Paizo News: Organized Play & Humble Bundle Partnership

With all of the news of ORC and OGL, interest in Pathfinder has surged, leading to reprints and waits for the physical books. If you don't mind PDFs, Paizo has partnered with Humble Bundle to create a huge deal to help you play Pathfinder while helping a great cause.

With all of the news of ORC and OGL, interest in Pathfinder has surged, leading to reprints and waits for the physical books. If you don't mind PDFs, Paizo has partnered with Humble Bundle to create a huge deal to help you play Pathfinder while helping a great cause.


Paizo just announced that they are partnering with Humble Bundle to bring three tiers of goodies ranging from $5 to $25. One of the great things with Humble Bundle is a portion of the proceeds go to charity. This collaboration will see a portion of the proceeds going to Code for America, a group that works with community and government organizations to build digital resources to help effect societal changes.

Backing at the $5 tier gets you seven PDFs that are worth over $100: Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box, Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, Pathfinder Character Sheet Pack, Pathfinder Player Character Pawn Collection, Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide, and Pathfinder One-Shot #1: Sundered Waves.

The $15 tier will get you all of the previous PDFs as well as 11 more: Pathfinder Bestiary 2, Pathfinder Lost Omens Character Guide, Pathfinder Lost Omens Ancestry Guide, Pathfinder Adventure: Troubles in Otari, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Troubles in Otari, Pathfinder Society Intro #1: The Second Confirmation, Pathfinder Society Intro #2: United in Purpose, Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Ancient Dungeon, Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Swamp, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: City Sites Multipack (also in JPG), and Pathfinder Adventure: Little Trouble in Big Absalom.

Finally, the $25 tier give you all the PDFs from the previous tiers plus: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults (both the PDF and Foundry VTT), Pathfinder: Secrets of Magic, Pathfinder: Gamemastery Guide, Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults Pawn Collection, Pathfinder: Gamemastery Guide Pawn Collection, Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Arcane Library, Pathfinder Pawns: Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection, and Pathfinder Adventure: A Fistful of Flowers.

If you were looking to get into Pathfinder or just rounding out your collection, now is the time to do it while supporting a great cause!

In addition to the exciting Humble Bundle news, there were also a few things to note in Organized Play. Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-09: Killer in the Golden Mask, Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-10: Arclord's Abode, Starfinder Society Scenario #5-14: Ghost Level Delve, and Starfinder Bounty #7: Voyage on the River Between will be available digitally on February 22.

In honor of the ORC License, orcs are now a freely available player ancestry in both Pathfinder and Starfinder Society. If you've previously purchased the boon in Pathfinder, you will get a free resurrection. In Starfinder Society, previously-created orcs may use their boon t gain a +2 to any one stat. If you made your character in January before the change, you may request a refund of your Achievement Points.

Changes have been made to dragonkin partner bonds. You may select another player's character to form your partner bond with. Just mark down their Organized Play number on your character sheet. If they are permanently slain, you can select a new partner. You may choose to not form a bond at character creation or select one later.

Starfinder Society 1-99: The Scoured Stars Invasion is now available to be played or GMed twice, once in each level range.

In sanctioning news, Fists of the Ruby Phoenix is now sanctioned with work being underway to sanction Treasure Vault. There are new boons to spend your Achievement Points on from the Age of Ashes Adventure Path, including some that haven't been printed in other rulebooks. The Beginner Box is now sanctioned fully in campaign mode, which means you can bring in any character the GM permits even if they aren't built using the Beginner Box rules.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
So ... what's the trick to actually getting purchased files off of I've waited 60 seconds for my downloads to "personalize," clicked again, had nothing happen, been told to start the process over again, gotten no downloads ...

Is this just a factor of a lot of people using this at the moment? (And yes, I have NoScript disabled, etc.)


So ... what's the trick to actually getting purchased files off of I've waited 60 seconds for my downloads to "personalize," clicked again, had nothing happen, been told to start the process over again, gotten no downloads ...

Is this just a factor of a lot of people using this at the moment? (And yes, I have NoScript disabled, etc.)
There are 3 clicks total. Click. Wait 60 seconds. Click. Click again.


Also, just in case anyone is having a similar problem to the one I had: you have to put in the code for each tier. So if you went all in for $25+, you have to separately apply each of the three tiers (plus the foundry VTT module separately as well).


Any idea about the Beginner Box material? Is it similar to the PF2e box's contents and quality?
Unfortunately I have never seen it. I learned the game before they came out with it so did not feel the need.

On that note,if you are at all familiar with PF1, it is really easy to pick up. Not that I want to dissuade you from getting the Beginner Box. Paizo does them better than anyone. I am reading throughbthe PF2 BB right now and am chomping at the bit to try it.


You'd think they rushed to get this into Humble Bundle with the whole WotC OGL mess. However the funny thing is that Eric Mona stated over on Reddit that the planning for this most recent Humble Bundle started three months ago.o_O
Yeah, I think Bundle of Holding can move fast enough that some of the bundles that popped up over there were rushed a bit in the wake of the OGL fallout, but Humble Bundle is a bigger operation and RPGs are just a tiny sliver of what they offer - and from what I've heard from the book publishing side of things the lead time on those bundles is typically months. So even though I wondered when I saw it, I figured it had to be a coincidence.

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