Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Alpha Sunless Citadel RG

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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Name:		Thunder Malloy		Age:		16
Class/Level:	Fighter 1		Gender:		Male
Race:		Human			Height:		6'6" 
Alignment:	Neutral Good		Weight:		160 lbs.
Deity:		Gorum			Eyes/Hair:	Blue/Brown
Size:		Medium			Skin:		Dark Tan
Favored Class:  Fighter                 Racial Skill:   Acrobatics
[url=][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Ability[/COLOR][/url]		Score	Mod	HP: 23  
Strength	 18     +4	    	
Dexterity	 12     +1	AC:   18   =   10      5       2      1          |  17  |  11
Constitution	 15     +2	     Total    Base + Armor+ Shield + Dex + Magic | Flat | Touch 	
Intelligence	 11      0	                                                   Foot
Wisdom		 10      0	Init:  1      1      0
Charisma	  9     -1           Total = Dex + Miscl.

			Base   Ability     Misc.
Saving Throws	Total =	Save + Modifier + Modifier
Fortitude	  4      2       +2	    
Reflex		  1      0       +1	    
Will		  0      0        0    	    

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Grapple   5      1     4      0     
	Total = BAB + STR + Size + Misc

Attack	       Bonus    Damage    Critical  Range  Type  Weight  Notes 
Great Sword     +6      2D6+6     19-20/x2   n/a     S    8 lbs  Weapon Focus
Heavy Flail     +5      1D10+6    19-20/x2   n/a     B   10 lbs 
Unarmed         +5      1D3+4        x2              B           Nonlethal Damage
                Key     Total    Ability    Level  Feat
Skill  	      Ability   Bonus    Modifier   Bonus  Bonus
Acrobatics      Dex      +10       +1        +4     +5
Climb           Str      +10       +4        +4     +2
Swim            Str      +8        +4        +4

Skill Focus (Acrobatics)
Weapon Focus (Great Sword)

[b][u]Basic Posessions[/u][/b]
Item		       Weight   Cost
Great Sword             8 lbs.   50 gp
Chainmail              40 lbs.  150 gp 
Heavy Flail            10 lbs.   15 gp.
Heavy Steel Shield     15 lbs.   20 gp

Backpack                2 lb.     2 gp
Bedroll                 5 lbs.    1 sp
Caltrops x3             6 lbs.    3 gp
Crowbar                 5 lbs.    2 gp
Grappling Hook          4 lbs.    1 gp
100' Hemp Rope         20 lbs.    2 gp  
Trail Rations x8        8 lbs.    4 gp
Waterskin x2            8 lbs.    2 gp
Whetstone x 5           5 lbs.    1 cp

Acid (Flask)            1 lb.    20 gp
Sunrod x5               5 lb.    10 gp

 142        0       142
Basic  +  Magic  =  Total
Weight    Weight    Weight

100      200     300    300     600     1,500
Light	Medium	Heavy	Lift  Lift Off   Push
Load	Load	Load	Over   Ground     or
			Head             Drag

Copper    109
Silver    8
Gold      17
Platinum  0
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[SBLOCK=Human Cleric]Name: Skye
Race: Human (Size Medium)
Class: Cleric
Level: 1 (1)
XP: 0
Next Level: 2000
Alignment: NG
Deity: Gozreh

Sex: Female
Age: 29
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 131 lb
Eye Colour: Deep Blue
Hair Colour: Short Blonde

[B]Str:[/B] 14 (+2)
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 (+0)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 (+1)
[B]Int:[/B] 10 (+0)
[B]Wis:[/B] 16 (+3)
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 (+2) (+2 Human)

[B]HP:[/B]         17 (2d8 + 1 Con)
[B]Current HP:[/B] 17/17
[B]AC:[/B] 16 (+10 Base +2 Shield +4 Armor)
    10 (Touch Attack)
    16 (Flat-Footed)

[B]Fort:[/B] +3 (+1 Con +2 Cleric)
[B]Refl:[/B] +2 (+0 Dex +0 Cleric +2 Feat)
[B]Will:[/B] +5 (+3 Wis +2 Cleric)

Init: +0 (+0 Dex)

Feats: (2) Weapon Focus (Trident), Lightning Reflexes

Skills: (3) Diplomacy (+6), Heal (+7), Perception (+7)

BAB: +0

Melee Attack:

+3 (Trident) - Damage: 1d8+2 (20/x2)
+2 (Dagger) - Damage: 1d4+2 (19-20/x2)
+2 (Club) - Damage: 1d6+2 (20/x2)

