PATHFINDER: Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion

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THE SHACKLED HUT: Huldra Conversion
I did a conversion of the huldra that I think managed to transfer most of the powers from the Pathfinder version. As you might have noticed, I have started to add a rituals field in some of these monsters. It helps convey many of the "outside of combat" powers that these creatures are supposed to have. It is a little strange that 4th Edition never did anything like that. These rituals have no in battle effect but can many times have roleplaying effect, or help in explanining the set up of some battles [Page 15].

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


THE SHACKLED HUT: A1 and A2 Encounter
I finished the conversion of the A1 and A2 encounters [Page 8-11], as well as added the mindslaver mold [Page 18-19]. I also looked at converting the Rimepelt [Page 12-13]. Please have a look at that one and give your comments. Will it work? Is it unbalanced?

I also made some minor changes to The Snows of Summer. I realized I had not converted the Ring of Lifebleed, so that have now been added [Page 53 and 56]. I also updated the charm person ritual [Page 63-64]. Feedback on that conversion is also appreciated, as I am not sure it is too complicated or not.

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


THE SHACKLED HUT: B and C Encounter
I finished the conversion of the B and C encounters [Page 11-12]. I also added a modified version of the 4th Edition Huecuva with some added powers and description from the Pathfinder game (gave more substance to the monster) [Page 18-19].

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


I have been off the grid the last week in the summer house. Managed to get some conversions made. So I am now at the G2 encounter. Did a rule tweak, introducing the melee trip attack for the trip capabilites of the new weapons introduced: horsechopper and ogre hook [Page 21]. Found som statistics for the snow goblin in the old 3.5 edition which I reused [Page 27]. Otherwise I think the conversion is going well, a lot of interesting challenges but new insights as well.

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


I added the Mirror Men conversion in the monster chapter [page 36-37], as well as the G3 and G5 encounter [page 21-22]. I also added the ice phlegm poison and the steadfast gut-stone magic items [page 24-25].

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


These once went quite fast as I already had the Ice Troll since The Snows of Summer conversion, but I added them to the conversion for reference [Page 42-43]. I created a new version of the mirror men for G9, and added a couple of frost hounds to G6. For L1 I had to create the Caryatid Column for 4th Edition [Page 33-34]. Have a look at the shatter weapon and magic resistance powers. To powerful? I also added the Nightmare ritual [Page 32] which might cause some frustration among the players.

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


I have finished the lower level of Logrivic's Clock Tower, making it into two main encounters of appropriate level [Page 26-30]. I have added the Trollhound and the Wikkawak [Page 37, 47-48] to the monster conversions. I also converted the minor magic item - hand of the mage [Page 32].

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


I have finished the upper level of Logrivic's Clock Tower, making it into two main encounters of appropriate level [Page 30-33]. I have added the attic whisperer [Page 40-41] to the monster conversions. I also gave old Granny Nan the Foe to Frog spell from Heroes of the Feywild, which I belive will give her the appropriate witch flavor.

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


I have started on Part Four: The Endless Forest. Got stuck with the Dawn Piper for a while until I felt happy with the conversion [Page 46-47]. Turning the elemental font into a terrain power solved the monster issue [Page 33-36]. Also added some more spriggan, which I think will make into a quite challenging encounter.

As I am only copying the necessary game elements that should be used in the 4th Edition game, I have taken away all the great context, information, and stories which creates the magic of the Paizo product. I therefore strongly advise you to purchase the Paizo products this conversion have been built upon, to run the Reign of Winter campaign. I did!
You can buy them from online store.

1. People of the North
2. The Snows of Summer (Path #67)
3. The Shackled Hut (Path #68)


Also read my: H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion

Voidrunner's Codex

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