First Post
Release of Quirin Adventure #5: The Secrets of Maevis
Release of Quirin Mythology #3: The 2nd Handful of Epic Creatures
Release of Quirin Encounter #3: Healing Device
Update of Quirin Mythology #1: A Handful of Epic Creatures
Release of Quirin Adventure #6: Lost and Forgotten
Release of Quirin Encounter #4: Quirinball
Update of Quirin Adventure #3: Door to Simit Al
Release of Quirin Mythology #4: The 3rd Handful of Epic Creatures
- see here for more details
Release of Quirin Mythology #3: The 2nd Handful of Epic Creatures
- five new epic creatures, such as a half-artifact (template) and the first in a row of uncovered unmortals (undead variants of immortals)
- a new major artifact for the child of the Observer (see here for more details about the Observer)
- a new epic spell
- many more stuff
Release of Quirin Encounter #3: Healing Device
- for 11th level characters
- cursed traps
Update of Quirin Mythology #1: A Handful of Epic Creatures
- 6 additional adventure ideas for each creature
- several campaign ideas based on the adventure ideas
- description and stats for Trassp
- reworked artwork
- many more minor updates
Release of Quirin Adventure #6: Lost and Forgotten
- sequel to Door to Simit Al
- for 22nd level characters
- 3 epic NPCs
- 3 new major artifacts
Release of Quirin Encounter #4: Quirinball
- for 15th level characters
- a new game of ball
- NPC team
Update of Quirin Adventure #3: Door to Simit Al
- reworked maps and artwork
- new cover
- more adventure ideas
- many more minor updates
Release of Quirin Mythology #4: The 3rd Handful of Epic Creatures
- five new epic creatures, such as another unmortal and a half-epic dragon (template)
- many more stuff