[Pathfinder] Burnt Offerings

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I'd really like to try a Pathfinder sorceror. *puppy dog eyes*
We'll use the Pathfinder RPG Beta Ruleset
I knew it was in the bag once Shayuri brought out the puppy dog eyes. No one resists the puppy dog eyes!
Then again, a party entirely composed of wizards and sorcerors might be wildly interesting...
The same thought occured to me. A themed campaign with an adventuring coven on mages could be interesting.

Name: Elyra
Race: Human (Varisian)
Class: Ranger
Align: LG
Feat: Precise Shot,?
Skills: Survival, Spot/Listen, Knowl. Nature and Geography

Elyra is a tall Varisian woman with olive skin and close-cropped black hair. She is broad-shouldered and well-built, but her chiseled features would be better described as handsome than beautiful. Like most Varisians she wanders from place to place, making her way in the world as a string of odd jobs rather than plying a single trade. She has worked variously as a hunter, guide, drover and sellsword. Despite these changing careers, she has always chosen honest work, a decision that sometimes puzzles her family.

She left her family in the north when she received a good offer to work as a caravan guard. A string of such jobs brought her to Sandpoint, where she waits, looking for the next good opportunity to come her way.

For all her wanderlust, Elyra is a hard-headed and practical woman. She knows that the gods move in the world, that spellcasters wield twisted arcane powers, and exotic beasts lurk in the forgotten places of the world. But these are only her problem if they cross her path. For her, life is putting her feet on the road, food in the pot and, Erastil willing, coin in her purse.

This is a nice character!

Thus far I'm seeing two male protectors (half-orc cleric and human paladin) and three women (two casters and one ranger). You'd probably get a lot of rp mileage out of the tension that would result between the protectors and the arcane casters, plus you'd probably get some interesting dramatic tension between the female ranger and the female arcane casters.

Cool, you guys.


This is a nice character!

Glad you liked her. Class-wise, if we don't get a rogue, she could be rewritten as a Scout (from Complete Adventurer). Scouts have the Trapfinder ability, so we'd be covered there, and I could buy her the Track feat. The net result would be a really good "skill monkey," which suits me just fine. And that could increase the tension between the down-to-earth trail guide and the wielders of eldritch power.

Are you familiar with the Scout class? I don't think significant changes would be needed for an upgrade to Pathfinder. I'd lobby for going from a d8 to a d10 hit die, but I don't feel strongly about it.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts, and let's see how the composition of the party shakes out. I'm happy to go either way with the character.

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