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An Update At Last, AKA: A Time For War... Preludes III

A Time For War... (preludes pt. III)

General Karsk stared through the spyglass at the assembling soldiers. Knights of St. Arades on their chargers, they were a clean and orderly bunch, decked in the blue and white tunics and cloaks emblazoned with the hawk of their order and lined with silver trim. Their armor, well polished and glinting brightly in the sun would inspire fear in lesser opponents, however border men weren’t ones to fear easily. They faced the monsters that their enemies have only heard of in bedtime stories to scare children into good behavior. Still, these were men, despite their cold demeanor and apparent unwavering discipline they were flesh and blood human beings. Most of the border men had never harmed another human being in any fashion greater than a bar brawl. They trained as much to fight them as the ghastly Fell as many Fell were surprisingly militaristic if not quite so orderly and disciplined.

The were arranged appropriately. The cavalry would charge in to break the lines, followed quickly by the footmen, they seemed to be lacking in high numbers of archers. Something he would normally be grateful for if these weren’t the warrior scholars of St. Arades. Archers hindered such men as more than aided. The number of footmen were low save for a unit of ground troops of the order as well. Karsk prayed to the Light that the council had defense plans well on the way, the Grand Marshal would only be able to delay the legion for a little while if Ismar was serious about invasion.

The general looked about his men in their blue and white tabards, colors of the border region of Galadorn and the region of easiest assault as the foot hills of Aramyr and their strong alliance with the dwarven nation of Steelfast would be too great a thorn in Ismars side to try and deal with initially. No, they wanted the nation of Hallaran to fall first and foremost, the brightest star of the few Gaian nations remaining, the blow to soldiers morale would be devastating. Even the greatest army is easy pickings when their men are disheartened. His men, thankfully, seemed quite ready, they were a people who lived their lives ready for death, and not exactly pleasant death, to come to them. If anything they were angered, piss and vinegar was the term that came to mind, the one Karsks old Captain always brought up when Karsk was but a simple footman.

There was a rustle of movement off to the side and he noticed his men stirring and turning about, lifting his gaze his jaw almost dropped at what he saw, it made sense however he didn’t expect to see such a thing! Riding about either side of his line of pikemen were armored cavalry, not quite as heavily armored as those of St. Arades, no, these men needed no such extra protection, they preferred a little more mobility for their sword arms. These men came on in their bright tabards of red, orange and gold, a bright sun on their shields and a flame on their breasts these were the warriors of St. Promethius, elite of the elite, often those who could find no place further to climb in the order of St. Arades sought to enter the Promethian Order via their strict entrance exam. Most failed and returned to Arades feeling a little more in their element than before.

This was indeed a welcome site to see.

Their were but half their enemies number still, even with the new arrivals, however if anything they would make their foes call for further numbers to give their initial invasion a better chance after this battle. A man with three silver stars on his tabard approached. Gold was one of their colors for it’s resemblance to fire, silver was their true color, for in the north silver was often considered far more beautiful than gold, and when life is so potentially short one learns to appreciate beauty far more than wealth. Silver was also somehow attributed to peace, how was lost in the annals of history but ultimately the difference between the two sects philosophies was one preferred war and the wrath of the light of God while the other preferred peace and knew that sometimes, and only sometimes, war must be made to bring peace. Most of these men were trained since infants to be those warriors of peace.

Sidling up beside Karsk the stopped his horse and finally Karsk had a good look at his face. Their helms gave good protection though the face was left open for better vision on the battlefield. Some would consider it a fools gesture, they had never sparred, let alone fought, one of these men. War and knowledge were their life’s blood. The deadliest of combinations. The man had brown eyes so dark one could almost call them black, his beard was neatly trimmed along the jaw and his mustache came down to join the beard in a clean neat style. His posture was relaxed and ready like a viper knowing few were foolish enough to tread upon it’s coils. “Greetings General Karsk.” the man spoke in a soft voice that somehow carried easily to his ear. “I am Captain Bjornson, my men and I are at your disposal.”

“I would have thought the council would focus your order on more primary defenses than send you into a losing battle.” he said a tinge of skepticism in his voice. He knew the Promethean order would not side with those seeking conquest but were obligated to defend. One of the reasons the bulk of their order was in the North, no better place to defend. Granted their purpose of defense didn’t drain their talent at offense in the slightest.

The man laughed, breaking his disciplined demeanor, the laugh of one who did as much in the face of death incarnate. “That may be my friend that may be. However orders have yet to reach our temple and while we could guess at what they would be we also knew the council would also want Ismar to know the border lands is not a conquest to be taken lightly.” at seeing Karsks brow furrow the man continued “You are a shrewd man. I assure you we sent only enough to give them need to pause and lick wounds. Not to hint at the true might of our lands.” with that Karsk smiled. The sun was shining, clouds were soft and white, brave men were ready to defend their lands their home,

this was indeed a good day to die.

A horn sounded, the reinforcing cavalry moved off to the side lines where they might charge in after the enemy cavalry hit the front lines, another horn sounded, and war began.


First Post

Allright, at long last I have my SH up. So here's a little summary for those interested. This here of course is the prelude to my SH, sort of setting the stage for the world. None of the characters presented are PC's though may make appearances as NPC's in the campaign and thus the Story Hour. Here you are. Enjoy.

The Awakening: Eldritch Entropy
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