Pathfinder Rage of Elements Review

Rage of Elements introduces the different elemental planes, bringing with it new spells, monsters, and places to explore. It is the first book to be part of the new Remaster line.

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A couple of weeks ago, I was able to preview the Air section from Pathfinder Rage of Elements. Now, with it being released on August 3, 2023, let’s talk about the book as a whole. First things first, this book is chocked full of new stuff. A new items, new enemies, new spells, you name it. It’s also the first book to be published with Remastered editions. So what can you expect from this book?


Kineticists are back and better than ever. They’ve awakened their kinetic gates, supernatural conduits within their bodies that can channel elemental forces straight from the plane. This can manifest as a single gate where they get great power over one element or a dual gate which allows them to combine two elements for more versatility. Now, one of the things they can do at 5th level and every 4 levels after that is choose between expanding their portal to attune better to one of their elements or forking their path to add a new element to the mix.

They get new feats that allow them to get elemental familiars, changing their blasts to a rare form of their element (cold for air, acid for water, etc.), infusing their blasts with two elements, changing the size of their aura, plus so many more. Because the Planes of Wood and Metal have been found, kineticists now get access to those elements as well.

Where would a kineticist be without their impulses? In addition to all the element specific impulses, there are also Composite Impulses they can take. The only prerequisite to getting Composite Impulses is having access to the elements used in it.

Backgrounds and Ancestries

I’m not going to lie; I squealed like a little kid when I saw the Crystal Healer background just because I like shiny rocks. I make no promises that if I every play a character with that background I won’t bring a ton of rocks to game as props. Each of the six elements has their own new background and there are a couple of uncommon and rare backgrounds that allow you to pick the element or elements you gain Lore in.

Ardande and Talos Geniekin are the two new ancestries for the wood and metal elements. Each as varied as the element they come from. While I’ll probably never play one, I kind of like the Moldersoul feat where you decompose the foliage around you. I’d be more likely to pick the Springsoul feat so I can cast tangle vines.

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The Planes

Each planar chapter starts with a description of the plane and places of interest. None of the places have more than a description, allowing you to fill in the details of what all goes on in them. You are also introduced to the Elemental Lords of each plane, complete with their devotee benefits.

At the end of each elements section, you are given new creatures who inhabit the plane: genies, elementals, and Sootsoldiers. Each elemental breakdown gives you different forms that the element can take like Lava Otters and Crystal Striders. And let’s be serious, who doesn’t want a Lava Otter as a pet?

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New Spells

This is always the first thing I look at when I crack open a new gaming book. I will always love spells because I usually play a spell caster. This book does not disappoint when it comes to new and interesting spells. Glass Shield allows you to summon up a shield of glass that functions as the shield spell, but it has a Hardness 2 and 4 hit points. When it breaks, if the breaker is within 5 feet, they must succeed in making a Reflex save or take damage from the shards.

I feel like the different aspects of the elements are well represented in the different types of spells provided. While fire can burn others, being able to sense heat signatures is not something I would’ve thought of as a use for it. Nor would I have thought to use it to create overconfidence and carelessness in a target.

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New Items

With new areas to explore come new items. You can’t expect to go on a trip through the planes without picking up a souvenir or two. How about a curious teardrop from the Metal Plan to assist you or just keep you from getting lonely on your travels? Or a brine dragon scale to add acid damage to your weapon? Animal nip is great if you want to pass through an area where there are a lot of animals you don’t want to fight.

Again, there are a lot of interesting items I would never be able to dream up with utilizing the aspects of the elements they represent.

Final Thoughts

This book is super gorgeous, and it is obvious that a lot of thought went into it. I’m glad they thought to put an Appendix in the back that lists all the spells and where to find them in the book. I will be back and rereading a lot of them. I love the fact that none of the areas within the Planes have stats so you can use them in other worlds and come up with your own adventures within them. Now I want to make a character kitted out to explore the dead air areas of the Plane of Air.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton

My hope is that a person can create a wu jen or shugenja style character with the kineticist and some re-flavoring.
I don't know what those are. But what the class more or less gives is an 'MMO Mage'. The closest MMO equivalent is probably midway between the Guild Wars 2 Elementalist and the World of Warcraft Mage.

BUT that's a reference many might also not have. So...

It is basically a 'near pure DPS'. Your impulses theme you around being some kind of 'blaster'. And while you can be both melee and ranged, you will probably want to specialize. Like in an MMO you would want to focus spending your points into a themed build.

