Payn's Ponderings Traveller Editions


How do you handle social actions like Detect Lie in Traveller? Intelligence DM seem appropriate as the attribute. Do you use Recon VS Deception for skills? Psychology (science) could be another possibility to detect lies.

(don't tell me, 'just role play it'. It's not helpful.)

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
How do you handle social actions like Detect Lie in Traveller? Intelligence DM seem appropriate as the attribute. Do you use Recon VS Deception for skills? Psychology (science) could be another possibility to detect lies.

(don't tell me, 'just role play it'. It's not helpful.)
I have a new gamer to Traveller right now that I have had this discussion with. They think that being a good or bad liar should be dictated by the Soc score. I told them they are making the mistake of assuming Soc is the D&D charisma of Traveller. I certainly do not see it that way as a ref. Typically, I'd use Int as the stat mod, but maybe Soc if its appropriate.

I always look at the situation and the Traveller/NPC skills. For the recon example above, I might go that route if its an interrogation scene or perhaps the person is covering up a crime. If you are having a conversation in a dive bar, and with a sketchy individual, its likely to be streetwise, opposite for a swanky cocktail party with well to dos where I'd call for carouse.

One of the things I love about Traveller is the skills can usually shape how a Traveller perceives, acts, and manages any particular scene/event. My current group has a couple of Travellers that connected over a diplomatic event. One is a solider the other an agent/noble. The noble gave the solider some high class customs experience, and the solider showed the noble the lower workings of the blue collar folk. Fun times.


I have a new gamer to Traveller right now that I have had this discussion with. They think that being a good or bad liar should be dictated by the Soc score. I told them they are making the mistake of assuming Soc is the D&D charisma of Traveller. I certainly do not see it that way as a ref. Typically, I'd use Int as the stat mod, but maybe Soc if its appropriate.

I always look at the situation and the Traveller/NPC skills. For the recon example above, I might go that route if its an interrogation scene or perhaps the person is covering up a crime. If you are having a conversation in a dive bar, and with a sketchy individual, its likely to be streetwise, opposite for a swanky cocktail party with well to dos where I'd call for carouse.

One of the things I love about Traveller is the skills can usually shape how a Traveller perceives, acts, and manages any particular scene/event. My current group has a couple of Travellers that connected over a diplomatic event. One is a solider the other an agent/noble. The noble gave the solider some high class customs experience, and the solider showed the noble the lower workings of the blue collar folk. Fun times.
We had to Soc score discussion too. He was taking the D&D shortcut but he didn't object when we explained it to him. I'll review his character because he built it on the assumption without telling me.

I really like your Streewise vs Carouse example.

Do you use Diplomacy vs Deception?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
We had to Soc score discussion too. He was taking the D&D shortcut but he didn't object when we explained it to him. I'll review his character because he built it on the assumption without telling me.

I really like your Streewise vs Carouse example.

Do you use Diplomacy vs Deception?
I do! The agent/noble Traveller was a diplomat for several career terms. I usually will call for a diplo in situations of negotiation (particularly stressful ones like ship to ship surrender negotiations and/or cease fires).


The second session took place last Friday because our Dune GM wasn't ready. The investigation moved along nicely. The mystery was resolved but it opened the door to another one which requires PCs to go down to the nearby planet.

So far they earned 15000cr. 5000 for finding an alien statuette, 5000 for transporting freight down the planet and 4000 for offering a bunk to two civilians who want to go down on the planet without using commercial transports.

Part three (conclusion) of their first mission this Friday.


The third game last night. PCs were finally involved in a combat scene. All PCs were very careful entering the alien compound. BUT, the scout (planetologist) was too adventurous despite seeing multiple dead human bodies on the ground. He triggered the alien automated defences and was hit by a 3 meters long metal tentacle with a spearpoint that came out of a column. Never fired his weapon. 4D6 of damage with an Effect of +4. Unconscious with only 2 strength remaining. First aid was administered.
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