Given how many points of view are ignorant and/or corrupt, the truth of this assertion is highly questionable.
The issue is a journalistic outlet pretending they don't have a point of view (PoV), and people believing that.
All journalistic outlets have a point of view. Even if that PoV is a confused and contradictory one, or quite a complex one.
Without delving into the politics, because this is ENworld, for the majority of mainstream news in the English-speaking West has a very specific viewpoint that it attempts to present as "unbiased" or "neutral" or "impartial" or "fair and balanced", but it is in fact extremely partial towards one specific political philosophy (that starts with neo but we won't otherwise go into it) and extremely partial towards individuals of high social standing and superficial academic achievement, regardless of whether those individuals are in fact dimwits or full of terrible ideas. The more mainstream and "respected" the outlets tend to be, the more unwilling they are to state uncomfortable facts, and the more prone they are to using wildly euphemistic or even borderline propagandistic language to support this false idea that they don't have a PoV
One of the defining problems of modern journalism is that this viewpoint is presented as "neutral" or "unbiased" or "fair and balanced" or "even-handed" or the like, when it is certainly
none of those things, but rather a highly specific PoV that is relatively normalized within said media.
The same is true in different ways for all news media, including that covering videogames, TTRPGs, and so on. There's always some kind of PoV behind a site. And that's not a bad thing. You can say "many PoVs are ignorant or corrupt", and 100% that's true, but most news media that represents itself as not having a PoV or being "impartial" in fact is strongly pushing what often amounts to a corrupt or ignorant PoV. Indeed I'd argue the very pretence of having no bias or partiality is itself inherently corrupt.
Thus I would strongly argue that it's better that a journalistic outlet is clear about its "mission" and thus PoV, rather than trying to do a little dance and pretend it doesn't have one. Particularly as this makes it much more obvious when such outlets are failing at their own mission (for a recent example see the WaPo's "Democracy dies in darkness", which is particularly laughable right now).