What it is NOT is the 'utility / support / jack of all trades' that PF2E has so far "almost forced" all casters to be.

A player who just wanted to be a 'DPS magic user" now has the option.

I mean, it's also got way more options for support or control baked in to class abilities than any other class - turns out you can build it basically any way you want and be happy!

A player who just wanted to be a 'DPS magic user" now has the option.

Wow this is going to make a lot of people very happy!

Or hahaha it will make people happy for a moment and then they'll complain about not being able to be the best at damage AND the best at support so you know /shrug

Wow this is going to make a lot of people very happy!
I believe Paizo misread their community when they 'somewhat' "forced" all their casters to be support / utility. You can build around that to be a DPS, but in so doing you're moving against the grain, as even the upcoming cantrip nerf helps to show. Cantrips were, after all, an easy path to making a PF2E caster into an "off-DPS" - Electric Arc gave you a 2nd tier on demand blast attack - equivalent to maybe a max spell-rank -1 or -2 spell slot. Not great, but enough to 'phone it in' from the backline as a DPS/Support.

The things is, most people want to play DPS. Just try to build a team comp in any online group play game that has roles - whatever the support roles are will be harder to fill. Entire raid comps can fall apart even in games that let you switch your role on the fly because many people would rather not play at all than play a support.

Now they finally have a "pure DPS" "sort of caster". As @grankless notes you CAN make it into a support - but a support kineticist is now against the grain. You don't get that many impulses. Each one you spend going down the support route route is one more that is attempt to move your class chassis away from it's intention over to something else.

Like making a fighter that then spends all their feats on academia and out of combat healing. You can "almost" do it. But it's not the class intention ("almost" as in yeah, this is just an analogy - the actual fighter class feats might not have enough non-combat options).

I do see a problem in that... there is only 1 example now of the 'role most people want', and a huge pile of caster classes all with a core chassis that is not the role the majority wants. Imagine showing up to World of Warcraft if the game had 10 healing specs and then the fire mage class, and that was it outside of fury warrior, rogue, and hunter.

7 rulebooks in (core, APG, GnG, SoM, BoD, DA, and now this), PF2E finally got it's first DPS caster. There's going to be a LOT of people wanting to play this class. ;)

Or hahaha it will make people happy for a moment and then they'll complain about not being able to be the best at damage AND the best at support so you know /shrug
My initial impression was the new class was horribly unbalanced in a too powerful way.

With the right impulses you can make some pretty insane builds. People have talked me down from that somewhat. It's likely you can't get all those "right" impulses and some of them are not as flexible as they seemed to me on first read.

At this point I'm thinking it's probably balanced when thought of as a DPS Martial with a funny looking weapon, given that you can't get enough impulses to be a really good utility / support. Even getting enough to be a subpar utility will cost you some important pieces of your DPS chassis.

That said, I do want to see how the larger community reacts once more people than just those of us with subscriptions have copies of the book. Once the 'numbers from the actual game tables' start coming in, where will the community stand.

Given how PF2E thus far lacks a DPS caster, I would be very frustrated if Paizo ever tries to balance nerf this one, even if it does end up being too powerful. The role is too needed.

I think the support stuff is all much more efficient and effective than the pure damaging options... which is probably an indicator the class is well designed and versatile. You can be pretty damn good at whatever you choose to be good at.

"gigantic list of class-agnostic spells" type games suffer to let a themed caster be effective vs the generic "universal support" caster. It's just facts at this point. Pathfinder unfortunately continues to use the "gigantic generic list of spells" popularized by Dungeons and Dragons and thus carries that specific flaw forwards, though Elementalist being buffed ameliorates that by a not-unreasonable amount.

I think the support stuff is all much more efficient and effective than the pure damaging options... which is probably an indicator the class is well designed and versatile. You can be pretty damn good at whatever you choose to be good at.

"gigantic list of class-agnostic spells" type games suffer to let a themed caster be effective vs the generic "universal support" caster. It's just facts at this point. Pathfinder unfortunately continues to use the "gigantic generic list of spells" popularized by Dungeons and Dragons and thus carries that specific flaw forwards, though Elementalist being buffed ameliorates that by a not-unreasonable amount.
Very true. Gotta say that "gigantic list of class-agnostic spells" is one of my least favourite things about either PF or any D&D ed but hey that's a personal preference.

Pathbuilder updated with the ability to make a kineticist.

So people can play around with builds for the class now.

EDIT: It's fully out now. In Foundry and Archives of Nethys as well.
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