Phineas's Dungeon Maps o' the Week (100 maps)

Phineas Crow

First Post
Map 016: Back-Street Arena. An arena, most likely illegal and located in some dark alleyway.

Map 017: Crystal Caverns. Some more caves.

Map 018: Sordid Hostelry. A small inn. Never know when you need an inn floorplan.



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Phineas Crow

First Post
Map 019: Rebel Redoubt. A small wilderness fort with a hidden escape tunnel.

Map 020: Concealed Ossuary. Another underground dungeon.

Map 021: Small Den. A small system of caves, useful for animal lairs or monster dens.



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Phineas Crow

First Post
Map 022: Ancient Burial Ground. The classic house built on top of a burial ground, which happens to be a series of bone-filled caverns.

Map 023: Smuggler's Cove. A hidden waypoint in the smuggler shipping lanes.

Map 024: Looming Spire. A tall pinnacle of rock with four levels hollowed out.



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Phineas Crow

First Post
Map 025: Sunken Temple. A temple, buried by time and rock. Entrance is through a crack in one of the upper floor room walls.

Map 026: Lost Shipwreck. A simple ship floorplan.

Map 027: Dark Grotto. A smallish cave system centered on a large waterlogged cavern.



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As a Story Hour writer, I know how good it is to get feedback, so I thought I'd drop a note to mention how much I appreciate this thread. There have been some great maps here.

On the whole, I think your 'manufactured environment' (buildings etc) are more useful than the 'natural environment' (just plain caves) as the latter are a bit sparse of detail. When you mix the two it works really well, though (like in the Sea Caves).

Have you considered addign a bit more to the cave systems? Shafts, pits, contour lines, areas of rough ground, things like that?

And once again - thanks for the maps :)
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I'm always on the lookout for maps, because they always take me so long to create and they rarely turn out good. These are great. Thanks for sharing them.

Phineas Crow

First Post
Capellan said:
... Have you considered addign a bit more to the cave systems? Shafts, pits, contour lines, areas of rough ground, things like that?

I did consider it, but I decided small stuff like that could be added by DMs who want to use the map. It does give the DM more work, but it also gives the DM more freedom on how they want the cave system to look like.

However, I do plan on working on some multi-level cave systems (where passages and caverns overlap each other), I just haven't got to them yet.
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Phineas Crow

First Post
Map 028: Arcane Library. A multi-story library.

Map 029: Outer Vestibule. An underground dungeon.

Map 030: Thieves' Highway. A section of narrow streets and alleyways.



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