[Press Release] Necromancer Games to Publish Monster Book "Tome of Horrors"

Holy Bovine

First Post
Oh baby did I read that right? 425 monsters all with a single page entry?? That is one monsterous book!!

Are the demons and devils in Tome of Horrors going to be the '2 or 3 exceptions' regarding duplication? IE am i going to have 2 sets of stats for all the major demons and devils if I buy this product and Book of Vile Darkness?

Not that that would stop me from buying both mind you ;)

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First Post
I'd pay extra for color hardcover. Too few books have the color interiors which is a shame because it really adds to the book. Bastion Press Monsters is a heavily refferenced book in my group.

War Golem

First Post
JoeGKushner said:
I'd pay extra for color hardcover. Too few books have the color interiors which is a shame because it really adds to the book. Bastion Press Monsters is a heavily refferenced book in my group.

Bastion Press' Monster book is an excellent example of how, for me, color art can make up for low quality art in many instances. I think the art in the BP Monster book is very hit or miss, and I don't love the style of the main artist - if it had been b/w, I don't think I even would have considered picking up this book, even at $20. But the color illos got me, and overall I've been pretty happy with the book.

I compare this to something like CC2 (I thought CC1 was dreadful all around; yes, I bought them both) which is full of great monsters, but the b/w pictures for the most part just don't reach out and grab me the way color does. I know I would use this book much more if the pictures were color.

There is just something about color pictures that really bring the creatures alive for me, and that "something" is a quality I would gladly pay extra for. I can see a noticable difference in the reactions of my players when I show them a color picture of what they are fighting versus a b/w. It's one of the reasons I have invested in so many fantasy art books, and frequently show them the picture of some fantastic monster, while using the stats for something else from the MM.

But I'd prefer to show them exactly what they are fighting, given the choice.

This mini-rant isn't meant to try and convince Necromancer Games to switch the ToH to color - although I'd be thrilled if it managed to do so! :) I expect you guys are too far down the product development pipeline to make a switch like that now, even were you inclined to consider doing so.

-War Golem


What? Me Worry?
Orcus also mentioned that B&W illos are part of the "1st edition feel," which is part of the slogan for Necromancer Games. None of the 1e book had color interiors. I'm guessing that is probably nearly as much of the reason they're B&W as the cost. Anyway, I like B&W line art, quite a bit.

On a related note, anyone remember those monster cards TSR did way back in 1e? Each had a rather good color illo on the front and the stats on the back. Now that's something I could use. It would be a lot more convenient to use to show players, in lieu of dragging out the MM and subjecting it to wear and tear.


Demon Lord
Neo said:
I would also add, i too would prefer a hardbound book at the VERY least, colour pictures would be good too, but i can live with B&W so long as the book is hardbound.

Price isn't too major for things like that as your paying for Quality, and something which will last longer.

It IS hardbound....one monster to a page, etc. :D

Wouldn't have it any other way. :D


Demon Lord
ColonelHardisson said:
Orcus also mentioned that B&W illos are part of the "1st edition feel," which is part of the slogan for Necromancer Games. None of the 1e book had color interiors. I'm guessing that is probably nearly as much of the reason they're B&W as the cost. Anyway, I like B&W line art, quite a bit.

The Colonel hit it on the head with the First Edition feel thing. While cost is a concern, Clark and I decided way back when we first started talking about doing this that the illustrations would be B&W. I even suggested it up front before I had an idea what it costs to print color vs. B&W. B&W pics to me scream 1e (remember the MM, FF, and MM2?). Since the book brings back a lot of the 1e monsters that have thus far been missing, B&W seemed to be the way to go.


Demon Lord
Olive said:
so at what point will you be able to tell us what monsters are in there exactly? And which you couldn't put in due to clashes with MM2 or BoVD?

Cos that would be good to know!

Nighttfall got it with the link, but other than telling you what is in the ToH, we can't discuss which we couldn't include because of the MM2, BoVD, or any other WotC product (NDAs and such). Also- as Clark has said elsewhere, just because it isnt in the ToH doesnt mean it will be in the MM2 or the BoVD either.

But- as Clark said in the release, there are only 2-3 overlaps.
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Hi Colonel Hardisson mate! :)

ColonelHardisson said:
On a related note, anyone remember those monster cards TSR did way back in 1e? Each had a rather good color illo on the front and the stats on the back. Now that's something I could use. It would be a lot more convenient to use to show players, in lieu of dragging out the MM and subjecting it to wear and tear.

I remember those - I think I still have some somewhere? :D

In fact I think I owned these before I even started playing AD&D. Ones I remember offhand are the Type V Demon; Barbed Devil and Frost Giant.

...Hey! Just found one! Its the T-rex! Bit dog-eared unfortunately

Incidently I have an idea for the design of a monster book that has never been done before; and no its nothing to do with gods etc. ;)

...and good luck with the Tome of Horrors all concerned!


Upper_Krust said:
Incidently I have an idea for the design of a monster book that has never been done before; and no its nothing to do with gods etc. ;)
I can't picture anything coming from you that is not god-related somehow :D:D:D:D

Voidrunner's Codex

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