Let me be more clear. Player wants the ability to manifest the strength, scales and other things provided by Dragon heritage, but does not want the armor, weapons, or +1 bonus. They simply want the standard sorcerer's armor, weapons, and attack bonus. If armor, weapons and the +1 bonus are supposed to be balancing factors (in addition to reinforcing the gish concept), the player and I as a DM for the player want an option that replaces the additional armor, weapons and +1 while reinforcing this particular draconic heritage sorcerer is not a gish.
Given what I have described, if the arcane heritage (crunch) is anything like Pathfinder;s, the crunch will not provide the dragon heritage manifestations (strength, scales, etc) so that crunch supplied by Arcane would be wrong.
If you want to pick and choose pieces of established options while ignoring the rest, then of course you're going to have some extra work to do. But that isn't a problem with this version of the draconic sorcerer, specifically. Anything that they publish is going to cover a small subset of the total available options that could exist. If you want a slightly different option in your game, houserule it in. In this case you could replace the proficiencies and attack bonus with a boost to hp and resistance d8 to fire (for example).
If you find houseruling to be a great burden, well that's why they write the rulebooks in the first place. Make do with what they've written. Do what @Vyvyan Bastard said about refluffing to find the heritage that best fits your mental image of the draconic sorcerer. Or use the draconic heritage as-written but make the choice as a player not to use weapons in melee combat much, because it doesn't fit your character.