Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2nd Edition Game Trade Media Playtest Video

Thanks. Some of these look quite good. I like the idea of taking an action to take advantage of cover. I do hope they try to keep numerical fiddliness out of the system in favour of more options in play like blocking and taking cover.

Thanks. Some of these look quite good. I like the idea of taking an action to take advantage of cover.

I do hope they try to keep numerical fiddliness out of the system in favour of more options in play like blocking and taking cover.


Golden Procrastinator
Jason Bulmahn recently shared a 2-hour video including a short playtest session of Pathfinder 2nd Edition played last week with the folks of Game Trade Media. Some interesting tidbits (many of which we have seen before). You can watch the full video below!

Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 13.23.24.png

Nikisandros said:
  1. It's confirmed that you have to spend an action every round to raise your shield.
  2. A +1 magical weapon deals double damage (or at least double damage dice)
  3. magical armor will also be something new
  4. there is a shield that bites the attacker with a block reaction
  5. magic items in general change the game. Not a pile of bonuses
  6. Ring of protection and Cloak of Resistance non currently in the book
  7. If you are behind cover, you can take cover as an action, doubling the AC bonus from +2 to +4
  8. pets (summoned creatures, familiars, companions, mounts) take an action to control and get two actions
  9. you can differentiate your stat bonuses within an ancestry. Actually the whole system of stat generation is different and it depends on the path you take to build your character
  10. archetypes will be an advanced way of customising characters, they're very excited about them



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Golden Procrastinator
Another thing I forgot to write: healing spells for clerics appear to draw from a separate specific pool so you don't have to choose between bless and heal.


Golden Procrastinator
Is this to get the damage reduction, or you need to spend an action for the shield to do *anything*?

You have to spend an action just to get the AC bonus. With a reaction you can reduce the damage. The fighter (I'm not clear if all fighters) could ude a reaction to "raise" the shield and get the AC bonus.

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
I love the idea of shields as an active component rather than a passive bonus. You *choose* to wield a shield, and decide *how* to use it each round. Raise for defense. React to bash. Defend an ally. All interactive decisions. Brilliant! And how many editions before someone finally figured a way to make shields so appealing and fun?


First Post
It was also clarified that you can't split the movement of a single action around other actions. So, if you move 10 feet and then want to open a door and then continue moving another 20 feet, that would require 3 actions instead of 2. I'm a little disappointed to hear this, but its probably easy enough to house rule.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I love the idea of shields as an active component rather than a passive bonus. You *choose* to wield a shield, and decide *how* to use it each round. Raise for defense. React to bash. Defend an ally. All interactive decisions. Brilliant! And how many editions before someone finally figured a way to make shields so appealing and fun?

Continuing along this train of thought, I absolutely love what they’ve done with shields this edition, but I’m feeling really underwhelmed by dual wielding. Now, maybe there will be Feats that make dual wielding awesome if you build for it, but at baseline, it seems pretty much pointless. If you can make three attacks with just one weapon, and can’t make any additional attacks by wielding a second, there seems to be no benefit whatsoever to a paired set of weapons, like say dual shortswords. There is a very, very small advantage to using one Nimble weapon and one regular weapon, so you have the bigger damage die on your first attack and the decreased penalty on subsequent attacks. But having the option to trade down a die size for what amounts to +1 to your second attack and +2 to your third seems really weak compared to what shields can do without any Feat investment. Maybe that’s working as intended? I guess it makes sense that using two weapons is pretty much just worse than a weapon and shield unless you have specialized training. But I’m skeptical. I wouldn’t want dual-wielders to feel like they’re holding the party back for the first few levels until they get the Feats they need to be viable. Especially if sword and board and 2-hander users are spending those Feats getting even better while the dual-wielders are forced to play catch-up their whole careers.

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