Please read: Moving your character in the wiki


The PC: namespace is set up for all player character pages. I have started the process of moving existing pages per my proposal .

Unfortunately, wikia limits the number of edits I can make so that I have to wait a couple minutes between each move. I will continue to work on this, but if you want to help move your own character sheet you can jump in and help.

To move the page, there is a button at the top (next to "edit this page") that is labeled "Move" to help you. The new name of your page should be...

PC:charactername (playersforumname)

For most people that amounts to removing the "L4W:" at the beginning of the page name.

As an example, my character "Finnian" is now located at PC:Finnian (weldon)

All existing links to the old page name - L4W:pC:Finnian_(weldon) - will continue to work and will automatically redirect you to the new page name/location.


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All of the player character pages have been moved to the PC: namespace as of this morning.

Now, on to the new templates!

Voidrunner's Codex

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