Party Treasure: How Do You Divvy?

Sometimes the metagaming of players can cause an inequity in the division of treasure that turns the actual character relationships upside-down, and a DM should have some options to steer the division, or to suugest to the players, so that they can best manage to survive through high levels in a campaign.

Its not the metagaming of the players that causes the imballance its the DM's choice of treasure.

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Yea this is what we have been doing for years as well:

"Two things you guys do that I really like:

1) Make sure new PCs and NPCs are properly outfitted. If you guys have something better already than what was found you almost always insist on new members of the party taking the new stuff so they can do a better job.

2) Hand-me-downs: If one PC picks and takes an item that he/she already has a less powerful version of, that PC puts their old one back into the mix to be divided. e.g. Ariel's character picks a Ring of Protection +3 but already has a Ring of Protection +2, you replace the +2 with the +3 and put the +2 back into the mix."

Kastil said:
A recent discussion came up amoungst online buddies of mine on how party treasure is divided between players.

Being naturally LN, I *want* a system like clark411 uses, especially as a player when the GM doesn't apply any logic to loot. I've been in games where one guy ends up with 85% of the party's wealth. I didn't like it, even when I was that guy. (As the fighter I got a ring of regeneration, the sentient mage-bane blade, spiffy armor, and by dint of being the only non-elf the ring of sustenance; the next best character had a sword +2, chain+2 and a cloak+1 at 9th level.)

It wouldn't have actually changed the distribution of wealth but maybe the GM would have gotten the hint when I owed the party 390,000gp.

In the games I run I keep a pretty close tab on the distribution of wealth. Ignoring party items that someone is just holding (rod of security, lantern of revealing, cube of force), I try to make sure that I don't give out too many arcane-only items or a single hyper-powerful weapon. Roughly every other level I run an audit to make sure everyone is in the same basic class of wealth and make whatever adjustments necessary to future treasure rolls to compensate.

In the group that I DM, they seem to be very Communist -- "to each according to his need", and all that. What they can't use, they sell.

They never bother to add up exactly how much loot each one has -- and I exaserbate this by having non-DMG items as primary loot, such as multi-function items, Psionic tattoos and a symbiont. Generally, each one feels slightly poor but equal, which is how I like them. :)

-- N

Limper said:
Its not the metagaming of the players that causes the imballance its the DM's choice of treasure.

You'll have to be more clear.

Players' metagaming absolutely can cause an imbalance, as I stated. I've seen a six foot six inch tall, 250 lb. male shout down an entire table of smaller players regarding the distribution of treasure to get the best of the items despite his character being the lowest level, weakest character in the party, and supposedly not interested in wealth or treasure. Clearly a case where player metagaming changed the face of the game.

Whether through bullying or manipulation, greed of a player (rather than a character) often has an influence on how treasure is divided in gaming groups.

As to a DM's choice of treasure, I can see that as well but I'd say it is nearly impossible for treasure ever be available for perfectly equal distribution. So unless you are pointing out an extreme case I'm not so sure I am following your point. Can you elaborate?

i've also seen DMs hand out magic hand over fist.

the one true munchkin in the group asked for as much as his character could carry. the rest of us more than oblige. we were initially planning on just selling the items as mundane. just to piss of the DM. ;)

but it was better to give it to the munchkin. that was what made him happy. and made the rest of us cackle with glee as the DM tried to give us more and more items. :D

edit: read the story hour in my.... ;)
Last edited:

Sum of all loot/[(Total number of PC's+NPC's)+1 for the company treasure]

this way everyone who can get something get's something and in emergencies people can dip into the company treasure which constantly keeps getting refilled.

This is a system I worked out for one of my groups:

Depletable magic items are considered party treasure, unless taken specifically for personal use (i.e., potions of healing and scrolls to be added to spellbooks). The thinking is that until the party breaks up, all the depletable magic items are used to help the party, thus they shouldn't be counted against the character's share.

A tally is kept of the value of permanent items and personal use items taken by each character. When new items become available, an effort is made to balance out each character's tally.

Monetary party treasure is kept in the party until the party decides to split it up. Party expenses, including scrolls and potions, are bought with party treasure.

This system is not as strict as I would have had it - I prefer strict division of personal and group treasure. However the opposite end of the spectrum is the player that tries to use fast talking to get the party to finance things he's too cheap to buy for himself.

Mark said:
You'll have to be more clear.

Players' metagaming absolutely can cause an imbalance, as I stated. I've seen a six foot six inch tall, 250 lb. male shout down an entire table of smaller players regarding the distribution of treasure to get the best of the items despite his character being the lowest level, weakest character in the party, and supposedly not interested in wealth or treasure. Clearly a case where player metagaming changed the face of the game.

Whether through bullying or manipulation, greed of a player (rather than a character) often has an influence on how treasure is divided in gaming groups.

As to a DM's choice of treasure, I can see that as well but I'd say it is nearly impossible for treasure ever be available for perfectly equal distribution. So unless you are pointing out an extreme case I'm not so sure I am following your point. Can you elaborate?

Ahhhh your position now makes sense to me... I would call that Player intimidation not metagaming.


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