Paizo News-January Organized Play Update

Paizo just put out their monthly update on their Organize Play for this month. In addition to their new errata policy, there were a few updates, reminders, and adventure releases.

Paizo just put out their monthly update on their Organize Play for this month. In addition to their new errata policy, there were a few updates, reminders, and adventure releases.


Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-08: Battle for Star’s Fate and Starfinder Society Scenario #5-13: Finding the Forgotten will be available digitally on January 25.

If you were still thinking about having your character become the new First Seeker, be sure to purchase the First Seeker Candidate boon and send in your information by January 16. Submissions will be closed after that date so they can review the candidate and make decisions.

In addition to the boons that were unlocked from the Blood Lords Adventure Path and the updated Undead Companion boon from Pathfinder Book of the Dead, they are working on getting Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path and Pathfinder Treasure Vault sanctioned for their release.

Convention season is upon us. With that comes a lot of chances to play Pathfinder and Starfinder with new people. Paizo keeps adding to their convention calendar. They just announced they will be attending DunDraCon in Santa Clara, California from February 17- 20 and GeghisCon in Denver from February 23-26. They will be announcing their volunteer opportunities for GenCon and PaizoCon soon, so keep your eyes open for those.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton


The EN World kitten
Disney might actually have enough spare change lying around the couch to buy Paizo as an April Fools day joke... Better be careful what you joke about, someone might actually be listening... ;)
Given that we're already living in the weirdest timeline, it could certainly happen.


I think a more interesting proposition is Paizo buying out a smaller publisher with a good rpg system they can pin Pathfinder 3rd Edition to if this OGL drama turns out to be the real deal. An interesting one might be buying Savage World’s creators…Pinnacle.…or certainly expanding the license agreement. The system conversion is already there.

Yes, some times I also suspect there is somebody here listening us, for example about the relaunch of the Hero Quest.

In any case now Disney is too busy cleaning the house to think about new acquisitions. Maybe even this could be acquired by a bigger fish, if this could be possible.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I think a more interesting proposition is Paizo buying out a smaller publisher with a good rpg system they can pin Pathfinder 3rd Edition to if this OGL drama turns out to be the real deal. An interesting one might be buying Savage World’s creators…Pinnacle.…or certainly expanding the license agreement. The system conversion is already there.
Pathfinder, FATE Edition! (Actually... that might be interesting...)

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