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D&D 5E Player Workbench Beta Feedback.

Hey D&D Community, I am in the final stages of releasing closed beta for PW and I would like to know your opinion on the font options. The last time I posted the current font was a big topic. The first link is the font which is currently used and the other link is the official D&D font. Which do you prefer? If you have a better suggestion, let me know the font name. Thanks for your feedback! (I know not everything is laid out correctly when I did the font change).

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The first one is certainly more fantasy-ish, but it does have some readability problems. In particular, the dice notation, like "1d8" looks pretty awful. Overall, I'd probably go for the second one.

Rodney Mulraney

First Post
Both fonts are horrifically bad and you shouldnt use either. They look bad and amaterish, but worse they are non-functional for the intended purpose.

Most people might just get annoyed with them through usage, but many people actually will recognise the issue the straight away - it is what people that know about it will quickly look for and judge your entire work based on. They will recognise the issue and that will be enough for them avoid your work straight away without looking at what you are even doing.

Look in the official books, no one makes this mistake professionally, its like rule 1 for doing this stuff.


1 l I i L -- ones, i's and l's should be distinguishable.

Also it has been noted and I agree the "d" is too stylised, the purpose of providing info layouts is so people have the information easily there in front of them. If the first thing they do is get confused and have to stop and spend time to figure out what is being written, it kinda fails.

EDIT: also it is probably best to just write "feats", since learned feats is gibberish in english.
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I like the second one for headers and tabs, as its hard base line suits the rectilinear boxes, but I prefer the first for most of the other information. It creates a personal, individualized feeling. I'm not in love with the letter spacing in that one, though. You're also going to run into resistance from internet babies who have never read an uncial or caroline in their lives.

You might try to find a clear italic or chancery italic and see how that looks. Failing that, a humanist minuscule, which is only one small step from Times.

As you probably recognize, there is no problem with "Learned Feats."

Ha! Yea, I wasn't going to change Learned Feats, especially since there is a tab dedicated to Feats and the left side is just a quick access/overview. I understand what people are saying about the non traditional text, but I did not want to make a module like everyone else. Almost every D&D app is bland, no color, basic font and not "Personal". I am going for a more GUI/Video game style App to stand out and it is what I enjoy doing.

I do feel the font is a little too close together, I am working it out. Thanks for the feedback.

Rodney Mulraney

First Post
The thing about "learned feats" I was saying is that it is gibberish in english (uk). Although in American english it is fine. In english you mean ; "learnt feats".

The thing is in American english learned and learnt are just synomins arent they? So if that is the case "learnt feats" is better to use? Saying that "Feats learnt/learned" seems to be better even still?

So I changed it to "Known Feats" and made that specific textbox editable, so you can name it whatever you want. :D

Here is an updated image on the new app. I ended up using 3 different fonts for Titles, information, and inventory. 90% of the reviews I got did not like the current font. Thanks again everyone! pw.PNG

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