D&D 5E Planescape WotC first look video.

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I'm A Banana

This art is amazing.

I am suspicious of the adventure. It's starting off like PS:Torment, which is objectively a great way to start a game, but it feels a bit like "Hey, remember this thing you liked?", which is weak sauce. You ain't PS:Torment, this ain't the 90's, what's it doing here? Maybe something interesting. Hopefully, something interesting.


This art is amazing.

I am suspicious of the adventure. It's starting off like PS:Torment, which is objectively a great way to start a game, but it feels a bit like "Hey, remember this thing you liked?", which is weak sauce. You ain't PS:Torment, this ain't the 90's, what's it doing here? Maybe something interesting. Hopefully, something interesting.
From what I'm reading elsewhere, it's a Morte cameo and won't be following PS:T from there - it will be its own thing.


Book-Friend, he/him
Pretty weaksauce, if all it is is a cameo. That's some real weak superficial nostalgia-bait.
Based on the lengthy press preview, it seems that Morte does not.play a major ongoing role. But the mechanics of shifting characters as they die and come back might alloe.for.some very different Adcenture design. I'm intrigued.

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