PM: ♥The Disney Princess Tea Party Massacre♥

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Please sign me up for Jasmine. Princess Chris would like to be Cinderella (s/he has excellent domestic skillz). :-S

For the questionnaire, my email is kmasters at earthlink dot net.

Chris' is cmasters at obscure dot org.

We're looking forward to it!


First Post
Since Belle is taken already, I'm just peachy with Snow White. :)

Come to think of it ... I always did have a weakness for dirty old men, so it's probably just as well!

email addy is dorei dot me at gmail dot com.

Thanks again for running this. I shall be ordering a copy of the game.:D

I might even have a scenario ready to go by next gameday but it will be tough making it as cool as yours.

Voidrunner's Codex

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