WOIN probabilities of success

Cat in the Hat

For my own game I have created a handy chart which lists the probabilities of success for the various number of dice and difficulties (inclusive of the chance of rolling triple sixes). Would other people find this useful? and if so, where can I upload it?


  • Woin Probabilities (inclusive of triple 6s auto success).pdf
    28.6 KB · Views: 282

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I just downloaded it, and I know it will be tremendously helpful for me, many thanks CitH! I've been using an online dice calculator up until now, but having this as a handy reference is great!


I've made a chart for personal use some time ago. I went two digits beyond the decimal for those smaller incremental changes to odds.
MDP Matrix.png
MDP Matrix.png

Cat in the Hat

It’s pretty cool. But the chances of rolling 22 on 10d6, while high, aren’t 100%!
Yeah I should have mentioned that it it only accurate to +/- 1%. But rolling 22 on 10d6 is closer to 100% than 99% once you take into account an auto success from three sixes

Cat in the Hat

It does not include auto-successes. I'm not even sure how to calculate that but it's definitely something I'll look into.
I calculated it by treating the chance of a normal success and the chance of three sixes as independent events. Which they’re not. Which is why it’s only accurate to +/- 1%

Voidrunner's Codex

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