Pathfinder 2E Paizo Update: Pathfinder 2E Core and Bestiary in Regular and Deluxe Editions

I wonder about Paizo's plans with the no-core classes (inquisitor, summoner, ninja, samurai, gunslinger, oracle, cavalier, witch..). If dragonborns and warlocks are in the SRD of the D&D 5th Ed... Could they appear in Pth 2nd ed?

I wonder about Paizo's plans with the no-core classes (inquisitor, summoner, ninja, samurai, gunslinger, oracle, cavalier, witch..).

If dragonborns and warlocks are in the SRD of the D&D 5th Ed... Could they appear in Pth 2nd ed?


For me the attunement was needed so it didn’t become an issue like previous editions of magic Christmas tree with 12 different slots for people to put stuff in soooo committee worked for me on that part. :)

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The committee part referred to the removal of the restriction from the playtest.

(That is, you got it backwards. The idea was that if 5E had been designed by the same committee, Attunement would not have survived into the final product)


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