Paizo Paizo begins releasing out-of-print Pathfinder products for print-on-demand via DriveThruRPG


The EN World kitten
There doesn't seem to have been a thread about this, so I wanted to go ahead and bring it to people's attention. A few weeks ago, Paizo announced that they were going to start making out-of-print titles available as POD products over on DriveThruRPG. They've already put the following products up:

There are currently no announcements or timetable for future releases.

EDIT: The following titles have now been added for print-on-demand purchase:
EDIT (5/22): The following titles have now been added for print-on-demand purchase:
EDIT (7/2): The following titles have now been added for print-on-demand purchase:

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.
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It really annoys me to have the flood of fan stuff mixed in with the company's stuff on Drivethru. I don't see a way to look at just the Paizo stuff.


The EN World kitten
It really annoys me to have the flood of fan stuff mixed in with the company's stuff on Drivethru. I don't see a way to look at just the Paizo stuff.
Use the Publishers filter to restrict to Paizo. Then restrict via Rules System -> Pathfinder -> Pathfinder Official -> Pathfinder 1E. That will technically also remove the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, since it's a 3.5 product, but it will get most of what's there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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