Paizo News: Beginner Box Days, Organized Play Interactive Events

Learn the basics of Pathfinder

Learn the basics of Pathfinder during Beginner Box Days, Organized Play 2023 Interactive Events at PaizoCon and Gen Con, and a walk-through of PaizoCon's registration.


Pathfinder Beginner Box Days

If you've been holding off on trying out Pathfinder Second Edition, now is the time to go for it. From April 22- 30th, you can try out the adventure from the Pathfinder Beginner Box, Menace Under Otari, during Beginner Box Days. This is a two-session adventure designed to teach the basics of gameplay as well as a chance to put those skills into practice.

Sign-ups are currently open for both players and GMs (although GMs need to be signed up by April 17). The event's organizer will be using Discord to host virtual playrooms and post updates.

Organized Play Preview: 2023 Interactive Events

Every year, Pathfinder and Starfinder Organized Play release a multi-table event that plays with anywhere from three to a hundred and fifty tables. These epic adventures have players work beside each other to battle great evils and accomplish monumental feats. In recent years, these events have gone from using key story points from Organized Play to standalone adventures that can be used at conventions and special events for years to come.

Starfinder Society Special #5–99: Battle for the Bulwark will see its debut at PaizoCon 2023, bringing us back to Sangoro's Bulwark. Once among the most fortified Starfinder Society strongholds, it has been lost to unknown forces. A covert mission has discovered the Bulwark to be obscured by a cloak of magical darkness and the nearby Arsenal has been looted.

It's going to take a sizable force to reclaim the Bulwark, rescue any survivors, and destroy the foul forces who took the Bulwark from the Starfinder Society. Are you in?

Pathfinder Society Special #4-99: Blessings of the Forest will see its debut at Gen Con 2023. Venture into the forests of Kyonin at the behest of Queen Telandia. A shamed demon general seeks to corrupt the ley lines and bring Kyonin to it's knees with the help of a humiliated Kyonin noble. Join with Venture-Captain Viore Ciobanu to stand against the demonic forces threatening the safety of Fireani Forest!

PaizoCon Games Registration

Registration for PaizoCon Online games opens on Monday, April 17. They will be using Warhorn to sign up for games. If you are new to Warhorn, now is the time to create your account. Once you have an account made, go to the PaizoCon Online 2023 Warhorn and click "Register" in the upper right hand corner or right hand side of the screen. You'll receive and email from Warhorn letting you know you are cleared to sign up for games. While you wait, you can check out the event schedule and plan out what you want to play.

When you sign up for games, you'll click "Sign Up to Play" at the top of the player list for the game you want to join. If you chose a lottery game, you are in the queue to potentially be selected.

Lottery games will be run by Paizo staffers or community members that are more likely to be in high demand. Instead of it going to the person who can click the fastest, all names will go into a lottery to be chosen. Should any of those players drop, the games will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Open RPG Creative (ORC) License Draft Published

If you haven't taken a peek at the initial draft of the Open RPG Creative license (ORC), check out our article here or head over to Paizo's site. Commentary is still open until April 21 with the hopes of the license being finished by the end of April.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton


Doing the best imitation of myself
Just in case you haven't heard, the Foundry Beginner's Box is truly amazing. If you want something to show off VTTs, this is definitely it. I've run it twice and people have just been wowed. My group that runs Roll20 was sad at not using Foundry.

Just in case you haven't heard, the Foundry Beginner's Box is truly amazing. If you want something to show off VTTs, this is definitely it. I've run it twice and people have just been wowed. My group that runs Roll20 was sad at not using Foundry.
It's incredibly well done. The journal entries for each room include instructions on how to handle the mechanic introduced in the room in Foundry, which makes it great for both learning PF2e and Foundry.


Doing the best imitation of myself
It's incredibly well done. The journal entries for each room include instructions on how to handle the mechanic introduced in the room in Foundry, which makes it great for both learning PF2e and Foundry.
It is. And future APs have gotten even better. I would say that if a company is looking at how to do support for VTTs, they need to see these. I am running Abomination Vaults and it is even better!

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