Free Play {Code}isattvas, a new eco-hacking one-page RPG, for free!


Hi all!

I'm excited to share that {Code}isattvas is now available to download and play from DriveThruRPG!


{Code}isattvas is an eco-hacking, collaborative one-page RPG. In {Code}isattvas, you’re an ethical hacker attempting to liberate natural ecosystems under the influence of the Simulated Autocracy of Metaphysical Serialization and Automated Registration Authority, also known as S.A.M.S.A.R.A. By deploying the appropriate programs you might be able to restore balance to the natural world - but you won’t be able to do it alone!

Click here to download {Code}isattvas for free on DriveThruRPG!


M. S. Farzan and The Nightpath Publishing Team
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