Ranged Attack:

+0 (Sling) - Damage: 1d4+2 (50 ft., 20/x2)

Languages: Common (Literate)

Cleric Abilities:

Spells, Domain Powers (Weather, Animal), Orisons, Turn Undead (5/day, 30 ft., 1d6 Damage, DC 12), Spontaneous Casting (Cure Spells)

Load: Light (Light Up to 58 lb, Medium 59-116 lb, Heavy 117-175 lb)

ACP: -4 (Chain Shirt, Heavy Steel Shield)

Speed: 30 ft (30 ft) (Runx4)


0 pp, 10 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp


Dagger (2)
Sling Bullets (10)


Heavy Steel Shield
Chain Shirt


Explorer's Outfit
Flint and Steel
Common Lamp
Flask of Oil (6)
Belt Pouch
Trail Rations (5)
Silk Rope (50 ft.)
Torch (2)
Sunrod (5)
Tindertwig (2)
Flask of Acid (2)
Silver Holy Symbol


Scroll of Bless
Scroll of Magic Weapon
Scroll of Protection from Evil

Domain Powers:

Animal: Summon Companion (Summon Nature's Ally I)
Weather: Storm Burst (Ranged Touch, 30 ft., 1d6 hp Non-Lethal, -2 Attacks)

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Spell DC: 13 + Spell Level (Cleric) (CL 1)

Chain Shirt                 100 gp
Heavy Steel Shield           20 gp
Dagger (2)                    4 gp
Trident                      15 gp
Club                          0 gp
Sling                         0 gp
Sling Bullets (10)          0.1 gp
Explorer's Outfit             0 gp
Backpack                      2 gp
Bedroll                     0.1 gp
Flint and Steel               1 gp
Common Lamp                 0.1 gp
Flask of Oil (6)            0.6 gp
Belt Pouch                    1 gp
Trail Rations (5)           2.5 gp
Silk Rope (50 ft.)           10 gp
Sack                        0.1 gp
Torch (2)                  0.02 gp
Waterskin                     1 gp
Sunrod (5)                   10 gp
Tindertwig (2)                2 gp
Flask of Acid (2)            20 gp
Silver Holy Symbol           25 gp
Scroll Bless                 25 gp
Scroll Magic Weapon          25 gp
Scroll Protection from Evil  25 gp


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Walking Dad

First Post

[sblock=Aramil Xiloscient/Goldpetal]

Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 1 (prohibited: evocation, necromancy)
Itembond: Ring

Diety: Nethys

Scribe Scroll

Str 12 (4)
Dex 16 (6) +2 race
Con 12 (6) -2 race
Int 16 (6) +2 race
Wis 10 (2)
Cha 12 (4)

HP: 18 (12 + 1 Con + 4 Toughness + 1 fav Class)

Skills Trained:
Appraise: +7 (+9 to identify magic items)
Knowledge (arcana): +7
Linguistics: +7
Perception (cc): +2 (+4 sight and sound)
Spellcraft: +7

Languages: common, elven, draconic, sylvan, orc

O - mage hand, prestidigitation, detect magic
1 - grease, sleep
[sblock=Spellbook]All level 0 but read magic and evocation + necromancy schools
color spray, feather fall, grease, identify, shield, sleep[/sblock]

AC: 15 (10 + 3 Dex +2 Conjur)
Fort: +1
Refl: +3
Will: +2


Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 1 (prohibited: evocation, necromancy)
Itembond: Ring

Diety: Nethys

Scribe Scroll (Bonus)

Str 12 (4)
Dex 16 (6) +2 race
Con 12 (6) -2 race
Int 16 (6) +2 race
Wis 10 (2)
Cha 12 (4)

HP: 18 (12 + 1 Con + 4 Toughness + 1 fav Class)

Skills: 5 ranks
Appraise: +7 (+1 ranks + 3 Int + 3 class) (+9 to identify magic items)
Knowledge (arcana): +7 (+1 ranks + 3 Int + 3 class)
Linguistics: +7 (+1 ranks + 3 Int + 3 class)
Perception: +1 (+1 ranks + 0 Wis) (+3 sight and sound)
Spellcraft: +7 (+1 ranks + 3 Int + 3 class)

Languages: common, elven, draconic, sylvan, orc

O - mage hand, prestidigitation, detect magic
1 - grease, sleep
[sblock=Spellbook]All level 0 but read magic and evocation + necromancy schools
color spray, feather fall, grease, identify, shield, sleep[/sblock]

