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Prestige Class Listings & Samples (all)



I've completed the Prestige Class Base level listings for Dragon back to issue #275, as well as all of the other core and semi-core D&D resources. Yes, this is for WotC products and Paizo's mags only..we had to stop somewhere! I've also added a sample "player choice" chart so players don't feel overwhelmed when thinking about PrC's.

I hope this helps you pick a few more to offer in your campaigns. It should make your players happy.

BTW, I don't own the D&D Guide to "Good" characters (Riteous?), so if anybody wants to post those here I'll add them to the list.


jay H


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Handy. On a related note, someone over at the WotC boards put this list together - it organizes PrCs by prerequisites. Interesting to browse through while planning a new PC. :)



The EN World kitten
Jay, great list! However, I noticed an error:

The first 3E issue of Dragon is #274, not #275. There is, in #274, a article on how to design PrCs, and the first "Class Acts" article, by Monte Cook, detailing the Mystic PrC, a 10-level prestige class.

Also, Polyhedron issue 147 (when it was still a separate magazine) has a new 10-level prestige class: the Deepwood Avenger.

And of course, there are quite a few products that aren't on your list, including the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, Player's Guide to Faerun, Book of Exalted Deeds, Savage Species, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, Fiend Folio, Ghostwalk, Faiths & Pantheons, Unapproachable East, Races of Faerun, Silver Marches, and Underdark.

Also, while technically in the Polyhedron section, Dungeon has had other PrC's, such as the Blackweave Warlock, Ghustil, Gish Mindslayer, Holocaust Warrior, and Sword Stalker from issue #100. Same holds for the Diabolist, Hermetic Adept, Visionary, and Xenongineer from issue #108 (the Antiquarian and Field Guide, also in that issue, don't count, being advanced classes, not prestige classes). And I know there are others in other issues, though I can't recall where at the moment.

Nice job. Sadly, as giddy I was with Prestige Class creation back in the first two years of d20, I've cooled a bit lately. I only use a handful of such classes now, most notably the Shadowdancer. In my last campaign, that was the only published PrC to be used by anyone, PC or NPC. The only other PrC was a two-level gig a PC took so he could get bardic music without being 'froofy,' as he described it. He billed himself as a warrior-poet.


First Post
While all my players get excited about the idea of Prestige Classes, they rarely take them. They want to have lots of PrCs around as options (and moaned quite a bit with the campaign I set up where I very severely curtailed the PrCs available), yet of all the characters they have run, I think only 2 of them ever actually opted for a PrC.

What are other folks experiences like that way?


Was going to ask where the link was but it suddenly just appeared.
How did you make an appearing/disappearing link? :)

Handy index by the way. Thanks
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Wombat said:
While all my players get excited about the idea of Prestige Classes, they rarely take them. They want to have lots of PrCs around as options (and moaned quite a bit with the campaign I set up where I very severely curtailed the PrCs available), yet of all the characters they have run, I think only 2 of them ever actually opted for a PrC.What are other folks experiences like that way?

That's been EXACTLY my experience.

The #1 reason I found that players don't take PrC's is that they have too much trouble finding one that they qualify for. The "requirements" system is nice, but could better be summed up by simply saying: "you've got to be a 5th level (Ftr/Bbn/Rgr/Pal) or else you can use these clunky requirements if you're something else." The "qualification" process has to be started so early in the campaign that most players just say 'screw it.'

The #2 reason I found that players don't take PrC's is that they feel that the PrC's are weaker.

The #3 reason I found that players don't take PrC's is that they have TOO MANY CHOICES. In essence, most players are looking for the 'best' combo they can get. Well, everybody knows that something better will always come around, so they take a look at 16,000 PrC's and say, "Meh..they're not that great."




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