I have been running the intro box set for a few months now.
I have not seen the full complete new rule book, yet so I am curious as to its layout and ease of reference.
What I can say is that this game is a real treat! I highly recommend it to all gamers.
- The Traits get more and more fun to use as your character's personality develops. There are times when I fail a roll and fall back on an opposite Trait - which makes me consider that my character is acting in a way now that shifted naturally through course of roleplay.
What I mean is = in D&D you make a Persuasion or or whatever, and you fail and its done. The GM may help you salvage it, but otherwise the NPC or setting states you failed and now you must deal with consequences.
Where as in Pendragon, you instead may choose to roll a Trait, maybe... Reckless. And you make your Persuasion attempt in a Reckless manner. And you fail the roll. So you fall back on the opposite Trait, Prudent and get to roll again. Should you make that roll, let's say you do, then we get this really cool dynamic in the scene where your character was trying to be brash and cocky and quickly convince a NPC of something. The failed roll does not kill the attempt! Roleplay continues, and you lean into a more cautious and respectful tone, and so the NPC comes around and is convinced.
It's great!
And now we have some fiction around how to handle that NPC, and so next time the player may have their character Start off with a Prudent approach. All based on actual roll results.
Can't wait for this game!