AC: 15 (10 + 3 Dex +2 Conjur)
Fort: +1
Refl: +3
Will: +2[/sblock]
[/sblock][sblock=Equipment]Equipment: 300gp
Longsword 15gp 4 lbs
Dagger 2gp 1 lbs

Ring (Itembond) – gp - lbs
Backpack 2gp 2 lbs
Bedroll 1sp 5 lbs
Scroll Case 1gp ½ lbs
Flint and Steel 1gp
Pouch, Belt 1gp ½ lbs
Rations (4) 2gp 4 lbs
50' Rope, Silk 10gp, 5 lbs
Soap 1gp 2 lbs
Spellbook 15gp 3 lbs
Spellcomponent pouch 12gp 2 lbs
Sunrods (5) 10gp 5 lbs
Waterskin 1gp 4 lbs
Whetstone 2cp 1lbs
Potion of CLW (2) 100gp - lbs

Scrolls 100 gp
Burning Hands
Ray of Enfeeblement (2)
Mage armor

Total Cost: 273gp 1sp 2cp
Left Over: 26gp 8sp 8cp

Total Weight: 39 lbs

light 0-43; medium 44-86; heavy 87-130[/sblock]
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[B]Name:[/B] Snag
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue 1
[B]Race:[/B] Half-Orc
[B]Region of Origin:[/b]
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B] Pharasma

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (06p.)	[B]Level:[/B] 1	[B]XP[/B]: 
[B]Dex:[/B] 15 +2 (08p.)	[B]BAB:[/B] +0		[B]HP:[/B] 22 
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)	[B]Grapple:[/B] +3	[B]Craft Points:[/B]
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (04p.)	[B]Speed:[/B] 30'	[B]Stat Increases:[/b]
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (02p.)	[B]Init:[/B] +2	[B]Spell Save:[/B] 
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)	[B]ACP:[/B] -0		[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 10%

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+2	+2	+0	+0	+0	+0	14
[B]Touch:[/B]	12	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+2	+0	+2	--
[B]Ref:[/B]	+4	+2	+2	--
[B]Will:[/B]	+1	+0	+1	--

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
Falchion		+3	2d4+4	18-20/x2	------
Dagger   		+3	1d4+3	19-20/x2	 10 ft
Sap     		+3	1d6+1	   20/x2	------
Composite Shortbow	+2	1d6	   20/x3	 70 ft

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Orc

[B]Abilities:[/B] Darkvision 60 ft., Weapon Familiarity, Orc Ferocity, Orc Blood, Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding

[B]Feats: [/B] Toughness

[B]Trained Skills:[/B]  8	
[B]Skills		Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc[/B]
Climb   	+7	 4	+3	--
Disable Device	+4	 4	+0	--
Escape Artist	+6	 4	+2	--
Intimidate	+4	 4	+0	--
K (Local)	+4	 4	+0	--
Perception	+5	 4	+1	--
Stealth		+6	 4	+2	--
Theft		+6	 4	+2	--

[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
Clothing		--gp	--lb
Falchion		75gp	 8lb
Dagger  		 2gp	 1lb
Sap     		 1gp	 2lb
Comp Shortbow		75gp	 2lb
Leather 		10gp	15lb
Backpack		 2gp	 2lb
Bedroll			 1sp	 5lb
Crowbar 		 2gp	 5lb
Flint + Steel		 1gp	--lb
Grappling Hook		 1gp	 4lb
Belt Pouch		 1gp	.5lb
7 Days Rations		35sp	 7lb
50 ft Silk Rope		10gp	 5lb
Sack			 1sp	.5lb
Waterskin		 1gp	 4lb
Whetstone		 2cp	 1lb
3 Acid Flasks		30gp 	 3lb
Thieves' Tools		30gp	 1lb
P (Cure Light)		50gp	 1lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 67lb	[B]Money:[/B] 1gp 40sp 28cp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	 76	153	230	460	1150






You have enhanced physical stamina.
Benefit: You gain +3 hit points plus 1 hit point per Hit
Die. Every time you gain a level or gain Hit Dice, you gain
+1 hit points.

8 x 2 (Rogue) + 2 (Con) + 4 (Toughness) = 22

If you look at the benefit of the feat, it gives you +3 hit points in addition to +1 hit point/level, so the total bonus at first level is +4 hit points, not +3.

Voidrunner's Codex

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