticipate that happening often, though
  • Session 0 is free!
  • There is a ~60 page player's guide to the setting, detailing a basic primer for the world lore, several new player options unique to the setting, and a bit on the genre conventions of the game. I don't expect players to read the whole thing. Not everyone has time for 60 pages of homework. But at least skim chapters 1, 2, 6, and 7—roughly 20 pages.
  • Payment will be handled through StartPlaying.games. $15 USD per player per session.
My Discord name is Xortberg#7058, so message me there or leave your own Discord name here and I'll get in touch with you! You can also just PM me here if you'd rather, or leave comments below.

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First Post
Game: D&D 5e
Group type: Online / Discord / Foundry VTT (via Forge; don't worry, it's free on your end. You just need to make an account)
Experience: Over 10 years playing TTRPGs; 5-ish years with 5e; 10-ish years as GM
Location/Timezone: Seoul, GMT+9
Schedule: I've currently got my game scheduled for Tuesdays at noon, GMT+9 (that'd be 10PM EST).
Roles sought: 5 seats (2 taken currently), though if there's enough interest I'd be willing to run a second group as well
Game style: This is a heroic fantasy game, so there'll be plenty of combat against horrible monsters and evil people, but as heroes you'll also be looking to gain fame and interact with lots of people, so there'll be plenty of social interaction as well.

Hello there! I'm Nick, a longtime RPG fan and an experienced GM looking for a group to play through Odyssey of the Dragonlords with me! I backed the Kickstarter years ago, but never had a chance to actually run a long-term campaign until recently. The game is heavily inspired by Greek mythology, but with its own unique twists on both the mythological inspiration and on certain D&D conventions. I would describe myself as a GM who does lots of prep in advance, which works well with the style of the adventure—there's a clear throughline for the adventurers to follow, but plenty of opportunity to explore the world as a sandbox and approach various tasks in whatever order you'd like.

As a GM, and especially as a paid GM, I try my hardest to make sure everyone has their own time in the spotlight, but also to make sure that the group as a whole can operate together well. I try to adhere to the rules as closely and consistently as possible, so that everyone is able to make informed decisions regarding their actions and character builds. If there's an ambiguity in the rules, though, I'll tend to rule in the favor of the players. I love to see what interesting narratives come from the intersection of player choice and what the rules allow—sometimes the luck of the dice forces a story that's different than we expected, and I love working in that space. I will respect your choices and arbitrate the rules as fairly as I can, because that makes the best stories.

A few points of information for those curious:
  • New/inexperienced players are welcome, but I do expect my players to at least learn what their characters can do and how they work. I'll help you learn, but I expect an effort to learn.
  • Sessions will be using Forge, which is a website where I host my Foundry VTT worlds. It's like Roll20, so a lot of your experience as a player on Roll20 will carry over.
  • Sessions will be weekly, and I'll do my best to give everyone plenty of advance warning if I have to skip a week. I don't anticipate that happening often, though
  • Session 0 is free!
  • There is a ~60 page player's guide to the setting, detailing a basic primer for the world lore, several new player options unique to the setting, and a bit on the genre conventions of the game. I don't expect players to read the whole thing. Not everyone has time for 60 pages of homework. But at least skim chapters 1, 2, 6, and 7—roughly 20 pages.
  • Payment will be handled through StartPlaying.games. $15 USD per player per session.
My Discord name is Xortberg#7058, so message me there or leave your own Discord name here and I'll get in touch with you! You can also just PM me here if you'd rather, or leave comments below.

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