Paridon Book II: A Taste For Power (Closed)


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You know, when it was just the PHB, nobody ever seemed to have a problem picking feats. With all the available sources out now, we all seem to have a hard time choosing!

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First Post
You know, when it was just the PHB, nobody ever seemed to have a problem picking feats. With all the available sources out now, we all seem to have a hard time choosing!

For me it's because I'm a kid in a candy store who sees alot of good looking candy, but I don't know which ones taste best. ;)


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That's very much why I believe in concepts first, mechanics afterward. Think of who the character is, and the what will flow naturally.

My Original Concept was basically "A character who can shoot well, see things well, sneak around and beat people up even if sneaking fails"

I then need to jam that into the mechanics, going through the candystore to see which candies work best with the idea. >.>

I almost always come up with the concepts first. I then realize my concepts cannot fit the mechanics system and have to play around with it.


My Original Concept was basically "A character who can shoot well, see things well, sneak around and beat people up even if sneaking fails"

I then need to jam that into the mechanics, going through the candystore to see which candies work best with the idea. >.>

I almost always come up with the concepts first. I then realize my concepts cannot fit the mechanics system and have to play around with it.

Yes, but who is she? Not what she can do, but how she thinks? There's your answer. What she can do affects how she thinks, of course, but a true concept of the character will be beyond capabilities.


I think that's how I managed to come up with Darian. All in all, I think he's a rather weak character, mechanically... but I absolutely love to RP him!



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I think that's how I managed to come up with Darian. All in all, I think he's a rather weak character, mechanically... but I absolutely love to RP him!


I'm never very good at optimizing characters. Ru's basically good at running and jumping, and that's probably more an accident than anything else. It came in handy in the clocktower, but by and large Ru's good at getting to the fight, then has to worry about actually landing a hit. ;)

But I'm with you. It's just fun to play him, especially now that he's battling his barbarous past. :)



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I'm never very good at optimizing characters.

I can optimize fairly well, but some people around here make characters that still blow my mind.

But I'm with you. It's just fun to play him, especially now that he's battling his barbarous past. :)

I hope my new PC for this game will be fun to play. I tried to put lots of items in his background for IVV to take advantage of.


I hope my new PC for this game will be fun to play. I tried to put lots of items in his background for IVV to take advantage of.

He's certainly fun for me to work with. Ru, Darian, Calahan, and Fr. Berman, too. Everyone's personalities and histories form lots of fun hooks in lots of directions.

jkason, would you like to decide how the Strahd Street Irregulars met up with Rhiannon or shall I?

Tiali, does Cliff have any thoughts about what happened that one night at Little Diversions?

Neurotic, how much would you like Eugene to have worked with Edditomas in the past?

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